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8.L.1.1 Hensley MMS

Vocabulary Terms

Microbiology The branch of science that deals with microscopic organisms
Microbe A microorganism, especially a bacterium causing disease or fermentation
Pathogen A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease
Virus A disease-causing agent that is too tiny to be seen by the ordinary microscope, that may be a living organism or may be a very special kind of protein molecule, and that can only multiply when inside the cell of an organism.
Host Cell A living cell invaded by or capable of being invaded by an infectious agent (as a bacterium or a virus)
Vaccine A preparation containing usually killed or weakened microorganisms (as bacteria or viruses) that is given usually by injection to increase protection against a particular disease.
Bacteria The single-celled organisms called bacteria live on, in, and around most living and nonliving things. With few exceptions, bacteria can be seen only with the aid of a microscope, and millions of them would fit on the head of a pin.
Antibiotic Asubstance produced by living things and especially by bacteria and fungi that is used to kill or prevent the growth of harmful germs
Fungi Any member of the kingdom of living things (as mushrooms, molds, and rusts) that have no chlorophyll, must live in or on plants, animals, or decaying material, and were formerly considered plants.
Parasite A living thing (as a flea, worm, or fungus) that lives in or on another living thing and gets food and sometimes shelter from it and usually causes harm to it
Contagion The process by which a disease is passed from one person or animal to another by touching.
Mutagen Any agent (physical or environmental) that can induce a genetic mutation or can increase the rate of mutation
Carrier A person, animal, or plant that carries disease germs without showing symptoms and passes them on to others.
Vector An organism (as an insect) that transmits a pathogen from one organism or source to anothe
FDA The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Created by: tracy.hensley
Popular Biology sets




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