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Mr. W Regents Review

Review cards for the Living Environment Regents

What is the difference between active and passive transport? active requires energy, passive doesn't. Passive is high to low concentrations, active is low to high concentrations.
Why are decomposers important to the ecosystem? they recycle nutrients back into the biosphere.
What "cuts" the DNA into fragments when you do gel electrophoresis? restriction enzymes.
What does Diploid mean? a cell that contains both sets of homologous chromosomes.
What is dehydration synthesis? The chemical process by which a molecule of water is removed from the reactants to join the reactant together.
All proteins contain, "what element?" Nitrogen
What is the basic building block of protein? amino acids
Describe the steps in CLONING. 1.)the nucleus of an egg cell is removed and replaced with a nucleus taken from another adult. 2.) This egg is placed in the reproductive system of a foster mother. 3.) The foster mother then gives birth to the clone.
What does the Benedicts Solution Test for? Glucose
What is Hydrolysis? breaking apart molecules by water.
What does DNA code for? proteins.
What is produced during meiosis? sex cells. (gametes)
what is the cell structure that controls molecules movement into and out of the cell? cell membrane.
What animal has the greatest impact on the environment? Humans.
What makes an experiment valid? (3 things) 1.) Has a control 2.) Tests only 1 variable at a time. 3.) Has a large sample size / many test subjects.
What is Geographic or reproductive Isolation? 1.) when members of a population are no longer able to reproduce with eachother. 2.) Sometimes, due to being physically seperated from the original population.
What is a "niche?" an organism's role in the environment.
In an Energy pyramid, where are the plants, or producers located? The bottom level.
What is a heterotroph? an organism that cannot make its own food.
What is a hypothesis? a possible explanation for a set of observations or possible answer to a scientific question.
What happens if your body temperature gets too high? your enzymes denature.
What is "Inorganic?" a chemical compound that does not contain carbon.
What does "biotic" mean? living.
What is ATP? 1.) Adenosine triphosphate. 2.) Cellular energy.
What is "carrying capacity?" largest number of individuals of a population that a given environment can support.
The beaks of Darwin's finches are examples of... what? adaptive radiation.
What is a Gamete? 1.) A sex cell. 2.) A haploid cell. 3.) Egg and sperm.
What is biodiversity? And, why is it important? 1.) (Biological diversity,) the sum total of the variety of organisms in the biosphere. 2.) Mant species provide us with foods, industrial products, and medicines.
Why does an insecticide not work as well when you spray it on bugs a second time? Because of the natural variation that exists in the population, same insects were resistant to the toxins and their offspring which were also resistant make up a greater percentage of the population during the 2nd spraying.
What is this... (DNA or RNA?) C U G A A U C G A RNA
What is "Organic?" a chemical compound that contains carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms.
What is Bromthymol Blue used for? as a pH indicator.
What is the basic building block for LIPIDS? fatty acids and glycerol.
What is this... (DNA or RNA?) C T G T A A C G A DNA
What is normal human body temperature in degrees Farienheit and degrees Celcius? 1.) 98.6 degrees F. 2.) 37 degrees C.
What does "Abiotic" mean? nonliving.
How many chromosomes do you have in your body cells? 46
What can a producer do that a carnivore can't? make it's own food.
What does Haploid mean? a cell that contains only a single set of chromosomes.
What is Iodine a test for? starch.
When you combine glucose and oxygen what do you get? H2O, CO2, ATP.
What is a Vacinne? a weakened or mild form of a pathogen to produce immunity.
Is cloning sexual or asexual? asexual.
What is an autotroph? An organism that can make its own food.
What is the basic building block of CARBOHYDRATES? carbon, hydrogen, oxygen.
How many chromosomes do you have in your sex cells? 23
What can disrupt a stable ecosystem? any upset in homeostasis. ex.) disease, invasive species, change in weather, natural disaster
How is selective breeding different from natural selection? 1.) selective breeding is when humans breed organisms based on desired traits. 2.) natural selection is when nature selects organisms that are better adapted to their environment.
What does "DNA" stand for? Deoxyribonucleic acid.
Name 3 things that can cause mutations. 1.) radiation 2.) chemicals 3.) errors during replication
What is it called when all your metabolic processes are in balance? homeostasis.
Why are muscle cells different from blood cells? (if they all have the same DNA) different genes are expressed (turned on) in different cells.
Name 5 proteins in your body. enzymes, receptor molecules, antibodies, hormones, hemoglobin
What is an antibody? specialized protein that helps destroy disease causing organisms.
Grasses + Shrubs -> Shrubs + Evergreen Trees-> Deciduous + Hardwood forests. What is that describing? Sucession.
What is a food web? a series of interconnected food chains.
Where does fertilization of an egg occur in a female mammal? the fallopian tubes.
What are all the cell parts called? organelles.
What is an antibody? specialized protein that helps destroy disease causing organisms.
Grasses + Shrubs -> Shrubs + Evergreen Trees-> Deciduous + Hardwood forests. What is that describing? Sucession.
What is a food web? a series of interconnected food chains.
Where does fertilization of an egg occur in a female mammal? the fallopian tubes.
What are all the cell parts called? organelles.
What do we call cells (like monerans) that lack a membrane bound nucleus? prokaryotes.
What compound do humans (animals) store glucose as? glycogen
What do guard cells do for a plant? open and close a stomata.
What is in the cell membrane that allows cells to communicate? Or respond to different chemicals? receptors
What is the reaction equation for photosynthesis? CO2 + H2O -> light C6H12O6 + O2
Tell 5 things you know about Enzymes. 1.) they are made of proteins. 2.) they are catylsts- speed up chemical reactions. 3.) they are subsrate specific, they fit like a lock and key. 4.) they denature at extreme temperatures. 5.) they denature at extreme pH's.
What are 3 ways to get variation? mutations, crossing over, recombination during fertilization.
Why do your sex cells only have half the number of chromosomes? Because they are produced by meiosis.
What is Biodiversity? Biological diversity the sum total of the variety of organisms in the biosphere.
What is Transpiration? Where does it occur? 1.) evaporation of water through stomata. 2.) plants.
Name 2 places in your body where you have A LOT of mitochondria. 1.) any muscle 2.) kidneys
What is the hormone, Insulin for? to take sugar out of the blood and store it in cells.
What does Eukaryotic mean? 1.) contains a nucleus. 2.) contains membrane bound organelles.
Where in your body does active transport happen a lot? kidneys.
What is an antigen? any substance that triggers an immune system repsonse.
What compound do plants store glucose as? cellulose
Why are different cells able to respond to different chemicals (hormones)? they have different receptor molecules.
For a mutation to be passed on, it must be in a __________ cell. sex cell
What is Global Warming? the increase in the average temperature of the biosphere.
What is produced during mitosis? body cells. (somatic cells)
Created by: Mr. Walajtys
Popular Biology sets




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