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FACS Unit 5

ADOLESCENCE the period of great growth and change between childhood and adulthood
MORAL DEVELOPMENT developmental process that refers to the ability to know right from wrong; the process of acquiring the standards of behavior considered acceptable by society
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT developmental process that refers to the way people relate to others around them.
SELF-DISCIPLINE the ability to direct your own behavior in a responsible way
RESPONSIBILITY an obligation or duty for which a person is held accountable
PRENATAL from conception to birth
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT a developmental process that refers to the physical growth of a person's body; this growth affects height, weight, and internal body systems
PERMISSIVE PARENTING STYLE a parenting style that allows freedom, lax parenting that doesn't set limits or enforce rules constantly
PARENTING the process of caring for children and helping them grow and learn
PARALLEL PLAY activity in which children play side by side without interacting
NEEDS anything necessary to sustain life
INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT a developmental process that refers to the growth of the brain and the use of mental skills
AUTHORITARIAN PARENTING STYLE parenting style where parents are highly demanding and controlling, with little or no affection
IMITATION learning that occurs by watching and copying the actions of others
EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT developmental process that refers to the ability to experience, express, and control emotion
DISCIPLINE training that corrects, molds, and perfects ones actions
DEVELOPMENT to go through a natural process of growth
AUTHORITATIVE PARENTING STYLE parenting style in which the leader shares, is people-oriented and is open minded, also known as democratic
COOPERATIVE PLAY activity in which children actually play with one another
CONCEPTION union of an ovum and sperm, resulting in the beginning of a pregnancy
CAREGIVER a person that provides care for and meets the needs of someone else.
SOLITARY PLAY type of play in which babies tend to play alone and ignore of children playing nearby.
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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