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Chavez 5000 SAT

5000 SAT Words

Abase v. To lower in position, estimation, or the like;
abbess n. The lady superior of a nunnery.
abbey n. The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns.
abbot n. The superior of a community of monks.
abdicate v. To give up (royal power or the like).
abdomen n. In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor; the belly.
abdominal n. Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen.
abduction n. A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally.
abed adv. In bed; on a bed.
aberration n. Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course.
Abet v. To aid, promote, or encourage the commission of (an offense).
abeyance n. A state of suspension or temporary inaction.
abhorrence n. The act of detesting extremely.
abhorrent adj. Very repugnant; hateful.
abidance n. An abiding.
abject adj. Sunk to a low condition.
abjure v . To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath.
able-bodied adj. Competent for physical service.
ablution n. A washing or cleansing, especially of the body.
abnegate v. To renounce (a right or privilege).
abnormal adj. Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard.
abominable adj. Very hateful.
abominate v. To hate violently.
abomination n. A very detestable act or practice.
aboriginal adj. Primitive; unsophisticated.
aborigines n. The original of earliest known inhabitants of a country.
aboveboard adv. & adj. Without concealment, fraud, or trickery.
abrade v. To wear away the surface or some part of by friction.
abrasion n. That which is rubbed off.
abridge v. To make shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaning out minor particles.
abridgment n. A condensed form as of a book or play.
abrogate v. To abolish, repeal.
abrupt adj. Beginning, ending, or changing suddenly or with a break.
abscess n. A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body.
abscission n. The act of cutting off, as in a surgical operation.
abscond v. To depart suddenly and secretly, as for the purpose of escaping arrest.
absence n. The fact of not being present or available.
absent-minded adj. Lacking in attention to immediate surroundings or business.
absolution n. Forgiveness, or passing over of offenses.
absolve v. To free from sin or its penalties.
absorb v. To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water.
absorption n. The act or process of absorbing.
abstain v. To keep oneself back (from doing or using something).
abstemious adj. Characterized by self denial or abstinence, as in the use of drink, food.
abstinence n. Self denial.
abstruse adj. Dealing with matters difficult to be understood.
absurd adj. Inconsistent with reason or common sense.
abundant adj. Plentiful.
abusive adj. Employing harsh words or ill treatment.
abut v. To touch at the end or boundary line.
abyss n. Bottomless gulf.
academic adj. Of or pertaining to an academy, college, or university.
academician n. A member of an academy of literature, art, or science.
academy n. Any institution where the higher branches of learning are taught.
accede v. To agree.
accelerate v. To move faster.
accept v. To take when offered.
access n. A way of approach or entrance; passage.
accessible adj. Approachable.
accession n. Induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government.
accessory n . A person or thing that aids the principal agent.
acclaim v. To utter with a shout.
accommodate v. To furnish something as a kindness or favor.
accompaniment n. A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part.
accompanist n. One who or that which accompanies.
accompany v. To go with, or be associated with, as a companion.
accomplice n. An associate in wrong-doing.
accomplish v. To bring to pass.
accordion n. A portable free-reed musical instrument.
accost v. To speak to.
account n. A record or statement of receipts and expenditures, or of business transactions.
accouter v. To dress.
accredit v. To give credit or authority to.
accumulate v. To become greater in quantity or number.
accuracy n. Exactness.
accurate adj. Conforming exactly to truth or to a standard.
accursed adj. Doomed to evil, misery, or misfortune.
accusation n. A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error.
accusatory adj. Of, pertaining to, or involving an accusation.
accuse v. To charge with wrong doing, misconduct, or error.
accustom v. To make familiar by use.
acerbity n. Sourness, with bitterness and astringency.
acetate n. A salt of acetic acid.
acetic adj. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of vinegar.
ache v. To be in pain or distress.
Achillean adj. Invulnerable.
achromatic adj. Colorless,
acid n. A sour substance.
acidify v. To change into acid.
acknowledge v. To recognize; to admit the genuineness or validity of.
acknowledgment n. Recognition.
acme n . The highest point, or summit.
acoustic adj. Pertaining to the act or sense of hearing.
acquaint v. To make familiar or conversant.
acquiesce v. To comply; submit.
acquiescence n. Passive consent.
acquire v. To get as one's own.
acquisition n. Anything gained, or made one's own, usually by effort or labor.
acquit v. To free or clear, as from accusation.
acquittal n. A discharge from accusation by judicial action.
acquittance n. Release or discharge from indebtedness, obligation, or responsibility.
acreage n. Quantity or extent of land, especially of cultivated land.
acrid adj. Harshly pungent or bitter.
acrimonious adj. Full of bitterness.
acrimony n. Sharpness or bitterness of speech or temper.
actionable adj. Affording cause for instituting an action, as trespass, slanderous words.
actuality n. Any reality.
actuary n. An officer, as of an insurance company, who calculates and states the risks and premiums.
actuate v. To move or incite to action.
acumen n. Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of discrimination.
acute adj. Having fine and penetrating discernment.
adamant n. Any substance of exceeding hardness or impenetrability.
addendum n. Something added, or to be added.
addle v. To make inefficient or worthless; muddle.
adduce v. To bring forward or name for consideration.
adhere v. To stick fast or together.
adherence n. Attachment.
adherent adj. Clinging or sticking fast.
adhesion n. The state of being attached or joined.
adieu inter. Good-by; farewell.
adjacency n. The state of being adjacent.
adjacent n. That which is near or bordering upon.
adjudge v. To award or bestow by formal decision.
adjunct n. Something joined to or connected with another thing, but holding a subordinate place.
adjuration n. A vehement appeal.
adjutant adj. Auxiliary.
administrator n. One who manages affairs of any kind.
admissible adj. Having the right or privilege of entry.
admittance n. Entrance, or the right or permission to enter.
admonish v. To warn of a fault.
admonition n. Gentle reproof.
ado n. unnecessary activity or ceremony.
adoration n. Profound devotion.
adroit adj. Having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers.
adulterant n . An adulterating substance.
adulterate v. To make impure by the admixture of other or baser ingredients.
adumbrate v. To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem.
advent n. The coming or arrival, as of any important change, event, state, or personage.
adverse adj. Opposing or opposed.
adversity n. Misfortune.
advert v. To refer incidentally.
advertiser n. One who advertises, especially in newspapers.
advisory adj. Not mandatory.
advocacy n. The act of pleading a cause.
advocate n. One who pleads the cause of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court.
aerial adj. Of, pertaining to, or like the air.
aeronaut n. One who navigates the air, a balloonist.
aeronautics n. the art or practice of flying aircraft
aerostat n. A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air.
aerostatics n The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, and mechanical properties.
affable adj. Easy to approach.
affect v. To act upon
affectation n. A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt.
affiliate n. Some auxiliary person or thing.
affirmative adj . Answering yes; to a question at issue.
affix v. To fasten.
affluence n. A profuse or abundant supply of riches.
affront n. An open insult or indignity.
afire adv. & adj. On fire, literally or figuratively.
afoot adv. In progress.
aforesaid adj. Said in a preceding part or before.
afresh adv. Once more, after rest or interval.
afterthought n. A thought that comes later than its appropriate or expected time.
agglomerate v. To pile or heap together.
aggrandize v. To cause to appear greatly.
aggravate v. To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome.
aggravation n. The fact of being made heavier or more heinous, as a crime , offense, misfortune, etc.
aggregate n. The entire number, sum, mass, or quantity of something.
aggress v. To make the first attack.
aggression n. An unprovoked attack.
aggrieve v. To give grief or sorrow to.
aghast adj. Struck with terror and amazement.
agile adj. Able to move or act quickly, physically, or mentally.
agitate v. To move or excite (the feelings or thoughts).
agrarian adj. Pertaining to land, especially agricultural land.
aide-de-camp n. An officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general.
ailment n. Slight sickness.
airy adj. Delicate, ethereal.
akin adj. Of similar nature or qualities.
alabaster n. A white or delicately tinted fine-grained gypsum.
alacrity n. Cheerful willingness.
albeit conj. Even though.
albino n. A person with milky white skin and hair, and eyes with bright red pupil and usually pink iris.
album n. A book whose leaves are so made to form paper frames for holding photographs or the like.
alchemy n. Chemistry of the middle ages, characterized by the pursuit of changing base metals to gold.
alcohol n. A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burning taste.
alcoholism n. A condition resulting from the inordinate or persistent use of alcoholic beverages.
alcove n. A covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room.
alder n. Any shrub or small tree of the genus Alumnus, of the oak family.
alderman n. A member of a municipal legislative body, who usually exercises also certain judicial functions.
aldermanship n. The dignity, condition, office, or term of office of an alderman.
alias n. An assumed name.
alien n. One who owes allegiance to a foreign government.
alienable adj. Capable of being aliened or alienated, as lands.
alienate v. To cause to turn away.
alienation n. Estrangement.
aliment n. That which nourishes.
alkali n. Anything that will neutralize an acid, as lime, magnesia, etc.
allay v. To calm the violence or reduce the intensity of; mitigate.
allege v. To assert to be true, especially in a formal manner, as in court.
allegory n. The setting forth of a subject under the guise of another subject of aptly suggestive likeness.
alleviate v. To make less burdensome or less hard to bear.
alley n. A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like.
alliance n . Any combination or union for some common purpose.
allot v. To assign a definite thing or part to a certain person.
allotment n. Portion.
allude v. To refer incidentally, or by suggestion.
allusion n. An indirect and incidental reference to something without definite mention of it.
alluvion n. Flood.
ally n . A person or thing connected with another, usually in some relation of helpfulness.
almanac n. A series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain astronomical information.
aloof adv. Not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others.
altar n. Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned.
alter v. To make change in.
alteration n. Change or modification.
altercate v. To contend angrily or zealously in words.
alternate n. One chosen to act in place of another, in case of the absence or incapacity of that other.
alternative n . Something that may or must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead of something else.
altitude n. Vertical distance or elevation above any point or base-level, as the sea.
alto n. The lowest or deepest female voice or part.
altruism n . Benevolence to others on subordination to self-interest.
altruist n. One who advocates or practices altruism.
amalgam n. An alloy or union of mercury with another metal.
amalgamate v. To mix or blend together in a homogeneous body.
amateur adj. Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession.
amatory adj. Designed to excite love.
ambidextrous adj . Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease.
ambiguous adj. Having a double meaning.
ambitious adj. Eagerly desirous and aspiring.
ambrosial adj. Divinely sweet, fragrant, or delicious.
ambulance n. A vehicle fitted for conveying the sick and wounded.
ambulate v. To walk about
ambush n. The act or state of lying concealed for the purpose of surprising or attacking the enemy.
ameliorate v. To relieve, as from pain or hardship
amenable adj. Willing and ready to submit.
Americanism n. A peculiar sense in which an English word or phrase is used in the United States.
amicable adj. Done in a friendly spirit.
amity n. Friendship.
amorous adj. Having a propensity for falling in love.
amorphous adj. Without determinate shape.
amour n. A love-affair, especially one of an illicit nature.
ampere n. The practical unit of electric-current strength.
ampersand n. The character &; and.
amphibious adj. Living both on land and in water.
amphitheater n . An edifice of elliptical shape, constructed about a central open space or arena.
amplitude n. Largeness.
amply adv. Sufficiently.
amputate v. To remove by cutting, as a limb or some portion of the body.
amusement n. Diversion.
anachronism n. Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time.
anagram n. The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or phrase.
analogous adj. Corresponding (to some other) in certain respects, as in form, proportion, relations.
analogy n. Reasoning in which from certain and known relations or resemblance others are formed.
analyst n One who analyzes or makes use of the analytical method.
analyze v. To examine minutely or critically.
anarchy n. Absence or utter disregard of government.
anathema n. Anything forbidden, as by social usage.
anatomy n. That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms.
ancestry n. One's ancestors collectively.
anecdote n. A brief account of some interesting event or incident.
anemia n. Deficiency of blood or red corpuscles.
anemic adj. Affected with anemia.
anemometer n. An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind.
anesthetic adj. Pertaining to or producing loss of sensation.
anew adv. Once more.
angelic adj. Saintly.
