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definitions of words
Term | Definition |
Adapt/adaptation | the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions) |
Prohibit/prohibition/prohibitive | any act of condemnation and rejection from favor and privilege |
Innovation/innovate/innovative | introduction of something new |
Priority/prioritise/prioritised | something important that must be done first or needs more attention than anything else |
denial/denier/deny/denied | refusal to accept; refusal to believe; refusal to recognize |
disposal/disposedisposable | the act or means of getting rid of something |
equipment/equip/equipped /unequipped | a set of tools, devices used for a specific purpose |
ideology/ideologue/ideological/ideologically | concerned with or suggestive of ideas |
submission/submissiveness/submit/submissive | the act of giving something for a decision to be made by others, or a document formally given in this way |
transmission/transmit/transmittable | the act of sending through or across |
empirical/empirically | derived from experiment and observation rather than theory |
mode | a particular way of doing something |
phenomenon (plural: phenomena) | an event or happening |
decade | periods of ten years |
media | a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information |
isolation | a lack o contact between persons, groups or whole societies |
channel | systems of sending information |
intervention | to become involved in a situation in order to help or improve |
finite | having a limit or end |
aid | help or support |
couple | pair; group of two |
paradigm | a model of something, or a very clear and typical example of something |
classical | traditional in style or form, or based on methods developed over a long period of time |