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Sjogren's mouth and eyes become extremely dry.
dysmotility A vague, descriptive term used to describe diseases of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract
amoxicillin not capitalized
desquamative desquamation Relating to or marked by desquamation.(The shedding or peeling of the epidermis in scales.)
alopecia hair loss
sicca Sjogren's - mouth and eyes become extremely dry.
erythematous red
SCLE, SLE Subacute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
Salagen (drug) pilocarpine - treatment for dry mouth
Propulsid (drug)cisapride increases the rate at which your esophagus, stomach, and intestines move during digestion.
Prevacid (drug)treat and prevent stomach and intestinal ulcers
GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Hashimoto's thyroiditis autoimmune thyroid disease
TSH Thyroid-stimulating hormone (thyrotropin)
SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Prozac)
dermatomyositis connective-tissue disease related to Polymyositis (PM) that is characterized by inflammation of the muscles and the skin.
hematuria blood in the urine
perimenopausal menopause transition
CBC, TSH, CPK, aldolase, SMA-12, C3, C4, UA with micro, and anti-jo and anti-PM-1 anti-PM1 antibodies, ESR, and CRP tests
EMG Electromyography - technique for evaluating and recording the activation signal of muscles
crepitus medical term to describe the grating, crackling or popping sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints. ...
PIPs proximal interphalangeal
DIPs distal interphalangeal (joint)
DTRs deep tendon reflexes
lymphadenopathy disease of the lymph nodes/swollen lymph nodes
dorsal being at the back
anterior at or toward the front
pruritic itchy
basilar keratinocytes the major constituent of the epidermis, or at the base, esp. of the skull
dermal mucin deposition protein deposit
serositis Inflammation of the serous tissues of the body
hematologic pertaining to the blood
cystoscopy a test that allows your doctor to look at the interior lining of the bladder and the urethra
nephrolithiasis process of formin a kidney stone
arthralgias from Greek arthro-, joint + -algos, pain) literally means joint pain
tubal ligation tubes tied
Lac-Hydrin 12% cream medical cream
dyshydrosis rash
vacuoler liquid pocket
CPK Creatine phosphokinase (enzyme)
Raynaud's a condition that causes some areas of your body — such as your fingers, toes, tip of your nose and your ears — to feel numb and cool in response to cold temperatures or stress.
malar butterfly rash, is a medical sign consisting of a characteristic form of facial rash. ...
proximally Nearest
lichenified skin has become thickened and leathery
Gottron's erythematous, scaly eruption occurring in symmetric fashion over the MCP and interphalangeal joints (can mimic psoriasis). ...
xerostomia dry mouth due to a lack of saliva
DTRs deep tendon reflexes
aldolase saclike cavity situated in places in tissues where friction would otherwise occur
periungual pertaining to the area around the fingernails or the toenails.
myositis rare disease in which the muscle fibers and skin are inflamed and damaged, resulting in muscle weakness
anular ring-shaped lesion surrounding a clear, normal, unaffected disk of skin
etiology science and study of the causes or origins of disease
q.i.d. Latin quater in die (four times a day)
euthyroid Having the right amount of thyroxin stimulation
Created by: trinka62
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