Anglophobia n. Hatred or dread of England or of what is English.
Anglo-Saxon n. The entire English race wherever found, as in Europe, the United States, or India.
angular adj. Sharp-cornered.
anhydrous adj. Withered.
animadversion n. The utterance of criticism or censure.
animadvert v. To pass criticism or censure.
animalcule n. An animal of microscopic smallness.
animate v. To make alive.
animosity n. Hatred.
annalist n. Historian.
annals n. A record of events in their chronological order, year by year.
annex v. To add or affix at the end.
annihilate v. To destroy absolutely.
annotate v. To make explanatory or critical notes on or upon.
annual adj. Occurring every year.
annuity n. An annual allowance, payment, or income.
annunciation n. Proclamation.
anode n. The point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or the like.
anonymous adj. Of unknown authorship.
antagonism n. Mutual opposition or resistance of counteracting forces, principles, or persons.
Antarctic adj. Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it.
ante v. In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt.
antecede v. To precede.
antecedent n. One who or that which precedes or goes before, as in time, place, rank, order, or causality.
antechamber n. A waiting room for those who seek audience.
antedate v. To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one.
antediluvian adj. Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the days of Noah.
antemeridian adj. Before noon.
antemundane adj. Pertaining to time before the world's creation.
antenatal adj. Occurring or existing before birth.
anterior adj. Prior.
anteroom n. A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger.
anthology n. A collection of extracts from the writings of various authors.
anthracite n. Hard coal.
anthropology n. The science of man in general.
anthropomorphous adj. Having or resembling human form.
antic n. A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action.
Antichrist n. Any opponent or enemy of Christ, whether a person or a power.
anticlimax n. A gradual or sudden decrease in the importance or impressiveness of what is said.
anticyclone n. An atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing outward.
antidote n Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like
antilogy n Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas
antipathize v To show or feel a feeling of antagonism, aversion, or dislike
antiphon n A response or alteration of responses, generally musical
antiphony n An anthem or other composition sung responsively
antipodes n A place or region on the opposite side of the earth
antiquary n One who collects and examines old things, as coins, books, medals, weapons, etc
antiquate v To make old or out of date
antique adj Pertaining to ancient times
antiseptic n Anything that destroys or restrains the growth of putrefactive micro-organisms
antislavery adj Opposed to human slavery
antispasmodic adj Tending to prevent or relieve non-inflammatory spasmodic affections
antistrophe n The inversion of terms in successive classes, as in "the home of joy and the joy of home"
antitoxin n A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms
antonym n A word directly opposed to another in meaning
anxious adj Distressed in mind respecting some uncertain matter
apathy n Insensibility to emotion or passionate feeling
aperture n Hole
apex n The highest point, as of a mountain
aphorism n Proverb
apiary n A place where bees are kept
apogee n The climax
apology n A disclaimer of intentional error or offense
apostasy n A total departure from one's faith or religion
apostate adj False
apostle n Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority
apothecary n One who keeps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptions
apotheosis n Deification
appall v To fill with dismay or horror
apparent adj Easily understood
apparition n Ghost
appease v To soothe by quieting anger or indignation
appellate adj Capable of being appealed to
appellation n The name or title by which a particular person, class, or thing is called
append v To add or attach, as something accessory, subordinate, or supplementary
appertain v To belong, as by right, fitness, association, classification, possession, or natural relation
apposite adj Appropriate
apposition n The act of placing side by side, together, or in contact
appraise v To estimate the money value of
appreciable adj Capable of being discerned by the senses or intellect
apprehend v To make a prisoner of (a person) in the name of the law
apprehensible adj Capable of being conceived
approbation n Sanction
appropriate adj Suitable for the purpose and circumstances
aqueduct n A water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a distance
aqueous adj Of, pertaining to, or containing water
arbiter n One chosen or appointed, by mutual consent of parties in dispute, to decide matters
arbitrary adj Fixed or done capriciously
arbitrate v To act or give judgment as umpire
arbor n A tree
arboreal adj Of or pertaining to a tree or trees
arborescent adj Having the nature of a tree
arboretum n A botanical garden or place devoted to the cultivation of trees or shrubs
arboriculture n The cultivation of trees or shrubs
arcade n A vaulted passageway or street; a roofed passageway having shops, etc
archaic adj Antiquated
archaism n Obsolescence
archangel n An angel of high rank
archbishop n The chief of the bishops of an ecclesiastical province in the Greek, Roman, and Anglican church
archdeacon n A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese
archaeology n The branch of anthropology concerned with the systematic investigation of the relics of man
archetype n A prototype
archipelago n Any large body of water studded with islands, or the islands collectively themselves
ardent adj Burning with passion
ardor n Intensity of passion or affection
arid adj Very dry
aristocracy n A hereditary nobility
aristocrat n A hereditary noble or one nearly connected with nobility
armada n A fleet of war-vessels
armful n As much as can be held in the arm or arms
armory n An arsenal
aroma n An agreeable odor
arraign v To call into court, as a person indicted for crime, and demand whether he pleads guilty or not
arrange v To put in definite or proper order
arrangement n The act of putting in proper order, or the state of being put in order
arrant adj Notoriously bad
arrear n Something overdue and unpaid
arrival n A coming to stopping-place or destination
arrogant adj Unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc
arrogate v To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds
Artesian well n A very deep bored well
artful adj Characterized by craft or cunning
Arthurian adj Pertaining to King Arthur, the real or legendary hero of British poetic story
artifice n Trickery
artless adj Ingenuous
ascendant adj Dominant
ascension n The act of rising
ascent n A rising, soaring, or climbing
ascetic adj Given to severe self-denial and practicing excessive abstinence and devotion
ascribe v To assign as a quality or attribute
asexual adj Having no distinct sexual organs
ashen adj Pale
askance adv With a side or indirect glance or meaning
asperity n Harshness or roughness of temper
aspirant n One who seeks earnestly, as for advancement, honors, place
aspiration n An earnest wish for that which is above one's present reach
aspire v To have an earnest desire, wish, or longing, as for something high and good, not yet attained
assailant n One who attacks
assassin n One who kills, or tries to kill, treacherously or secretly
assassinate v To kill, as by surprise or secret assault, especially the killing of some eminent person
assassination n Murderer, as by secret assault or treachery
assay n The chemical analysis or testing of an alloy ore
assent v To express agreement with a statement or matter of opinion
assess v To determine the amount of (a tax or other sum to be paid)
assessor n An officer whose duty it is to assess taxes
assets n pl
assiduous adj Diligent
assignee n One who is appointed to act for another in the management of certain property and interests
assimilate v To adapt
assonance n Resemblance or correspondence in sound
assonant adj Having resemblance of sound
assonate v To accord in sound, especially vowel sound
assuage v To cause to be less harsh, violent, or severe, as excitement, appetite, pain, or disease
astringent adj Harsh in disposition or character
astute adj Keen in discernment
atheism n The denial of the existence of God
athirst adj Wanting water
athwart adv From side to side
atomizer n An apparatus for reducing a liquid to a fine spray, as for disinfection, inhalation, etc
atone v To make amends for
atonement n Amends, reparation, or expiation made from wrong or injury
atrocious adj Outrageously or wantonly wicked, criminal, vile, or cruel
atrocity n Great cruelty or reckless wickedness
attache n A subordinate member of a diplomatic embassy
attest v To certify as accurate, genuine, or true
attorney-general n The chief law-officer of a government
auburn adj Reddish-brown, said usually of the hair
audacious adj Fearless
audible adj Loud enough to be heard
audition n The act or sensation of hearing
auditory adj Of or pertaining to hearing or the organs or sense of hearing
augment v To make bigger
augur v To predict
Augustinian adj Pertaining to St
aura n Pervasive psychic influence supposed to emanate from persons
aural adj Of or pertaining to the ear
auricle n One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins
auricular adj Of or pertaining to the ear, its auricle, or the sense of hearing
auriferous adj Containing gold
aurora n A luminous phenomenon in the upper regions of the atmosphere
auspice n favoring, protecting, or propitious influence or guidance
austere adj Severely simple; unadorned
autarchy n Unrestricted power
authentic adj Of undisputed origin
authenticity n The state or quality of being genuine, or of the origin and authorship claimed
autobiography n The story of one's life written by himself
autocracy n Absolute government
autocrat n Any one who claims or wields unrestricted or undisputed authority or influence
automaton n Any living being whose actions are or appear to be involuntary or mechanical
autonomous adj Self-governing
autonomy n Self-government
autopsy n The examination of a dead body by dissection to ascertain the cause of death
autumnal adj Of or pertaining to autumn
auxiliary n One who or that which aids or helps, especially when regarded as subsidiary or accessory
avalanche n The fall or sliding of a mass of snow or ice down a mountain-slope, often bearing with it rock
avarice n Passion for getting and keeping riches
aver v To assert as a fact
averse adj Reluctant
aversion n A mental condition of fixed opposition to or dislike of some particular thing
avert v To turn away or aside
aviary n A spacious cage or enclosure in which live birds are kept
avidity n Greediness
avocation n Diversion
avow v To declare openly
awaken v To arouse, as emotion, interest, or the like
awry adv & adj
aye adv An expression of assent
azalea n A flowering shrub
azure n The color of the sky
Baconian adj Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon or his system of philosophy
bacterium n A microbe
badger v To pester
baffle v To foil or frustrate
bailiff n An officer of court having custody of prisoners under arraignment
baize n A single-colored napped woolen fabric used for table-covers, curtains, etc
bale n A large package prepared for transportation or storage
baleful adj Malignant
ballad n Any popular narrative poem, often with epic subject and usually in lyric form
balsam n A medical preparation, aromatic and oily, used for healing
banal adj Commonplace
barcarole n A boat-song of Venetian gondoliers
barograph n An instrument that registers graphically and continuously the atmospheric pressure
barometer n An instrument for indicating the atmospheric pressure per unit of surface
barring prep Apart from
baritone adj Having a register higher than bass and lower than tenor
bask v To make warm by genial heat
bass adj Low in tone or compass
baste v To cover with melted fat, gravy, while cooking
baton n An official staff borne either as a weapon or as an emblem of authority or privilege
battalion n A body of infantry composed of two or more companies, forming a part of a regiment
batten n A narrow strip of wood
batter n A thick liquid mixture of two or more materials beaten together, to be used in cookery
bauble n A trinket
bawl v To proclaim by outcry
beatify v To make supremely happy
beatitude n Any state of great happiness
beau n An escort or lover
becalm v To make quiet
beck v To give a signal to, by nod or gesture
bedaub v To smear over, as with something oily or sticky
bedeck v To cover with ornament
bedlam n Madhouse
befog v To confuse
befriend v To be a friend to, especially when in need
beget v To produce by sexual generation
begrudge v To envy one of the possession of
belate v To delay past the proper hour
belay v To make fast, as a rope, by winding round a cleat
belie v To misrepresent
believe v To accept as true on the testimony or authority of others
belittle v To disparage
belle n A woman who is a center of attraction because of her beauty, accomplishments, etc
bellicose adj Warlike
belligerent adj Manifesting a warlike spirit
bemoan v To lament
benediction n a solemn invocation of the divine blessing
benefactor n A doer of kindly and charitable acts
benefice n A church office endowed with funds or property for the maintenance of divine service
beneficent adj Characterized by charity and kindness
beneficial adj Helpful
beneficiary n One who is lawfully entitled to the profits and proceeds of an estate or property
benefit n Helpful result
benevolence n Any act of kindness or well-doing
benevolent adj Loving others and actively desirous of their well-being
benign adj Good and kind of heart
