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Forest & canopy stru

For 330 Forest and canopy structure, many from Dictionary of Forestry

Allometric equation Describes the relationship of one part of a plant to another part of a plant.
Canopy The agregate of all tree crowns, inclusive of foliage and woody materials.
Canopy cover The proportion of the forest floor covered by the vertical projection of tree crowns.
Crown The branches and foliage at the top of a tree.
Even-aged stand A forest stand having trees within a narrow age class.
Heartwood Nonliving inner core of a tree stem that is protected from decay and provides mechanical support.
Leaf area index The amount of live leaf area in a canopy per unit ground area.
Overstory The highest layer of vegetation in a multilayred forest stand.
Pipe model theory A unit of tree foliage is serviced by a specific cross-sectional area of conducting sapwood.
Sapwood Outer wood layers of a live tree stem that are composed of living cells and conduct water; sapwood is generally lighter in color than heartwood.
Specific leaf area Leaf area per unit weight.
Stand A contiguous group of trees or plants of uniform structure and composition growing in similar site conditions.
Stand density The number, cross sectional area, or volume of trees per unit area; a measure of crowding.
Stand structure The spatial distribution of components in a forest stand including stems, branches and foliage of live trees, shrubs, herbaceous understory, as well as standing and fallen woody debris.
Thinning A management treatment that decreases stand density to improve forest growth and vigor.
Understory The layer of vegetation below an overstory.
Uneven-aged stand A forest stand having trees in three or more age classes.
Created by: mdcoleman
Popular Ecology sets




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