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Egl Literary Terms

Alliteration repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of several words in a group. The purpose is th draw attention to a phrase or idea.
Allusion a reference in one literary work to a character, theme, or event from another literary work.
Antagonist a person or force which opposes the protagonist in a literary work
Apostrophe a figure of speech when the speaker speaks directly to an absent or dead person, a deity (god), or something nonhuman as if it were present and capable of responding.
Aside a device in which a character in a drama makes a short speech whichis heard by the audience but not by the other characters in the play.
Assonance poetic repetition of vowel sounds
Atmosphere the emotoional feeling created by a work
Audience the intended group of readers for whom a writer writes
Blank verse an unrhymed poem in iambic pentameter
Catharsis describes the release of the emotions of pity and fear by the audience at the end of a tragedy
Character a person, or any thing presented as a person--animal,spirit,etc...
Flat character a character with only one or two personality traits
Round Character a character with a highly developed personality, like a real person
Static Character a character who does not change over the course of the story
Dynamic Character a character who changes as a result of his or her experiences
Stock Character a flat characterin a standard role with standard traits; one whose nature is familiar to us from prototypes in previous fiction
Character Foil a character who underscores or enhances the distinctive characteristics of another character by comparison
Characterization the method a writer uses to reveal the personality of a character in a literary work, expressed through that character's thoughts, speech, and behavior
Chorus in classical Greek tragedies, agroup of nameless onlookers who comment on and interpret the action of the play
Coincidence a sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged
Consonance poetic repetition of consonant sounds
Comic Relief a humorous or farcical interlude in a serious literary work or drama, especially a tragedy, intended to reieve the dramatic tension or heighten the emotional impact by means of contrast
Compare to examine in order to note the similarities
Conflict the opposition between a character or characters and an ousied force such as another character or characters,nature, or the supernatural
5 types of conflict Character vs. characterCharacter vs. self Character vs. nature/environmentCharacter vs. fate/supernaturalCharacter vs. society
Internal Conflict a struggle between opposing needs, desires, or emotions within a single character--the character is in conflict with, or fighting with himself
External Conflict a struggle between a character and an outsied force or forces such as another character, society, the supernatural, or nature
Contrast th examine in order to note the differences
Couplet a unit of two lines of poetry
Rhyming Couplet two lines of poetry that rhyme
Heroic Couplet two lines of iambic pentameter that rhyme
Drama a story that is written to be performed in front of an audience
Figurative Language describing one thing by comparing it with another; a phrase or word that is not meant to be understood on a literal level (especially metaphor, simile, and personification)
FLashback a scene in a story when the present action is stopped to "flash backward" and tell what happened at an earlier time
Foreshadowing clues that hint about what is going to happen later in the plot. Foreshadowing helps to build suspense
Free Verse poetry that has no regular meter or rhyme scheme
Genre a literary type or form. EX. drama, novel, short story,lyric poetry, ballad. etc.
Hamartia a tragic flaw or problemin the protagonist's personality or in his response to the situations around him that leads to his downfall in a tragedy.
Hyperbole a figure of speech in which an overstatement or exaggeration occurs. Hyperbole can help express strong emotion or create a comic effect for the reader.
Created by: Catephant
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