benignant adj Benevolent in feeling, character, or aspect
benignity n Kindness of feeling, disposition, or manner
benison n Blessing
bequeath v To give by will
bereave v To make desolate with loneliness and grief
berth n A bunk or bed in a vessel, sleeping-car, etc
beseech v To implore
beset v To attack on all sides
besmear v To smear over, as with any oily or sticky substance
bestial adj Animal
bestrew v To sprinkle or cover with things strewn
bestride v To get or sit upon astride, as a horse
bethink v To remind oneself
betide v To happen to or befall
betimes adv In good season or time
betroth v To engage to marry
betrothal n Engagement to marry
bevel n Any inclination of two surfaces other than 90 degrees
bewilder v To confuse the perceptions or judgment of
bibliomania n The passion for collecting books
bibliography n A list of the words of an author, or the literature bearing on a particular subject
bibliophile n One who loves books
bibulous adj Fond of drinking
bide v To await
biennial n A plant that produces leaves and roots the first year and flowers and fruit the second
bier n A horizontal framework with two handles at each end for carrying a corpse to the grave
bigamist n One who has two spouses at the same time
bigamy n The crime of marrying any other person while having a legal spouse living
bight n A slightly receding bay between headlands, formed by a long curve of a coast-line
bilateral adj Two-sided
bilingual adj Speaking two languages
biograph n A bibliographical sketch or notice
biography n A written account of one's life, actions, and character
biology n The science of life or living organisms
biped n An animal having two feet
birthright n A privilege or possession into which one is born
bitterness n Acridity, as to the taste
blase adj Sated with pleasure
blaspheme v To indulge in profane oaths
blatant adj Noisily or offensively loud or clamorous
blaze n A vivid glowing flame
blazon v To make widely or generally known
bleak adj Desolate
blemish n A mark that mars beauty
blithe adj Joyous
blithesome adj Cheerful
blockade n The shutting up of a town, a frontier, or a line of coast by hostile forces
boatswain n A subordinate officer of a vessel, who has general charge of the rigging, anchors, etc
bodice n A women's ornamental corset-shaped laced waist
bodily adj Corporeal
boisterous adj Unchecked merriment or animal spirits
bole n The trunk or body of a tree
bolero n A Spanish dance, illustrative of the passion of love, accompanied by caste nets and singing
boll n A round pod or seed-capsule, as a flax or cotton
bolster v To support, as something wrong
bomb n A hollow projectile containing an explosive material
bombard v To assail with any missile or with abusive speech
bombardier n A person who has charge of mortars, bombs, and shells
bombast n Inflated or extravagant language, especially on unimportant subjects
boorish adj Rude
bore v To weary by tediousness or dullness
borough n An incorporated village or town
bosom n The breast or the upper front of the thorax of a human being, especially of a woman
botanical adj Connected with the study or cultivation of plants
botanize v To study plant-life
botany n The science that treats of plants
bountiful adj Showing abundance
Bowdlerize v To expurgate in editing (a literary composition) by omitting words or passages
bowler n In cricket, the player who delivers the ball
boycott v To place the products or merchandise of under a ban
brae n Hillside
braggart n A vain boaster
brandish v To wave, shake, or flourish triumphantly or defiantly, as a sword or spear
bravado n An aggressive display of boldness
bravo interj Well done
bray n A loud harsh sound, as the cry of an ass or the blast of a horn
braze v To make of or ornament with brass
brazier n An open pan or basin for holding live coals
breach n The violation of official duty, lawful right, or a legal obligation
breaker n One who trains horses, dogs, etc
breech n The buttocks
brethren n pl
brevity n Shortness of duration
bric-a-brac n Objects of curiosity or for decoration
bridle n The head-harness of a horse consisting of a head-stall, a bit, and the reins
brigade n A body of troops consisting of two or more regiments
brigadier n General officer who commands a brigade, ranking between a colonel and a major-general
brigand n One who lives by robbery and plunder
brimstone n Sulfur
brine n Water saturated with salt
bristle n One of the coarse, stiff hairs of swine: used in brush-making, etc
Britannia n The United Kingdom of Great Britain
Briticism n A word, idiom, or phrase characteristic of Great Britain or the British
brittle adj Fragile
broach v To mention, for the first time
broadcast adj Disseminated far and wide
brogan n A coarse, heavy shoe
brogue n Any dialectic pronunciation of English, especially that of the Irish people
brokerage n The business of making sales and purchases for a commission; a broker
bromine n A dark reddish-brown, non-metallic liquid element with a suffocating odor
bronchitis n Inflammation of the bronchial tubes
bronchus n Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs
brooch n An article of jewelry fastened by a hinged pin and hook on the underside
brotherhood n Spiritual or social fellowship or solidarity
browbeat v To overwhelm, or attempt to do so, by stern, haughty, or rude address or manner
brusque adj Somewhat rough or rude in manner or speech
buffoon n A clown
buffoonery n Low drollery, coarse jokes, etc
bulbous adj Of, or pertaining to, or like a bulb
bullock n An ox
bulrush n Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water
bulwark n Anything that gives security or defense
bumper n A cup or glass filled to the brim, especially one to be drunk as a toast or health
bumptious adj Full of offensive and aggressive self-conceit
bungle v To execute clumsily
buoyancy n Power or tendency to float on or in a liquid or gas
buoyant adj Having the power or tendency to float or keep afloat
bureau n A chest of drawers for clothing, etc
bureaucracy n Government by departments of men transacting particular branches of public business
burgess n In colonial times, a member of the lower house of the legislature of Maryland or Virginia
burgher n An inhabitant, citizen or freeman of a borough burgh, or corporate town
burnish v To make brilliant or shining
bursar n A treasurer
bustle v To hurry
butt v To strike with or as with the head, or horns
butte n A conspicuous hill, low mountain, or natural turret, generally isolated
buttress n Any support or prop
by-law n A rule or law adopted by an association, a corporation, or the like
cabal n A number of persons secretly united for effecting by intrigue some private purpose
cabalism n Superstitious devotion to one's religion
cabinet n The body of men constituting the official advisors of the executive head of a nation
cacophony n A disagreeable, harsh, or discordant sound or combination of sounds or tones
cadaverous adj Resembling a corpse
cadence n Rhythmical or measured flow or movement, as in poetry or the time and pace of marching troops
cadenza n An embellishment or flourish, prepared or improvised, for a solo voice or instrument
caitiff adj Cowardly
cajole v To impose on or dupe by flattering speech
cajolery n Delusive speech
calculable adj That may be estimated by reckoning
calculus n A concretion formed in various parts of the body resembling a pebble in hardness
callosity n The state of being hard and insensible
callow adj Without experience of the world
calorie n Amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade
calumny n Slander
Calvary n The place where Christ was crucified
Calvinism n The system of doctrine taught by John Calvin
Calvinize v To teach or imbue with the doctrines of Calvinism
came n A leaden sash-bar or grooved strip for fastening panes in stained-glass windows
cameo n Any small engraved or carved work in relief
campaign n A complete series of connected military operations
Canaanite n A member of one of the three tribes that dwelt in the land of Canaan, or western Palestine
canary adj Of a bright but delicate yellow
candid adj Straightforward
candor n The quality of frankness or outspokenness
canine adj Characteristic of a dog
canon n Any rule or law
cant v To talk in a singsong, preaching tone with affected solemnity
cantata n A choral composition
canto n One of the divisions of an extended poem
cantonment n The part of the town or district in which the troops are quartered
capacious adj Roomy
capillary n A minute vessel having walls composed of a single layer of cells
capitulate v To surrender or stipulate terms
caprice n A whim
caption n A heading, as of a chapter, section, document, etc
captious adj Hypercritical
captivate v To fascinate, as by excellence
carcass n The dead body of an animal
cardiac adj Pertaining to the heart
cardinal adj Of prime or special importance
caret n A sign (^) placed below a line, indicating where omitted words, etc
caricature n a picture or description in which natural characteristics are exaggerated or distorted
carnage n Massacre
carnal adj Sensual
carnivorous adj Eating or living on flesh
carouse v To drink deeply and in boisterous or jovial manner
carrion n Dead and putrefying flesh
cartilage n An elastic animal tissue of firm consistence
cartridge n A charge for a firearm, or for blasting
caste n The division of society on artificial grounds
castigate v To punish
casual adj Accidental, by chance
casualty n A fatal or serious accident or disaster
cataclysm n Any overwhelming flood of water
cataract n Opacity of the lens of the eye resulting in complete or partial blindness
catastrophe n Any great and sudden misfortune or calamity
cathode n The negative pole or electrode of a galvanic battery
Catholicism n The system, doctrine, and practice of the Roman Catholic Church
catholicity n Universal prevalence or acceptance
cat-o-nine-tails n An instrument consisting of nine pieces of cord, formerly used for flogging in the army and navy
caucus n A private meeting of members of a political party to select candidates
causal adj Indicating or expressing a cause
caustic adj Sarcastic and severe
cauterize v To burn or sear as with a heated iron
cede v To pass title to
censor n An official examiner of manuscripts empowered to prohibit their publication
censorious adj Judging severely or harshly
census n An official numbering of the people of a country or district
centenary adj Pertaining to a hundred years or a period of a hundred years
centiliter n A hundredth of a liter
centimeter n A length of one hundredth of a meter
centurion n A captain of a company of one hundred infantry in the ancient Roman army
cereal adj Pertaining to edible grain or farinaceous seeds
ceremonial adj Characterized by outward form or ceremony
ceremonious adj Observant of ritual
cessation n Discontinuance, as of action or motion
cession n Surrender, as of possessions or rights
chagrin n Keen vexation, annoyance, or mortification, as at one's failures or errors
chameleon adj Changeable in appearance
chancery n A court of equity, as distinguished from a common-law court
chaos n Any condition of which the elements or parts are in utter disorder and confusion
characteristic n A distinctive feature
characterize v To describe by distinctive marks or peculiarities
charlatan n A quack
chasm n A yawning hollow, as in the earth's surface
chasten v To purify by affliction
chastise v To subject to punitive measures
chastity n Sexual or moral purity
chateau n A castle or manor-house
chattel n Any article of personal property
check v To hold back
chiffon n A very thin gauze used for trimmings, evening dress, etc
chivalry n The knightly system of feudal times with its code, usages and practices
cholera n An acute epidemic disease
choleric adj Easily provoked to anger
choral adj Pertaining to, intended for, or performed by a chorus or choir
Christ n A title of Jesus
christen v To name in baptism
Christendom n That part of the world where Christianity is generally professed
chromatic adj Belonging, relating to, or abounding in color
chronology n The science that treats of computation of time or of investigation and arrangement of events
chronometer n A portable timekeeper of the highest attainable precision
cipher v To calculate arithmetically
circulate v To disseminate
circumference n The boundary-line of a circle
circumlocution n Indirect or roundabout expression
circumnavigate v To sail quite around
circumscribe v To confine within bounds
circumspect adj Showing watchfulness, caution, or careful consideration
citadel n Any strong fortress
cite v To refer to specifically
claimant n One who makes a claim or demand, as of right
clairvoyance n Intuitive sagacity or perception
clamorous adj Urgent in complaint or demand
clan n A tribe
clandestine adj Surreptitious
clangor n Clanking or a ringing, as of arms, chains, or bells; clamor
clarify v To render intelligible
clarion n A small shrill trumpet or bugle
classify v To arrange in a class or classes on the basis of observed resemblance’s and differences
clearance n A certificate from the proper authorities that a vessel has complied with the law and may sail
clemency n Mercy
clement adj Compassionate
close-hauled adj Having the sails set for sailing as close to the wind as possible
clothier n One who makes or sells cloth or clothing
clumsy adj Awkward of movement
coagulate v To change into a clot or a jelly, as by heat, by chemical action, or by a ferment
coagulant adj Producing coagulation
coalescence n The act or process of coming together so as to form one body, combination, or product
coalition n Combination in a body or mass
coddle v To treat as a baby or an invalid
codicil n A supplement adding to, revoking, or explaining in the body of a will
coerce v To force
coercion n Forcible constraint or restraint, moral or physical
coercive adj Serving or tending to force
cogent adj Appealing strongly to the reason or conscience
