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Chapter 7: Cells

Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function

What are the three parts if the cell theory? All living things are made of cells, Cells are the basic unit of life, Cells come from cells (reproduce)
What are the requirements to be alive? Grow, Reproduce, Use food for energy, Respond to changes in the environment
Why are cells generally so small? They work more efficiently.
Which has bigger cells, a human or mosquito? They are about the same size, but humans have a greater amount of cells.
What are the largest single cells on earth? Eggs
What structure does a eukaryotic cell have that a prokaryotic cell does not? Nucleus, lysosomes, ER, Mitochondria, and Golgi Apparatus
What is the difference between a virus and bacterium? A virus doesn't have a nucleus and cannot reproduce without a host? Bacteria is also bigger and more complex than virus'.
Define Nucleus The brain of the cell
Chromosomes Has DNA which determines the characteristics.
Cell Membrane Protects cell and allows for proteins to pass into the cell.
Cytoplasm Clear, jelly-like substance. Holds the internal components of the cell.
Mitochondria Powerhouse of the cell. Develops energy from nutrients (cellular respiration)
Lysosomes In charge of digestion and removing waste
Vacuoles (vesicles) Transports products of metabolism
Endoplasmic Reticulum Transports and modifies proteins
Ribosomes Builds proteins
Golgi Bodies Modifies, sorts, and transports lipids. Also responsible for the creation of lysosomes
Cytoskeleton Skeleton like, which allows for the cell to keep its shape
Why is the inner folded membrane of the mitochondria beneficial to the cell? A higher amount of energy because the
FIRST PART: The journey starts with the nucleus, which provides the instructions for the proteins. What are these instructions passed to? Ribosomes
SECOND PART: After the protein is built what organelle is it passed to in order to become modified and folded into the type of proteins that the cell will need? Endoplasmic Reticulum
THIRD PART: Once modified and added too, the proteins will need to be transported out into the cell. Which organelle will do this? Golgi Bodies
What are the two structure that a plant cell has that an animal cell does not? Why are these structures necessary? Cell Wall and Chloroplast
What is the cell membrane made out of? Phospholipid Bilayer (Lipid Bilayer)
What is diffusion? Particles moving from areas of high concentration to low concentration
What is osmosis? Water molecules moving from areas of high concentration to low concentration
What is the difference between active transportation and the different types of diffusion that we discussed?
What is active transport? Movement of molecules across a cell membrane from a region of lower concentration to high concentration
What direction does water travel in a hypertonic cell? In
What direction does water travel in hypotonic cell? Out
What direction does water travel in a isotonic cell? In
What are the levels of specialization? Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ System, Organism
What are stem cells? How can they be useful? Stem cells have many different uses, such as becoming brain cells, blood cells, heart muscles, or bone.
Who is going to ace this test? You :)
Created by: ravenrushing
Popular Biology sets




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