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Periodontics II

Test Seven

The minimum amount of attached gingiva considered to be adequate is 3mm False
Osseous surgery is commonly done in combination with flap surgery in order to treat morphological defects of the bone True
Typical therapy for fibrotic gingival pockets is flap surgery True
A lateral pedicle graft is often performed where there is a denuded root surface in a mucogingivally involved area True
An obvious objective of the surgical phase of periodontal therapy is to improve the prognosis of the teeth True
Periodontal surgery should take place within one week after completion of periodontal debridement to prevent further pocketing/bone loss False
A partial thickness flap includes the periosteum overlying the alveolar bone False
Broad shallow bony defects are more likely to be filled in with bone regeneration than narrow deep ones False
Surgery is commonly used to treat Class 1 furcation involvements False
It is important to evaluate whether or not the patient is exercising effective plaque control before continuing to the surgical phase of therapy True
Bone graft material obtained from a different species is known as xenograft
A root resection or hemisection is sometimes done when there is a deep furcation involvement and when one root of a multi-rooted tooth is involved with angular bone loss
When considering surgical pocket therapy for moderate to severe periodontal disease esthetics is much more of a concern in the anterior area than in the posterior area
Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is Often done in conjunction with bone grafts
The bony defect that has the best chance of bone fill after therapy is the three wall defect
When grafting tissue for placement during mucogingival surgery, the type of flap that is laid is the split thickness flap
Gingoplasty is performed to obtain a more ideal physiological gingival contour
Which of the following are indications for periodontal surgery? osseous defects Type II or III furcation’s better access to deep pockets persistent inflammation in moderate-deep pockets
Which one of the following is not a goal of periodontal surgery? retaining inflamed tissues
Surgery would be performed on gingival pockets when the tissue is fibrotic there is substantial gingival hyperplasia
A patient should first be treated with thorough periodontal debridement before the final decision for periodontal surgery is made True
Phase II (periodontal surgery) should take place within one week after completion of periodontal debridement to prevent further pocketing/boneless from occurring False
Created by: daisenmurray
Popular Dentistry sets




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