cognate adj Akin
cognizant adj Taking notice
cohere v To stick together
cohesion n Consistency
cohesive adj Having the property of consistency
coincide v To correspond
coincidence n A circumstance so agreeing with another: often implying accident
coincident adj Taking place at the same time
collaborate v To labor or cooperate with another or others, especially in literary or scientific pursuits
collapse v To cause to shrink, fall in, or fail
collapsible adj That may or can collapse
colleague n An associate in professional employment
collective adj Consisting of a number of persons or objects considered as gathered into a mass, or sum
collector n One who makes a collection, as of objects of art, books, or the like
collegian n A college student
collide v To meet and strike violently
collier n One who works in a coal-mine
collision n Violent contact
colloquial adj Pertaining or peculiar to common speech as distinguished from literary
colloquialism n Form of speech used only or chiefly in conversation
colloquy n Conversation
collusion n A secret agreement for a wrongful purpose
colossus n Any strikingly great person or object
comely adj Handsome
comestible adj Fit to be eaten
comical adj Funny
commemorate v To serve as a remembrance of
commentary n A series of illustrative or explanatory notes on any important work
commingle v To blend
commissariat n The department of an army charged with the provision of its food and water and daily needs
commission v To empower
commitment n The act or process of entrusting or consigning for safe-keeping
committal n The act, fact, or result of committing, or the state of being
commodity n Something that is bought and sold
commotion n A disturbance or violent agitation
commute v To put something, especially something less severe, in place of
comparable adj Fit to be compared
comparative adj Relative
comparison n Examination of two or more objects with reference to their likeness or unlikeness
compensate v To remunerate
competence n Adequate qualification or capacity
competent adj Qualified
competitive adj characterized by rivalry
competitor n A rival
complacence n Satisfaction with one's acts or surroundings
complacent adj Pleased or satisfied with oneself
complaisance n Politeness
complaisant adj Agreeable
complement v To make complete
complex adj Complicated
compliant adj Yielding
complicate v To make complex, difficult, or hard to deal with
complication n An intermingling or combination of things or parts, especially in a perplexing manner
complicity n Participation or partnership, as in wrong-doing or with a wrong-doer
compliment v To address or gratify with expressions of delicate praise
component n A constituent element or part
comport v To conduct or behave (oneself)
composure n Calmness
comprehensible adj Intelligible
comprehension n Ability to know
comprehensive adj Large in scope or content
compress v To press together or into smaller space
compressible adj Capable of being pressed into smaller compass
compression n Constraint, as by force or authority
comprise v To consist of
compulsion n Coercion
compulsory adj Forced
compunction n Remorseful feeling
compute v To ascertain by mathematical calculation
concede v To surrender
conceit n Self-flattering opinion
conceive v To form an idea, mental image or thought of
concerto n A musical composition
concession n Anything granted or yielded, or admitted in response to a demand, petition, or claim
conciliate v To obtain the friendship of
conciliatory adj Tending to reconcile
conclusive adj Sufficient to convince or decide
concord n Harmony
concordance n Harmony
concur v To agree
concurrence n Agreement
concurrent adj Occurring or acting together
concussion n A violent shock to some organ by a fall or a sudden blow
condensation n The act or process of making dense or denser
condense v To abridge
condescend v To come down voluntarily to equal terms with inferiors
condolence n Expression of sympathy with a person in pain, sorrow, or misfortune
conduce v To bring about
conducive adj Contributing to an end
conductible adj Capable of being conducted or transmitted
conduit n A means for conducting something, particularly a tube, pipe, or passageway for a fluid
confectionery n The candy collectively that a confectioner makes or sells, as candy
confederacy n A number of states or persons in compact or league with each other, as for mutual aid
confederate n One who is united with others in a league, compact, or agreement
confer v To bestow
conferee n A person with whom another confers
confessor n A spiritual advisor
confidant n One to whom secrets are entrusted
confide v To reveal in trust or confidence
confidence n The state or feeling of trust in or reliance upon another
confident adj Assured
confinement n Restriction within limits or boundaries
confiscate v To appropriate (private property) as forfeited to the public use or treasury
conflagration n A great fire, as of many buildings, a forest, or the like
confluence n The place where streams meet
confluent n A stream that unites with another
conformance n The act or state or conforming
conformable adj Harmonious
conformation n General structure, form, or outline
conformity n Correspondence in form, manner, or use
confront v To encounter, as difficulties or obstacles
congeal v To coagulate
congenial adj Having kindred character or tastes
congest v To collect into a mass
congregate v To bring together into a crowd
coniferous adj Cone-bearing trees
conjecture n A guess
conjoin v To unite
conjugal adj Pertaining to marriage, marital rights, or married persons
conjugate adj Joined together in pairs
conjugation n The state or condition of being joined together
conjunction n The state of being joined together, or the things so joined
connive v To be in collusion
connoisseur n A critical judge of art, especially one with thorough knowledge and sound judgment of art
connote v To mean; signify
connubial adj Pertaining to marriage or matrimony
conquer v To overcome by force
consanguineous adj Descended from the same parent or ancestor
conscience n The faculty in man by which he distinguishes between right and wrong in character and conduct
conscientious adj Governed by moral standard
conscious adj Aware that one lives, feels, and thinks
conscript v To force into military service
consecrate v To set apart as sacred
consecutive adj Following in uninterrupted succession
consensus n A collective unanimous opinion of a number of persons
conservatism n Tendency to adhere to the existing order of things
conservative adj Adhering to the existing order of things
conservatory n An institution for instruction and training in music and declamation
consign v To entrust
consignee n A person to whom goods or other property has been entrusted
consignor n One who entrusts
consistency n A state of permanence
console v To comfort
consolidate v To combine into one body or system
consonance n The state or quality of being in accord with
consonant adj Being in agreement or harmony with
consort n A companion or associate
conspicuous adj Clearly visible
conspirator n One who agrees with others to cooperate in accomplishing some unlawful purpose
conspire v To plot
constable n An officer whose duty is to maintain the peace
constellation n An arbitrary assemblage or group of stars
consternation n Panic
constituency n The inhabitants or voters in a district represented in a legislative body
constituent n One who has the right to vote at an election
constrict v To bind
consul n An officer appointed to reside in a foreign city, chiefly to represent his country
consulate n The place in which a consul transacts official business
consummate v To bring to completion
consumption n Gradual destruction, as by burning, eating, etc
consumptive adj Designed for gradual destruction
contagion n The communication of disease from person to person
contagious adj Transmitting disease
contaminate v To pollute
contemplate v To consider thoughtfully
contemporaneous adj Living, occurring, or existing at the same time
contemporary adj Living or existing at the same time
contemptible adj Worthy of scorn or disdain
contemptuous adj Disdainful
contender n One who exerts oneself in opposition or rivalry
contiguity n Proximity
contiguous adj Touching or joining at the edge or boundary
continence n Self-restraint with respect to desires, appetites, and passion
contingency n Possibility of happening
contingent adj Not predictable
continuance n Permanence
continuation n Prolongation
continuity n Uninterrupted connection in space, time, operation, or development
continuous adj Connected, extended, or prolonged without separation or interruption of sequence
contort v To twist into a misshapen form
contraband n Trade forbidden by law or treaty
contradiction n The assertion of the opposite of that which has been said
contradictory adj Inconsistent with itself
contraposition n A placing opposite
contravene v To prevent or obstruct the operation of
contribution n The act of giving for a common purpose
contributor n One who gives or furnishes, in common with others, for a common purpose
contrite adj Broken in spirit because of a sense of sin
contrivance n The act planning, devising, inventing, or adapting something to or for a special purpose
contrive v To manage or carry through by some device or scheme
control v To exercise a directing, restraining, or governing influence over
controller n One who or that which regulates or directs
contumacious adj Rebellious
contumacy n Contemptuous disregard of the requirements of rightful authority
contuse v To bruise by a blow, either with or without the breaking of the skin
contusion n A bruise
convalesce v To recover after a sickness
convalescence n The state of progressive restoration to health and strength after the cessation of disease
convalescent adj Recovering health after sickness
convene v To summon or cause to assemble
convenience n Fitness, as of time or place
converge v To cause to incline and approach nearer together
convergent adj Tending to one point
conversant adj Thoroughly informed
conversion n Change from one state or position to another, or from one form to another
convertible adj Interchangeable
convex adj Curving like the segment of the globe or of the surface of a circle
conveyance n That by which anything is transported
convivial adj Devoted to feasting, or to good-fellowship in eating or drinking
convolution n A winding motion
convolve v To move with a circling or winding motion
convoy n A protecting force accompanying property in course of transportation
convulse v To cause spasms in
convulsion n A violent and abnormal muscular contraction of the body
copious adj Plenteous
coquette n A flirt
cornice n An ornamental molding running round the walls of a room close to the ceiling
cornucopia n The horn of plenty, symbolizing peace and prosperity
corollary n A proposition following so obviously from another that it requires little demonstration
coronation n The act or ceremony of crowning a monarch
coronet n Inferior crown denoting, according to its form, various degrees of noble rank less than sovereign
corporal adj Belonging or relating to the body as opposed to the mind
corporate adj Belonging to a corporation
corporeal adj Of a material nature; physical
corps n A number or body of persons in some way associated or acting together
corpse n A dead body
corpulent adj Obese
corpuscle n A minute particle of matter
correlate v To put in some relation of connection or correspondence
correlative adj Mutually involving or implying one another
corrigible adj Capable of reformation
corroborate v To strengthen, as proof or conviction
corroboration n Confirmation
corrode v To ruin or destroy little by little
corrosion n Gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration
corrosive n That which causes gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration
corruptible adj Open to bribery
corruption n Loss of purity or integrity
cosmetic adj Pertaining to the art of beautifying, especially the complexion
cosmic adj Pertaining to the universe
cosmogony n A doctrine of creation or of the origin of the universe
cosmography n The science that describes the universe, including astronomy, geography, and geology
cosmology n The general science of the universe
cosmopolitan adj Common to all the world
cosmopolitanism n A cosmopolitan character
cosmos n The world or universe considered as a system, perfect in order and arrangement
counter-claim n A cross-demand alleged by a defendant in his favor against the plaintiff
counteract v To act in opposition to
counterbalance v To oppose with an equal force
countercharge v To accuse in return
counterfeit adj Made to resemble something else
counterpart n Something taken with another for the completion of either
countervail v To offset
counting-house n A house or office used for transacting business, bookkeeping, correspondence, etc
countryman n A rustic
courageous adj Brave
course n Line of motion or direction
courser n A fleet and spirited horse
courtesy n Politeness originating in kindness and exercised habitually
covenant n An agreement entered into by two or more persons or parties
covert adj Concealed, especially for an evil purpose
covey n A flock of quails or partridges
cower v To crouch down tremblingly, as through fear or shame
coxswain n One who steers a rowboat, or one who has charge of a ship's boat and its crew under an officer
crag n A rugged, rocky projection on a cliff or ledge
cranium n The skull of an animal, especially that part enclosing the brain
crass adj Coarse or thick in nature or structure, as opposed to thin or fine
craving n A vehement desire
creak n A sharp, harsh, squeaking sound
creamery n A butter-making establishment
creamy adj Resembling or containing cream
credence n Belief
credible adj Believable
credulous adj Easily deceived
creed n A formal summary of fundamental points of religious belief
