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LE plant

autotrophic nutrition self feeders; make their own food
photosynthesis – process of turning inorganic substances into organic substances; CO2 + H2O + light --> glucose + O2
chloroplasts organelles in plants that perform photosynthesis
chlorophyll pigment in the choloplast that give the green color
light reaction break down of water portion of photosynthesis with light
dark reaction formation of glucose part of photosynthesis without light
stomates openings in undersides of leaves to allow gas exchange
guard cells cells that control the opening & closing of the stomates
epidermis upper layer of the leaf
xylem vascular structure that carries materials from root hairs to leaves
phloem vascular structure that carries nutrients from leaves down through plant
root hairs fine vascular structures that increase surface area for absorption of nutrients
cuticle outermost layer of epidermis; prevents water loss
blade flat part of leaf that captures sunlight
petiole stemlike part of leaf that attaches it to the stem of the plant
axil junction of the petiole to the stem of the plant
stipules small leafs at the axil
transpirational pull column of water held together by cohesive forces and pulled out by evaporation
capillary action water tends to rise in tubes of narrow diameter, allowing for a small amount of upward transport of water
auxins plant hormones
tropisms unequal distribution of auxins caused by specific factors resulting in growth responses
phototropism response of plant to light
geotropism response of plant to gravity
stamen male reproductive part of flower
anther top part of stamen where pollen forms by meiosis
filament stalk of stamen that holds up anther
pistil female reproductive part of flower
stigma top part of pistil where pollen is deposited
style stalk within which the pollen tube forms in the pistil
ovary base of the pistil, contains the ovule where female gametes produced
petals colored leaves that attract insects
Created by: jgarrisi
Popular Biology sets




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