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Exam vocabulary

Goal A direction or end to which you work.
Hereditary Something genetically passed form parent to child.
Parent A person who gives birth to offspring and brings up and cares for a child.
Realistic expectations Knowledge of developmental sills children have to a certain age.
Unconditional love Love that sets no conditions or boundaries.
Ethnic groups Groups of people with a common racial, national,tribal, religious, or cultural origin or background.
Ethnic identity The way a person views himself or herself as a member of a particular ethnic group.
Diversity The condition of differing from one another.
Stress The tension caused by a condition of situation that demands a mental or physical adjustment.
Myth Story or notation used to explain certain traditions, practices, or beliefs that are often half-truths and sometimes based on false thinking.
Family A group of two or more people who are related by birth, marriage, adoption, or other circumstances.
Adoption The legal process of transferring a child's parental relationship from his or her birth parents to adoptive parents.
Foster family A family that provides temporary, substitute care for children who need it.
Guardians Unrelated adults who raise children, but never legally adopted them.
Nuclear family A family that includes a husband, wife, and the children they have together.
Single-parent family A family that includes one parent and his or her biological or adopted children,.
Extended family A family that includes all the relatives in a family such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Family function The responsibilites a family has for its members and how the family carries out these responsibilites.
Gender role A person's behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs about men and women in society, acquired by watching the same gender parent.
Growth An increase in size, strength, and ability that begins with pregnancy and continues through adulthood.
Development A change in function as a result of growth; progress in skills and abilites.
Physical development The biological changes in a person.
Emotional development Recognize feelings or emotions such as love, hate, fear, happiness, or anger.
Social development The changes in a person's relationships with other people.
Self-control The ability of a person to govern his or her actions, impulses, and desires.
Punishment A penalty for something a person has done wrong.
Positive reinforcement A response that makes repeating a behavior more likely.
Delay of gradification The postponement of an immediate reward for an even greater reward.
Support group A group of people who share a similar problem or concern.
Temperaments Tendencies to react emotionally in certain ways to events.
Attachments The lasting emotional relationship that begin in infancy and ties the child to his or her parents and later to other important people.
Parenting style The ways of parenting influenced by parental values about what is important in childbearing.
Permissive Parenting style in which parents allow children to make their own decisions with very few, if any, limits gudiance or consistent discipline.
Democratic Parenting style in which parents set behavioral limits, but also allows freedom within those rules. Parents also talk with their children about reasons behind the limits or standards.
Active listening Hearing the total message, verbal and nonverbal, and making responses to promote mutual understanding.
Open communication Sharing of thoughts and feelings between a parent and a child. (or between two people)
Time-out Period of two time used by parents who withdraw their misbehaving children from and activity or the presences of others.
Self-discipline Judging what is right or wrong and behaving appropriately.
Self-concept The mental image a person has of himself or herself.
Self-esteem How a person feels about his or her self-concept.
Behavioral reflections Nonjudgmental statements regarding some aspect of a child's (or person's) behavior.
Created by: Tameraa
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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