crematory adj A place for cremating dead bodies
crevasse n A deep crack or fissure in the ice of a glacier
crevice n A small fissure, as between two contiguous surfaces
criterion n A standard by which to determine the correctness of a judgment or conclusion
critique n A criticism or critical review
crockery n Earthenware made from baked clay
crucible n A trying and purifying test or agency
crusade n Any concerted movement, vigorously prosecuted, in behalf of an idea or principle
crustacean adj Pertaining to a division of arthropods, containing lobsters, crabs, crawfish, etc
crustaceous adj Having a crust-like shell
cryptogram n Anything written in characters that are secret or so arranged as to have hidden meaning
crystallize v To bring together or give fixed shape to
cudgel n A short thick stick used as a club
culinary adj Of or pertaining to cooking or the kitchen
cull v To pick or sort out from the rest
culpable adj Guilty
culprit n A guilty person
culvert n Any artificial covered channel for the passage of water through a bank or under a road, canal
cupidity n Avarice
curable adj Capable of being remedied or corrected
curator n A person having charge as of a library or museum
curio n A piece of bric-a-brac
cursive adj Writing in which the letters are joined together
cursory adj Rapid and superficial
curt adj Concise, compressed, and abrupt in act or expression
curtail v To cut off or cut short
curtsy n A downward movement of the body by bending the knees
cycloid adj Like a circle
cygnet n A young swan
cynical adj Exhibiting moral skepticism
cynicism n Contempt for the opinions of others and of what others value
cynosure n That to which general interest or attention is directed
daring adj Brave
darkling adv Blindly
Darwinism n The doctrine that natural selection has been the prime cause of evolution of higher forms
dastard n A base coward
datum n A premise, starting-point, or given fact
dauntless adj Fearless
day-man n A day-laborer
dead-heat n A race in which two or more competitors come out even, and there is no winner
dearth n Scarcity, as of something customary, essential ,or desirable
death's-head n A human skull as a symbol of death
debase v To lower in character or virtue
debatable adj Subject to contention or dispute
debonair adj Having gentle or courteous bearing or manner
debut n A first appearance in society or on the stage
decagon n A figure with ten sides and ten angles
decagram n A weight of 10 grams
decaliter n A liquid and dry measure of 10 liters
decalogue n The ten commandments
Decameron n A volume consisting of ten parts or books
decameter n A length of ten meters
decamp v To leave suddenly or unexpectedly
decapitate v To behead
decapod adj Ten-footed or ten-armed
decasyllable n A line of ten syllables
deceit n Falsehood
deceitful adj Fraudulent
deceive v To mislead by or as by falsehood
decency n Moral fitness
decent adj Characterized by propriety of conduct, speech, manners, or dress
deciduous adj Falling off at maturity as petals after flowering, fruit when ripe, etc
decimal adj Founded on the number 10
decimate v To destroy a measurable or large proportion of
decipher v To find out the true words or meaning of, as something hardly legible
decisive ad Conclusive
declamation n A speech recited or intended for recitation from memory in public
declamatory adj A full and formal style of utterance
declarative adj Containing a formal, positive, or explicit statement or affirmation
declension n The change of endings in nouns and adj
decorate v To embellish
decorous adj Suitable for the occasion or circumstances
decoy n Anything that allures, or is intended to allures into danger or temptation
decrepit adj Enfeebled, as by old age or some chronic infirmity
dedication n The voluntary consecration or relinquishment of something to an end or cause
deduce v To derive or draw as a conclusion by reasoning from given premises or principles
deface v To mar or disfigure the face or external surface of
defalcate v To cut off or take away, as a part of something
defamation n Malicious and groundless injury done to the reputation or good name of another
defame v To slander
default n The neglect or omission of a legal requirement
defendant n A person against whom a suit is brought
defensible adj Capable of being maintained or justified
defensive adj Carried on in resistance to aggression
defer v To delay or put off to some other time
deference n Respectful submission or yielding, as to another's opinion, wishes, or judgment
defiant adj Characterized by bold or insolent opposition
deficiency n Lack or insufficiency
deficient adj Not having an adequate or proper supply or amount
definite adj Having an exact signification or positive meaning
deflect v To cause to turn aside or downward
deforest v To clear of forests
deform v To disfigure
deformity n A disfigurement
defraud v To deprive of something dishonestly
defray v To make payment for
degeneracy n A becoming worse
degenerate v To become worse or inferior
degradation n Diminution, as of strength or magnitude
degrade v To take away honors or position from
dehydrate v To deprive of water
deify v To regard or worship as a god
deign v To deem worthy of notice or account
deist n One who believes in God, but denies supernatural revelation
deity n A god, goddess, or divine person
deject v To dishearten
dejection n Melancholy
delectable adj Delightful to the taste or to the senses
delectation n Delight
deleterious adj Hurtful, morally or physically
delicacy n That which is agreeable to a fine taste
delineate v To represent by sketch or diagram
deliquesce v To dissolve gradually and become liquid by absorption of moisture from the air
delirious adj Raving
delude v To mislead the mind or judgment of
deluge v To overwhelm with a flood of water
delusion n Mistaken conviction, especially when more or less enduring
demagnetize v To deprive (a magnet) of magnetism
demagogue n An unprincipled politician
demeanor n Deportment
demented adj Insane
demerit n A mark for failure or bad conduct
demise n Death
demobilize v To disband, as troops
demolish v To annihilate
demonstrable adj Capable of positive proof
demonstrate v To prove indubitably
demonstrative adj Inclined to strong exhibition or expression of feeling or thoughts
demonstrator n One who proves in a convincing and conclusive manner
demulcent n Any application soothing to an irritable surface
demurrage n the detention of a vessel beyond the specified time of sailing
dendroid adj Like a tree
dendrology n The natural history of trees
denizen n Inhabitant
denominate v To give a name or epithet to
denomination n A body of Christians united by a common faith and form of worship and discipline
denominator n Part of a fraction which expresses the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided
denote v To designate by word or mark
denouement n That part of a play or story in which the mystery is cleared up
denounce v To point out or publicly accuse as deserving of punishment, censure, or odium
dentifrice n Any preparation used for cleaning the teeth
denude v To strip the covering from
denunciation n The act of declaring an action or person worthy of reprobation or punishment
deplete v To reduce or lessen, as by use, exhaustion, or waste
deplorable adj Contemptible
deplore v To regard with grief or sorrow
deponent adj Laying down
depopulate v To remove the inhabitants from
deport v To take or send away forcibly, as to a penal colony
deportment n Demeanor
deposition n Testimony legally taken on interrogatories and reduced to writing, for use as evidence in court
depositor n One who makes a deposit, or has an amount deposited
depository n A place where anything is kept in safety
deprave v To render bad, especially morally bad
deprecate v To express disapproval or regret for, with hope for the opposite
depreciate v To lessen the worth of
depreciation n A lowering in value or an underrating in worth
depress v To press down
depression n A falling of the spirits
depth n Deepness
derelict adj Neglectful of obligation
deride v To ridicule
derisible adj Open to ridicule
derision n Ridicule
derivation n That process by which a word is traced from its original root or primitive form and meaning
derivative adj Coming or acquired from some origin
derive v To deduce, as from a premise
dermatology n The branch of medical science which relates to the skin and its diseases
derrick n An apparatus for hoisting and swinging great weights
descendant n One who is descended lineally from another, as a child, grandchild, etc
descendent adj Proceeding downward
descent n The act of moving or going downward
descry v To discern
desert v To abandon without regard to the welfare of the abandoned
desiccant n Any remedy which, when applied externally, dries up or absorbs moisture, as that of wounds
designate v To select or appoint, as by authority
desist v To cease from action
desistance n Cessation
despair n Utter hopelessness and despondency
desperado n One without regard for law or life
desperate adj Resorted to in a last extremity, or as if prompted by utter despair
despicable adj Contemptible
despite prep In spite of
despond v To lose spirit, courage, or hope
despondent adj Disheartened
despot n An absolute and irresponsible monarch
despotism n Any severe and strict rule in which the judgment of the governed has little or no part
destitute adj Poverty-stricken
desultory adj Not connected with what precedes
deter v To frighten away
deteriorate v To grow worse
determinate adj Definitely limited or fixed
determination n The act of deciding
deterrent adj Hindering from action through fear
detest v To dislike or hate with intensity
detract v To take away in such manner as to lessen value or estimation
detriment n Something that causes damage, depreciation, or loss
detrude v To push down forcibly
deviate v To take a different course
devilry n Malicious mischief
deviltry n Wanton and malicious mischief
devious adj Out of the common or regular track
devise v To invent
devout adj Religious
dexterity n Readiness, precision, efficiency, and ease in any physical activity or in any mechanical work
diabolic adj Characteristic of the devil
diacritical adj Marking a difference
diagnose v To distinguish, as a disease, by its characteristic phenomena
diagnosis n Determination of the distinctive nature of a disease
dialect n Forms of speech collectively that are peculiar to the people of a particular district
dialectician n A logician
dialogue n A formal conversation in which two or more take part
diaphanous adj Transparent
diatomic adj Containing only two atoms
diatribe n A bitter or malicious criticism
dictum n A positive utterance
didactic adj Pertaining to teaching
difference n Dissimilarity in any respect
differentia n Any essential characteristic of a species by reason of which it differs from other species
differential adj Distinctive
differentiate v To acquire a distinct and separate character
diffidence n Self-distrust
diffident adj Affected or possessed with self-distrust
diffusible adj Spreading rapidly through the system and acting quickly
diffusion n Dispersion
dignitary n One who holds high rank
digraph n A union of two characters representing a single sound
digress v To turn aside from the main subject and for a time dwell on some incidental matter
dilapidated pa Fallen into decay or partial ruin
dilate v To enlarge in all directions
dilatory adj Tending to cause delay
dilemma n A situation in which a choice between opposing modes of conduct is necessary
dilettante n A superficial amateur
diligence n Careful and persevering effort to accomplish what is undertaken
dilute v To make more fluid or less concentrated by admixture with something
diminution n Reduction
dimly adv Obscurely
diphthong n The sound produced by combining two vowels in to a single syllable or running together the sounds
diplomacy n Tact, shrewdness, or skill in conducting any kind of negotiations or in social matters
diplomat n A representative of one sovereign state at the capital or court of another
diplomatic adj Characterized by special tact in negotiations
diplomatist n One remarkable for tact and shrewd management
disagree v To be opposite in opinion
disallow v To withhold permission or sanction
disappear v To cease to exist, either actually or for the time being
disappoint v To fail to fulfill the expectation, hope, wish, or desire of
disapprove v To regard with blame
disarm v To deprive of weapons
disarrange v To throw out of order
disavow v To disclaim responsibility for
disavowal n Denial
disbeliever n One who refuses to believe
disburden v To disencumber
disburse v To pay out or expend, as money from a fund
discard v To reject
discernible adj Perceivable
disciple n One who believes the teaching of another, or who adopts and follows some doctrine
disciplinary adj Having the nature of systematic training or subjection to authority
discipline v To train to obedience
disclaim v To disavow any claim to, connection with, or responsibility to
discolor v To stain
discomfit v To put to confusion
discomfort n The state of being positively uncomfortable
disconnect v To undo or dissolve the connection or association of
disconsolate adj Grief-stricken
discontinuance n Interruption or intermission
discord n Absence of harmoniousness
discountenance v To look upon with disfavor
discover v To get first sight or knowledge of, as something previously unknown or unperceived
discredit v To injure the reputation of
discreet adj Judicious
discrepant adj Opposite
discriminate v To draw a distinction
discursive adj Passing from one subject to another
discussion n Debate
disenfranchise v To deprive of any right privilege or power
disengage v To become detached
disfavor n Disregard
disfigure v To impair or injure the beauty, symmetry, or appearance of
dishabille n Undress or negligent attire
dishonest adj Untrustworthy
disillusion v To disenchant
