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Ch 25-Life Sci

Study Guide

Explain the difference between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Central = brain & spinal cord: peripheral - all parts of nervous system except spinal cord and brain
Explain what a dendrite does. receives information from other cells within the body
Explain what a axon does. carries nerve impulses away from the neuron to the next neuron
What is a neuron? nerve cell that is specialized to receive and conduct electrical impulses.
What part of the nerve cell stores the nucleus and organelles? Cell body
Which way does a nerve impulse flow from axon, dendrite and cell body? dendrite ----> cell body -----> axon
Explain the differences between sensory and motor neurons. sensory: gather information about what is happening in and around your body; motor: send impulses from brain & spinal cord to other systems.
Give examples of a sensory impulse. receptors in eye detect light, receptors in ear sense vibrations, taste, smell
Give examples of a motor impulse. muscles contracting (muscles get impulse from motor neurons); clapping your hands (impulses sent from brain to hands)
Where do sensory impulses travel to? to the central nervous system
Where do motor impulses travel to? to other systems in the body
What is a nerve? it is a collection of axons bundled together with blood vessels and connective tissue.
Explain what a somatic nerve response would be. responses you can control
Explain what an autonomic nerve response would be. responses are automatic
Give examples of a somatic nerve response. smiling, talking, jumping
Give examples of a autonomic nerve response. digestion, breathing, heart rate
What is the brain? main control center of the nervous system
Explain what the cerebrum does for your body. where you think; most memories stored there - controls voluntary movements and lets you sense touch, light, sound, odors, taste, pain, heat and cold.
Explain what the cerebellum does for your body. process sensory information from your body; allow brain to keep track of your body's position - so helps keep your balance.
Explain what the medulla does for your body. connects to you spinal cord; controls involuntary processes like blood pressure, body temp, heart rate, etc.
What is the largest part of the brain? cerebrum
What is the function of the spinal cord? nerve fibers in your spinal cord lets your brain communicate with you peripheral nervous system.
List ares of the body where senses of touch occur, skin - throughout our body
What is a reflex? an involuntary and almost immediate movement in response to a stimulous - is autonomic
What part of the eye does light travel through? the pupil and the lens
What is the function of the iris? it controls the amount of light that enters the eye and gives the eye its color
On what part of the eye do you see images? retina
What is the job of the lens? to focus the light onto the retina so we can see image
What is farsighted? lens focuses the light just behind the retina (can see far but not near)
What is nearsighted? the lens focuses the light in front of the retina (can see near but not far)
What types of corrective lens corrects farsighted and then nearsighted? convex lens (farsighted) bends light inward; concave lens (nearsighted) bends light rays outward
What part of the ear has tiny bones that vibrate sound? the middle ear - parts are stirrup, hammer and anvil
What part of the ear receives sounds from the outside environment? ear drum (tympanic membrane)
Explain the function of the cochlea. changes sound waves into vibrations and then sends them to brain so you can hear
What type of sensor cell detects taste? taste buds
What part of the tongue detects salt, sweet, sour and bitterness? Sweet and salt is on the tip of the tongue; sour - middle/sides of tongue; and bitterness - in the back
The tiny bumps of the tongue that receive taste. papillae
Explain the function of the endocrine system. collection of glands that secrete hormones that regulate growth, development and homeostasis.
The organs of the endocrine system that produce chemicals for your body. glands - thyroid, pituitary, thymus, pancreas
What are the chemicals of the glands called? hormones
The type of hormone produce when someone becomes scared. adrenaline/epinephrine
What is the function of the pituitary gland? stimulates skeletal growth and helps thyroid gland work. - controls endocrine system
Created by: msparks
Popular Biology sets




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