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Exam 4

The estimated number of centenarians in the US in the year 2050 could be? 800,000
If you were born in 1900 in the United States your average life expectancy was? 47
What is successful aging? To add years to ones life and to get most out of living, activities to avoid reduction in mortality and impairment in cognitive function, social activity, paid or unpaid work, religious activities, political involvement.
What are some issues you need to focus on in counseling older people 65-70s? -Seeking, obtaining information related to retirement -Adjusting to the change retirement will bring -Reworking personal priorities and goals to be consistent with a retired lifestyle. -Acquiring a new job if reentry into the workforce is necessary or
What is Eriksons last stage and how does it relate to aging? -8th stage integrity v. despair spans from age 65 to death -Need to reflect back on life, taking stock of choices, sense of contentment or integrity or sense of despair (regret)
What are obstacles people have in old age? 1) Not everybody gets to live at Leisure World--$$$ differences 2) Ageism (self-fulfilling prophecy? You dont have to lose your marbles 3) Adjustment t retirement, grand parenting, elder abuse, mental health, dementia
What are the five phases in adjusting to retirement? The honeymoon phase, disenchantment, reorientation, termination
What are some reasons older people become homeless? - Employers do not want to hire people over age 55. Cant re-skill -Medical costs Loss of independance
In what unique ways can elders be abused (in comparison to children)? -Physical, emotional, sexual -Neglect- a caregivers failure or refusal to provide for a vulnerable elders safety, physical, or emotional needs -Exploitation- theft, fraud, misuse or neglect of authority, and use of undue as a lever to gain control over
What are some strengths grandparents face? wisdom, parental experience, time
What are some challenges grandparents face? Limited income, insurance only for them, health challenges, and difficulty
What is dementia? -Irreversible loss of intellectual functioning caused by brain damage or disease -Alzheimer's and Multi Infarct dementia
What is Palliative Care? -Excellent, evidence-based medical treatment -Vigorous care of pain and symptoms throughout illness -Care that patients may want at the same time as Rx to cure or prolong life but not covered by medicare unless alternative to cure.
What does a hospice worker do? -case consultation services among hospice and other health care staff -Plan for patients death -Bereavement counseling
What are the five stages of the Kubler Ross Model of grieving? Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
What is a faith-based agency? Historically funded by members of religion. Government funded since 2002. Historically have served members of one religious community. But if it gets govt. funding, has to serve all people, cannot discriminate in hiring--cannot just hire members of faith
Faith-based services can be any faith or denomination. (Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc.) (T/F) True
What is macro practice? Communities/orgainazations
What do macro practitioners do? Work with communities, organizations to: -Address and confront structural barriers to getting peoples' basic needs met -Advocate for humans rights for all members of society to end human oppression and exploitation -Advocate for social change
What is the first step in community organizing? Needs assessment to determine problem in community.
What is the fourth step in community organizing? Develop a plan of action and funding source--with community!
What is policy practice? Developing new policy that address the needs of underserved and marginalized members of society.
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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