disinfect v To remove or destroy the poison of infectious or contagious diseases
disinfectant n A substance used to destroy the germs of infectious diseases
disinherit v To deprive of an inheritance
disinterested adj Impartial
disjunctive adj Helping or serving to disconnect or separate
dislocate v To put out of proper place or order
dismissal n Displacement by authority from an office or an employment
dismount v To throw down, push off, or otherwise remove from a horse or the like
disobedience n Neglect or refusal to comply with an authoritative injunction
disobedient adj Neglecting or refusing to obey
disown v To refuse to acknowledge as one's own or as connected with oneself
disparage v To regard or speak of slightingly
disparity n Inequality
dispel v To drive away by or as by scattering in different directions
dispensation n That which is bestowed on or appointed to one from a higher power
displace v To put out of the proper or accustomed place
dispossess v To deprive of actual occupancy, especially of real estate
disputation n Verbal controversy
disqualify v To debar
disquiet v To deprive of peace or tranquillity
disregard v To take no notice of
disreputable adj Dishonorable or disgraceful
disrepute n A bad name or character
disrobe v To unclothe
disrupt v To burst or break asunder
dissatisfy v To displease
dissect v To cut apart or to pieces
dissection n The act or operation of cutting in pieces, specifically of a plant or an animal
dissemble v To hide by pretending something different
disseminate v To sow or scatter abroad, as seed is sown
dissension n Angry or violent difference of opinion
dissent n Disagreement
dissentient n One who disagrees
dissentious adj Contentious
dissertation n Thesis
disservice n An ill turn
dissever v To divide
dissimilar adj Different
dissipate v To disperse or disappear
dissipation n The state of being dispersed or scattered
dissolute adj Lewd
dissolution n A breaking up of a union of persons
dissolve v To liquefy or soften, as by heat or moisture
dissonance n Discord
dissonant adj Harsh or disagreeable in sound
dissuade v To change the purpose or alter the plans of by persuasion, counsel, or pleading
dissuasion n The act of changing the purpose of or altering the plans of through persuasion, or pleading
disyllable n A word of two syllables
distemper n A disease or malady
distend v To stretch out or expand in every direction
distensible adj Capable of being stretched out or expanded in every direction
distention n Expansion
distill v To extract or produce by vaporization and condensation
distillation n Separation of the more volatile parts of a substance from those less volatile
distiller n One occupied in the business of distilling alcoholic liquors
distinction n A note or designation of honor, officially recognizing superiority or success in studies
distort v To twist into an unnatural or irregular form
distrain v To subject a person to distress
distrainor n One who subjects a person to distress
distraught adj Bewildered
distrust n Lack of confidence in the power, wisdom, or good intent of any person
disunion n Separation of relations or interests
diurnal adj Daily
divagation n Digression
divergent adj Tending in different directions
diverse adj Capable of various forms
diversion n Pastime
diversity n Dissimilitude
divert v To turn from the accustomed course or a line of action already established
divertible adj Able to be turned from the accustomed course or a line of action already established
divest v To strip, specifically of clothes, ornaments, or accouterments or disinvestment
divination n The pretended forecast of future events or discovery of what is lost or hidden
divinity n The quality or character of being godlike
divisible adj Capable of being separated into parts
divisor n That by which a number or quantity is divided
divulge v To tell or make known, as something previously private or secret
divulgence n A divulging
docile adj Easy to manage
docket n The registry of judgments of a court
doe n The female of the deer
dogma n A statement of religious faith or duty formulated by a body claiming authority
dogmatic adj Making statements without argument or evidence
dogmatize v To make positive assertions without supporting them by argument or evidence
doleful adj Melancholy
dolesome adj Melancholy
dolor n Lamentation
dolorous adj Expressing or causing sorrow or pain
domain n A sphere or field of action or interest
domesticity n Life in or fondness for one's home and family
domicile n The place where one lives
dominance n Ascendancy
dominant adj Conspicuously prominent
dominate v To influence controllingly
domination n Control by the exercise of power or constituted authority
domineer v To rule with insolence or unnecessary annoyance
donate v To bestow as a gift, especially for a worthy cause
donator n One who makes a donation or present
donee n A person to whom a donation is made
donor n One who makes a donation or present
dormant adj Being in a state of or resembling sleep
doublet n One of a pair of like things
doubly adv In twofold degree or extent
dowry n The property which a wife brings to her husband in marriage
drachma n A modern and an ancient Greek coin
dragnet n A net to be drawn along the bottom of the water
dragoon n In the British army, a cavalryman
drainage n The means of draining collectively, as a system of conduits, trenches, pipes, etc
dramatist n One who writes plays
dramatize v To relate or represent in a dramatic or theatrical manner
drastic adj Acting vigorously
drought n Dry weather, especially when so long continued as to cause vegetation to wither
drowsy adj Heavy with sleepiness
drudgery n Hard and constant work in any menial or dull occupation
dubious adj Doubtful
duckling n A young duck
ductile adj Capable of being drawn out, as into wire or a thread
duet n A composition for two voices or instruments
dun v To make a demand or repeated demands on for payment
duplex adj Having two parts
duplicity n Double-dealing
durance n Confinement
duration n The period of time during which anything lasts
duteous adj Showing submission to natural superiors
dutiable adj Subject to a duty, especially a customs duty
dutiful adj Obedient
dwindle v To diminish or become less
dyne n The force which, applied to a mass of one gram for 1 second, would give it a velocity of 1 cm/s
earnest adj Ardent in spirit and speech
earthenware n Anything made of clay and baked in a kiln or dried in the sun
eatable adj Edible
ebullient adj Showing enthusiasm or exhilaration of feeling
eccentric adj Peculiar
eccentricity n Idiosyncrasy
eclipse n The obstruction of a heavenly body by its entering into the shadow of another body
economize v To spend sparingly
ecstasy n Rapturous excitement or exaltation
ecstatic adj Enraptured
edible adj Suitable to be eaten
edict n That which is uttered or proclaimed by authority as a rule of action
edify v To build up, or strengthen, especially in morals or religion
editorial n An article in a periodical written by the editor and published as an official argument
educe v To draw out
efface v To obliterate
effect n A consequence
effective adj Fit for a destined purpose
effectual adj Efficient
effeminacy n Womanishness
effeminate adj Having womanish traits or qualities
effervesce v To bubble up
effervescent adj Giving off bubbles of gas
effete adj Exhausted, as having performed its functions
efficacious adj Effective
efficacy n The power to produce an intended effect as shown in the production of it
efficiency n The state of possessing adequate skill or knowledge for the performance of a duty
efficient adj Having and exercising the power to produce effects or results
efflorescence n The state of being flowery, or a flowery appearance
efflorescent adj Opening in flower
effluvium n A noxious or ill-smelling exhalation from decaying or putrefying matter
effrontery n Unblushing impudence
effulgence n Splendor
effuse v To pour forth
effusion n an outpouring
egoism n The theory that places man's chief good in the completeness of self
egoist n One who advocates or practices egoism
egotism n Self-conceit
egotist n One given to self-mention or who is constantly telling of his own views and experiences
egregious adj Extreme
egress n Any place of exit
eject v To expel
elapse v To quietly terminate: said of time
elasticity n That property of matter by which a body tends to return to a former shape after being changed
electrolysis n The process of decomposing a chemical compound by the passage of an electric current
electrotype n A metallic copy of any surface, as a coin
elegy n A lyric poem lamenting the dead
element n A component or essential part
elicit v To educe or extract gradually or without violence
eligible adj Qualified for selection
eliminate v To separate and cast aside
Elizabethan adj Relating to Elizabeth, queen of England, or to her era
elocution n The art of correct intonation, inflection, and gesture in public speaking or reading
eloquent adj Having the ability to express emotion or feeling in lofty and impassioned speech
elucidate v To bring out more clearly the facts concerning
elude v To evade the search or pursuit of by dexterity or artifice
elusion n Evasion
emaciate v To waste away in flesh
emanate v To flow forth or proceed, as from some source
emancipate v To release from bondage
embargo n Authoritative stoppage of foreign commerce or of any special trade
embark v To make a beginning in some occupation or scheme
embarrass v To render flustered or agitated
embellish v To make beautiful or elegant by adding attractive or ornamental features
embezzle v To misappropriate secretly
emblazon v To set forth publicly or in glowing terms
emblem n A symbol
embody v To express, formulate, or exemplify in a concrete, compact or visible form
embolden v To give courage to
embolism n An obstruction or plugging up of an artery or other blood-vessel
embroil v To involve in dissension or strife
emerge v To come into view or into existence
emergence n A coming into view
emergent adj Coming into view
emeritus adj Retired from active service but retained to an honorary position
emigrant n One who moves from one place to settle in another
emigrate v To go from one country, state, or region for the purpose of settling or residing in another
eminence n An elevated position with respect to rank, place, character, condition, etc
eminent adj High in station, merit, or esteem
emit v To send or give out
emphasis n Any special impressiveness added to an utterance or act, or stress laid upon some word
emphasize v To articulate or enunciate with special impressiveness upon a word, or a group of words
emphatic adj Spoken with any special impressiveness laid upon an act, word, or set of words
employee n One who works for wages or a salary
employer n One who uses or engages the services of other persons for pay
emporium n A bazaar or shop
empower v To delegate authority to
emulate v To imitate with intent to equal or surpass
enact v To make into law, as by legislative act
enamor v To inspire with ardent love
encamp v To pitch tents for a resting-place
encomium n A formal or discriminating expression of praise
encompass v To encircle
encore n The call for a repetition, as of some part of a play or performance
encourage v To inspire with courage, hope, or strength of mind
encroach v To invade partially or insidiously and appropriate the possessions of another
encumber v To impede with obstacles
encyclical adj Intended for general circulation
encyclopedia n A work containing information on subjects, or exhaustive of one subject
endanger v To expose to peril
endear v To cause to be loved
endemic adj Peculiar to some specified country or people
endue v To endow with some quality, gift, or grace, usually spiritual
endurable adj Tolerable
endurance n The ability to suffer pain, distress, hardship, or stress of any kind without succumbing
energetic adj Working vigorously
enervate v To render ineffective or inoperative
enfeeble v To debilitate
enfranchise v To endow with a privilege, especially with the right to vote
engender v To produce
engrave v To cut or carve in or upon some surface
engross v To occupy completely
enhance v To intensify
enigma n A riddle
enjoin v To command
enkindle v To set on fire
enlighten v To cause to see clearly
enlist v To enter voluntarily the military service by formal enrollment
enmity n Hatred
ennoble v To dignify
enormity n Immensity
enormous adj Gigantic
enrage v To infuriate
enrapture v To delight extravagantly or intensely
enshrine v To keep sacred
ensnare v To entrap
entail v To involve; necessitate
entangle v To involve in difficulties, confusion, or complications
enthrall v To bring or hold under any overmastering influence
enthrone v To invest with sovereign power
enthuse v To yield to or display intense and rapturous feeling
enthusiastic adj Full of zeal and fervor
entirety n A complete thing
entomology n The branch of zoology that treats of insects
entrails n pl
entreaty n An earnest request
entree n The act of entering
entrench v To fortify or protect, as with a trench or ditch and wall
entwine v To interweave
enumerate v To name one by one
epic n A poem celebrating in formal verse the mythical achievements of great personages, heroes, etc
epicure n One who cultivates a delicate taste for eating and drinking
Epicurean adj Indulging, ministering, or pertaining to daintiness of appetite
epicycle n A circle that rolls upon the external or internal circumference of another circle
epicycloid n A curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls upon another circle
epidemic n Wide-spread occurrence of a disease in a certain region
epidermis n The outer skin
epigram n A pithy phrasing of a shrewd observation
epilogue n The close of a narrative or dramatic poem
epiphany n Any appearance or bodily manifestation of a deity
episode n An incident or story in a literary work, separable from yet growing out of it
epitaph n An inscription on a tomb or monument in honor or in memory of the dead
epithet n Word used adjectivally to describe some quality or attribute of is objects, as in "Father Aeneas"
epitome n A simplified representation
epizootic adj Prevailing among animals
epoch n A interval of time, memorable for extraordinary events
epode n A species of lyric poems
equalize v To render uniform
equanimity n Evenness of mind or temper
equestrian adj Pertaining to horses or horsemanship
equilibrium n A state of balance
equitable adj Characterized by fairness
equity n Fairness or impartiality
equivalent adj Equal in value, force, meaning, or the like
equivocal adj Ambiguous
equivocate v To use words of double meaning
eradicate v To destroy thoroughly
errant adj Roving or wandering, as in search of adventure or opportunity for gallant deeds
erratic adj Irregular
erroneous adj Incorrect
erudite adj Very-learned
erudition n Extensive knowledge of literature, history, language, etc
eschew v To keep clear of
espy v To keep close watch
esquire n A title of dignity, office, or courtesy
essence n That which makes a thing to be what it is
esthetic adj Pertaining to beauty, taste, or the fine arts
estimable adj Worthy of respect
estrange v To alienate
estuary n A wide lower part of a tidal river
et cetera Latin And so forth
eugenic adj Relating to the development and improvement of race
eulogize v To speak or write a laudation of a person's life or character
eulogy n A spoken or written laudation of a person's life or character
euphemism n A figure of speech by which a phrase less offensive is substituted
euphonious adj Characterized by agreeableness of sound
euphony n Agreeableness of sound
eureka Greek I have found it
evade v To avoid by artifice
evanesce v To vanish gradually
evanescent adj Fleeting
evangelical adj Seeking the conversion of sinners
evangelist n A preacher who goes from place to place holding services
evasion n Escape
eventual adj Ultimate
evert v To turn inside out
evict v To dispossess pursuant to judicial decree
evidential adj Indicative
evince v To make manifest or evident
evoke v To call or summon forth
evolution n Development or growth
evolve v To unfold or expand
exacerbate v To make more sharp, severe, or virulent
exaggerate v To overstate
exasperate v To excite great anger in
excavate v To remove by digging or scooping out
exceed v To go beyond, as in measure, quality, value, action, power, skill, etc
excel v To be superior or distinguished
excellence n Possession of eminently or unusually good qualities
excellency n A title of honor bestowed upon various high officials
excellent adj Possessing distinguished merit
excerpt n An extract or selection from written or printed matter
excess n That which passes the ordinary, proper, or required limit, measure, or experience
excitable adj Nervously high-strung
excitation n Intensified emotion or action
exclamation n An abrupt or emphatic expression of thought or of feeling
exclude v To shut out purposely or forcibly
exclusion n Non-admission
excrescence n Any unnatural addition, outgrowth, or development
excretion n The getting rid of waste matter
excruciate v To inflict severe pain or agony upon
excursion n A journey
excusable adj Justifiable
execrable adj Abominable
execration n An accursed thing
executor n A person nominated by the will of another to execute the will
exegesis n Biblical exposition or interpretation
exemplar n A model, pattern, or original to be copied or imitated
exemplary adj Fitted to serve as a model or example worthy of imitation
exemplify v To show by example
exempt adj Free, clear, or released, as from some liability, or restriction affecting others
exert v To make an effort
exhale v To breathe forth
exhaust v To empty by draining off the contents
exhaustible adj Causing or tending to cause exhaustion
exhaustion n Deprivation of strength or energy
exhaustive adj Thorough and complete in execution
exhilarate v To fill with high or cheerful spirits
exhume v To dig out of the earth (what has been buried)
exigency n A critical period or condition
exigent adj Urgent
existence n Possession or continuance of being
exit n A way or passage out
exodus n A going forth or departure from a place or country, especially of many people
exonerate v To relieve or vindicate from accusation, imputation, or blame
exorbitance n Extravagance or enormity
exorbitant adj Going beyond usual and proper limits
exorcise v To cast or drive out by religious or magical means
exotic adj Foreign
expand v To increase in range or scope
expanse n A continuous area or stretch
expansion n Increase of amount, size, scope, or the like
expatriate v To drive from one's own country
expect v To look forward to as certain or probable
expectancy n The act or state of looking forward to as certain or probable
expectorate v To cough up and spit forth
expediency n Fitness to meet the requirements of a particular case
expedient adj Contributing to personal advantage
expedite v To hasten the movement or progress of
expeditious adj Speedy
expend v To spend
expense n The laying out or expending or money or other resources, as time or strength
expiate v To make satisfaction or amends for
explicate v To clear from involvement
explicit adj Definite
explode v To cause to burst in pieces by force from within
explosion n A sudden and violent outbreak
explosive adj Pertaining to a sudden and violent outbreak
exposition n Formal presentation
expository adj Pertaining to a formal presentation
expostulate v To discuss
exposure n An open situation or position in relation to the sun, elements, or points of the compass
expressive adj Full of meaning
expulsion n Forcible ejection
extant adj Still existing and known
extemporaneous adj Done or made without much or any preparation
extempore adv Without studied or special preparation
extensible adj Capable of being thrust out
extension n A reaching or stretching out, as in space, time or scope
extensive adj Extended widely in space, time, or scope
extensor n A muscle that causes extension
extenuate v To diminish the gravity or importance of
exterior n That which is outside
external n Anything relating or belonging to the outside
extinct adj Being no longer in existence
extinguish v To render extinct
extol v To praise in the highest terms
extort v To obtain by violence, threats, compulsion, or the subjection of another to some necessity
extortion n The practice of obtaining by violence or compulsion
extradite v To surrender the custody of
extradition n The surrender by a government of a person accused of crime to the justice of another government
extrajudicial adj Happening out of court
extraneous adj Having no essential relation to a subject
extraordinary adj Unusual
extravagance n Undue expenditure of money
extravagant adj Needlessly free or lavish in expenditure
extremist n One who supports extreme measures or holds extreme views
extremity n The utmost point, side, or border, or that farthest removed from a mean position
extricate v Disentangle
extrude v To drive out or away
exuberance n Rich supply
exuberant adj Marked by great plentifulness
fabricate v To invent fancifully or falsely
fabulous adj Incredible
facet n One of the small triangular plane surfaces of a diamond or other gem
facetious adj Amusing
facial adj Pertaining to the face
facile adj Not difficult to do
facilitate v To make more easy
facility n Ease
facsimile n An exact copy or reproduction
faction n A number of persons combined for a common purpose
factious adj Turbulent
fallacious adj Illogical
fallacy n Any unsound or delusive mode of reasoning, or anything based on such reasoning
fallible adj Capable of erring
fallow n Land broken up and left to become mellow or to rest
famish v To suffer extremity of hunger or thirst
fanatic n A religious zealot
fancier n One having a taste for or interest in special objects
fanciless adj Unimaginative
fastidious adj Hard to please
fathom n A measure of length, 6 feet
fatuous adj Idiotic
faulty adj Imperfect
faun n One of a class of deities of the woods and herds represented as half human, with goats feet
fawn n A young deer
fealty n Loyalty
feasible adj That may be done, performed, or effected; practicable
federate v To league together
feint n Any sham, pretense, or deceptive movement
felicitate v To wish joy or happiness to, especially in view of a coming event
felicity n A state of well-founded happiness
felon n A criminal or depraved person
felonious adj Showing criminal or evil purpose
felony n One of the highest class of offenses, and punishable with death or imprisonment
feminine adj Characteristic of woman or womankind
fernery n A place in which ferns are grown
ferocious adj Of a wild, fierce, and savage nature
ferocity n Savageness
fervent adj Ardent in feeling
fervid adj Intense
fervor n Ardor or intensity of feeling
festal adj Joyous
festive adj Merry
fete n A festival or feast
fetus n The young in the womb or in the egg
feudal adj Pertaining to the relation of lord and vassal
feudalism n The feudal system
fez n A brimless felt cap in the shape of a truncated cone, usually red with a black tassel
fiasco n A complete or humiliating failure
fickle adj Unduly changeable in feeling, judgment, or purpose
fictitious adj Created or formed by the imagination
fidelity n Loyalty
fiducial adj Indicative of faith or trust
fief n A landed estate held under feudal tenure
filibuster n One who attempts to obstruct legislation
finale n Concluding performance
finality n The state or quality of being final or complete
finally adv At last
financial adj Monetary
financier n One skilled in or occupied with financial affairs or operations
finery n That which is used to decorate the person or dress
finesse n Subtle contrivance used to gain a point
finite adj Limited
fiscal adj Pertaining to the treasury or public finances of a government
fishmonger n One who sells fish
fissure n A crack or crack-like depression
fitful adj Spasmodic
fixture n One who or that which is expected to remain permanently in its position
flag-officer n The captain of a flag-ship
flagrant adj Openly scandalous
flamboyant adj Characterized by extravagance and in general by want of good taste
flatulence n Accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels
flection n The act of bending
fledgling n A young bird
flexible adj Pliable
flimsy adj Thin and weak
flippant adj Having a light, pert, trifling disposition
floe n A collection of tabular masses of floating polar ice
flora n The aggregate of plants growing without cultivation in a district
floral adj Pertaining to flowers
florid adj Flushed with red
florist n A dealer in flowers
fluctuate v To pass backward and forward irregularly from one state or degree to another
fluctuation n Frequent irregular change back and forth from one state or degree to another
flue n A smoke-duct in a chimney
fluent adj Having a ready or easy flow of words or ideas
fluential adj Pertaining to streams
flux n A state of constant movement, change, or renewal
foggy adj Obscure
foible n A personal weakness or failing
foist v To palm off
foliage n Any growth of leaves
folio n A sheet of paper folded once, or of a size adapted to folding once
folk-lore n The traditions, beliefs, and customs of the common people
fondle v To handle tenderly and lovingly
foolery n Folly
foot-note n A note of explanation or comment at the foot of a page or column
foppery n Dandyism
foppish adj Characteristic of one who is unduly devoted to dress and the niceties of manners
forbearance n Patient endurance or toleration of offenses
forby adv Besides
forcible adj Violent
forecourt n A court opening directly from the street
forejudge v To judge of before hearing evidence
forepeak n The extreme forward part of a ship's hold, under the lowest deck
foreshore n That part of a shore uncovered at low tide
forebode v To be an omen or warning sign of, especially of evil
forecast v To predict
forecastle n That part of the upper deck of a ship forward of the after fore-shrouds
foreclose v To bar by judicial proceedings the equitable right of a mortgagor to redeem property
forefather n An ancestor
forego v To deny oneself the pleasure or profit of
foreground n That part of a landscape or picture situated or represented as nearest the spectator
forehead n The upper part of the face, between the eyes and the hair
foreign adj Belonging to, situated in, or derived from another country
foreigner n A citizen of a foreign country
foreknowledge n Prescience
foreman n The head man
foreordain v To predetermine
foreordination n Predestination
forerun v To go before as introducing or ushering in
foresail n A square sail
foresee v To discern beforehand
foresight n Provision against harm or need
foretell v To predict
forethought n Premeditation
forfeit v To lose possession of through failure to fulfill some obligation
forfend v To ward off
forgery n Counterfeiting
forgo v To deny oneself
formation n Relative disposition of parts
formidable adj Difficult to accomplish
formula n Fixed rule or set form
forswear v To renounce upon oath
forte n A strong point
forth adv Into notice or view
forthright adv With directness
fortify v To provide with defensive works
fortitude n Patient courage
foursome adj Consisting of four
fracture n A break
fragile adj Easily broken
frailty n Liability to be broken or destroyed
fragile adj Capable of being broken
frankincense n A gum or resin which on burning yields aromatic fumes
frantic adj Frenzied
fraternal adj Brotherly
fraudulence n Deceitfulness
fraudulent adj Counterfeit
fray v To fret at the edge so as to loosen or break the threads
freemason n A member of an ancient secret fraternity originally confined to skilled artisans
freethinker n One who rejects authority or inspiration in religion
free trade n Commerce unrestricted by tariff or customs
frequency n The comparative number of any kind of occurrences within a given time or space
fresco n The art of painting on a surface of plaster, particularly on walls and ceilings
freshness n The state, quality, or degree of being fresh
fretful adj Disposed to peevishness
frightful adj Apt to induce terror or alarm
frigid adj Lacking warmth
frigidarium n A room kept at a low temperature for preserving fruits, meat, etc
frivolity n A trifling act, thought, saying, or practice
frivolous adj Trivial
frizz v To give a crinkled, fluffy appearance to
frizzle v To cause to crinkle or curl, as the hair
frolicsome adj Prankish
frontier n The part of a nation's territory that abuts upon another country
frowzy adj Slovenly in appearance
frugal adj Economical
fruition n Fulfillment
fugacious adj Fleeting
fulcrum n The support on or against which a lever rests, or the point about which it turns
fulminate v To cause to explode
fulsome adj Offensive from excess of praise or commendation
fumigate v To subject to the action of smoke or fumes, especially for disinfection
functionary n An official
fundamental adj Basal
fungible adj That may be measured, counted, or weighed
fungous adj Spongy
fungus n A plant destitute of chlorophyll, as a mushroom
furbish v To restore brightness or beauty to
furlong n A measure, one-eighth of a mile
furlough n A temporary absence of a soldier or sailor by permission of the commanding officer
furrier n A dealer in or maker of fur goods
further adj More distant or advanced
furtherance n Advancement
furtive adj Stealthy or sly, like the actions of a thief
fuse v To unite or blend as by melting together
fusible adj Capable of being melted by heat
futile adj Of no avail or effect
futurist n A person of expectant temperament
gauge n An instrument for measuring
gaiety n Festivity
gaily adv Merrily
gait n Carriage of the body in going
gallant adj Possessing a brave or chivalrous spirit
galore adj Abundant
galvanic adj Pertaining or relating to electricity produced by chemical action
galvanism n Current electricity, especially that arising from chemical action
galvanize v To imbue with life or animation
gamble v To risk money or other possession on an event, chance, or contingency
gambol n Playful leaping or frisking
gamester n A gambler
gamut n The whole range or sequence
garnish v In cookery, to surround with additions for embellishment
garrison n The military force stationed in a fort, town, or other place for its defense
garrote v To execute by strangling
garrulous adj Given to constant trivial talking
gaseous adj Light and unsubstantial
gastric adj Of, pertaining to, or near the stomach
gastritis n Inflammation of the stomach
gastronomy n The art of preparing and serving appetizing food
gendarme n In continental Europe, particularly in France, a uniformed and armed police officer
genealogy n A list, in the order of succession, of ancestors and their descendants
genealogist n A tracer of pedigrees
generality n The principal portion
generalize v To draw general inferences
generally adv Ordinarily
generate v To produce or cause to be
generic adj Noting a genus or kind; opposed to specific
generosity n A disposition to give liberally or to bestow favors heartily
genesis n Creation
geniality n Warmth and kindliness of disposition
genital adj Of or pertaining to the animal reproductive organs
genitive adj Indicating source, origin, possession, or the like
genteel adj Well-bred or refined
gentile adj Belonging to a people not Jewish
geology n The department of natural science that treats of the constitution and structure of the earth
germane adj Relevant
germinate v To begin to develop into an embryo or higher form
gestation n Pregnancy
gesticulate v To make gestures or motions, as in speaking, or in place of speech
gesture n A movement or action of the hands or face, expressive of some idea or emotion
ghastly adj Hideous
gibe v To utter taunts or reproaches
giddy adj Affected with a whirling or swimming sensation in the head
gigantic adj Tremendous
giver n One who gives, in any sense
glacial adj Icy, or icily cold
glacier n A field or stream of ice
gladden v To make joyous
glazier n One who cuts and fits panes of glass, as for windows
glimmer n A faint, wavering, unsteady light
glimpse n A momentary look
globose adj Spherical
globular adj Spherical
glorious adj Of excellence and splendor
glutinous adj Sticky
gluttonous adj Given to excess in eating
gnash v To grind or strike the teeth together, as from rage
Gordian knot n Any difficulty the only issue out of which is by bold or unusual manners
gourmand n A connoisseur in the delicacies of the table
gosling n A young goose
gossamer adj Flimsy
gourd n A melon, pumpkin, squash, or some similar fruit having a hard rind
graceless adj Ungracious
gradation n A step, degree, rank, or relative position in an order or series
gradient adj Moving or advancing by steps
granary n A storehouse for grain after it is thrashed or husked
grandeur n The quality of being grand or admirably great
grandiloquent adj Speaking in or characterized by a pompous or bombastic style
grandiose adj Having an imposing style or effect
grantee n The person to whom property is transferred by deed
grantor n The maker of a deed
granular adj Composed of small grains or particles
granulate v To form into grains or small particles
granule n A small grain or particle
grapple v To take hold of
gratification n Satisfaction
gratify v To please, as by satisfying a physical or mental desire or need
gratuitous adj Voluntarily
gratuity n That which is given without demand or claim
gravity n Seriousness
gregarious adj Not habitually solitary or living alone
grenadier n A member of a regiment composed of men of great stature
grief n Sorrow
grievance n That which oppresses, injures, or causes grief and at the same time a sense of wrong
grievous adj Creating affliction
grimace n A distortion of the features, occasioned by some feeling of pain, disgust, etc
grindstone n A flat circular stone, used for sharpening tools
grisly adj Fear-inspiring
grotesque adj Incongruously composed or ill-proportioned
grotto n A small cavern
ground n A pavement or floor or any supporting surface on which one may walk
guess n Surmise
guile n Duplicity
guileless adj Frank
guinea n An English monetary unit
guise n The external appearance as produced by garb or costume
gullible adj Credulous
gumption n Common sense
gusto n Keen enjoyment
guy n Stay-rope
guzzle v To swallow greedily or hastily; gulp
gynecocracy n Female supremacy
gynecology n The science that treats of the functions and diseases peculiar to women
gyrate v To revolve
gyroscope n An instrument for illustrating the laws of rotation
habitable adj Fit to be dwelt in
habitant n Dweller
habitual adj According to usual practice
habitude n Customary relation or association
hackney v To make stale or trite by repetition
haggard adj Worn and gaunt in appearance
halcyon adj Calm
hale adj Of sound and vigorous health
handwriting n Penmanship
hanger-on n A parasite
happy-go-lucky adj Improvident
harangue n A tirade
harass v To trouble with importunities, cares, or annoyances
harbinger n One who or that which foreruns and announces the coming of any person or thing
hard-hearted adj Lacking pity or sympathy
hardihood n Foolish daring
harmonious adj Concordant in sound
havoc n Devastation
hawthorn n A thorny shrub much used in England for hedges
hazard n Risk
head first adv Precipitately, as in diving
head foremost adv Precipitately, as in diving
heartrending adj Very depressing
heathenish adj Irreligious
heedless adj Thoughtless
heifer n A young cow
heinous adj Odiously sinful
hemorrhage n Discharge of blood from a ruptured or wounded blood-vessel
hemorrhoids n Tumors composed of enlarged and thickened blood-vessels, at the lower end of the rectum
henchman n A servile assistant and subordinate
henpeck v To worry or harass by ill temper and petty annoyances
heptagon n A figure having seven sides and seven angles
heptarchy n A group of seven governments
herbaceous adj Having the character of a herb
herbarium n A collection of dried plants scientifically arranged for study
herbivorous adj Feeding on herbs or other vegetable matter, as animals
hereditary adj Passing naturally from parent to child
heredity n Transmission of physical or mental qualities, diseases, etc
heresy n An opinion or doctrine subversive of settled beliefs or accepted principles
heretic n One who holds opinions contrary to the recognized standards or tenets of any philosophy
heritage n Birthright
hernia n Protrusion of any internal organ in whole or in part from its normal position
hesitancy n A pausing to consider
hesitant adj Vacillating
hesitation n Vacillation
heterodox adj At variance with any commonly accepted doctrine or opinion
heterogeneity n Unlikeness of constituent parts
heterogeneous adj Consisting of dissimilar elements or ingredients of different kinds
heteromorphic adj Deviating from the normal form or standard type
hexangular adj Having six angles
hexapod adj Having six feet
hexagon n A figure with six angles
hiatus n A break or vacancy where something necessary to supply the connection is wanting
hibernal adj Pertaining to winter
Hibernian adj Pertaining to Ireland, or its people
hideous adj Appalling
hilarious adj Boisterously merry
hillock n A small hill or mound
hinder v To obstruct
hindmost adj Farthest from the front
hindrance n An obstacle
hirsute adj Having a hairy covering
hoard v To gather and store away for the sake of accumulation
hoarse adj Having the voice harsh or rough, as from a cold or fatigue
homage n Reverential regard or worship
homogeneity n Congruity of the members or elements or parts
homogeneous adj Made up of similar parts or elements
homologous adj Identical in nature, make-up, or relation
homonym n A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another
homophone n A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another
honorarium n A token fee or payment to a professional man for services
hoodwink v To deceive
horde n A gathered multitude of human beings
hosiery n A stocking
hospitable adj Disposed to treat strangers or guests with generous kindness
hospitality n The practice of receiving and entertaining strangers and guests with kindness
hostility n Enmity
huckster n One who retails small wares
humane adj Compassionate
humanitarian n A philanthropist
humanize v To make gentle or refined
humbug n Anything intended or calculated to deceive or mislead
humiliate v To put to shame
hussar n A light-horse trooper armed with saber and carbine
hustle v To move with haste and promptness
hybrid adj Cross-bred
hydra n The seven- or nine-headed water-serpent slain by Hercules
hydraulic adj Involving the moving of water, of the force exerted by water in motion
hydrodynamics n The branch of mechanics that treats of the dynamics of fluids
hydroelectric adj Pertaining to electricity developed water or steam
hydromechanics n The mechanics of fluids
hydrometer n An instrument for determining the density of solids and liquids by flotation
hydrostatics n The branch of science that treats of the pressure and equilibrium of fluids
hydrous adj Watery
hygiene n The branch of medical science that relates to improving health
hypercritical adj Faultfinding
hypnosis n An artificial trance-sleep
hypnotic adj Tending to produce sleep
hypnotism n An artificially induced somnambulistic state in which the mind readily acts on suggestion
hypnotize v To produce a somnambulistic state in which the mind readily acts on suggestions
hypocrisy n Extreme insincerity
hypocrite n One who makes false professions of his views or beliefs
hypodermic adj Pertaining to the area under the skin
hypotenuse n The side of a right-angled triangle opposite the right angle
hypothesis n A proposition taken for granted as a premise from which to reach a conclusion
hysteria n A nervous affection occurring typically in paroxysms of laughing and crying
ichthyic adj Fish-like
ichthyology n The branch of zoology that treats of fishes
ichthyosaurs n A fossil reptile
icily adv Frigidly
iciness n The state of being icy
icon n An image or likeness
iconoclast n An image-breaker
idealize v To make to conform to some mental or imaginary standard
idiom n A use of words peculiar to a particular language
idiosyncrasy n A mental quality or habit peculiar to an individual
idolize v To regard with inordinate love or admiration
ignoble adj Low in character or purpose
ignominious adj Shameful
Iliad n A Greek epic poem describing scenes from the siege of Troy
illegal adj Not according to law
illegible adj Undecipherable
illegitimate adj Unlawfully begotten
illiberal adj Stingy
illicit adj Unlawful
illimitable adj Boundless
illiterate adj Having little or no book-learning
ill-natured adj Surly
illogical adj Contrary to the rules of sound thought
illuminant n That which may be used to produce light
illuminate v To supply with light
illumine v To make bright or clear
illusion n An unreal image presented to the senses
illusive adj Deceptive
illusory adj Deceiving or tending to deceive, as by false appearance
imaginable adj That can be imagined or conceived in the mind
imaginary adj Fancied
imbibe v To drink or take in
imbroglio n A misunderstanding attended by ill feeling, perplexity, or strife
imbrue v To wet or moisten
imitation n That which is made as a likeness or copy
imitator n One who makes in imitation
immaculate adj Without spot or blemish
immaterial adj Of no essential consequence
immature adj Not full-grown
immeasurable adj Indefinitely extensive
immense adj Very great in degree, extent, size, or quantity
immerse v To plunge or dip entirely under water or other fluid
immersion n The act of plunging or dipping entirely under water or another fluid
immigrant n A foreigner who enters a country to settle there
immigrate v To come into a country or region from a former habitat
imminence n Impending evil or danger
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