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Exam vocabulary
Term | Definition |
Goal | A direction or end to which you work. |
Hereditary | Something genetically passed form parent to child. |
Parent | A person who gives birth to offspring and brings up and cares for a child. |
Realistic expectations | Knowledge of developmental sills children have to a certain age. |
Unconditional love | Love that sets no conditions or boundaries. |
Ethnic groups | Groups of people with a common racial, national,tribal, religious, or cultural origin or background. |
Ethnic identity | The way a person views himself or herself as a member of a particular ethnic group. |
Diversity | The condition of differing from one another. |
Stress | The tension caused by a condition of situation that demands a mental or physical adjustment. |
Myth | Story or notation used to explain certain traditions, practices, or beliefs that are often half-truths and sometimes based on false thinking. |
Family | A group of two or more people who are related by birth, marriage, adoption, or other circumstances. |
Adoption | The legal process of transferring a child's parental relationship from his or her birth parents to adoptive parents. |
Foster family | A family that provides temporary, substitute care for children who need it. |
Guardians | Unrelated adults who raise children, but never legally adopted them. |
Nuclear family | A family that includes a husband, wife, and the children they have together. |
Single-parent family | A family that includes one parent and his or her biological or adopted children,. |
Extended family | A family that includes all the relatives in a family such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. |
Family function | The responsibilites a family has for its members and how the family carries out these responsibilites. |
Gender role | A person's behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs about men and women in society, acquired by watching the same gender parent. |
Growth | An increase in size, strength, and ability that begins with pregnancy and continues through adulthood. |
Development | A change in function as a result of growth; progress in skills and abilites. |
Physical development | The biological changes in a person. |
Emotional development | Recognize feelings or emotions such as love, hate, fear, happiness, or anger. |
Social development | The changes in a person's relationships with other people. |
Self-control | The ability of a person to govern his or her actions, impulses, and desires. |
Punishment | A penalty for something a person has done wrong. |
Positive reinforcement | A response that makes repeating a behavior more likely. |
Delay of gradification | The postponement of an immediate reward for an even greater reward. |
Support group | A group of people who share a similar problem or concern. |
Temperaments | Tendencies to react emotionally in certain ways to events. |
Attachments | The lasting emotional relationship that begin in infancy and ties the child to his or her parents and later to other important people. |
Parenting style | The ways of parenting influenced by parental values about what is important in childbearing. |
Permissive | Parenting style in which parents allow children to make their own decisions with very few, if any, limits gudiance or consistent discipline. |
Democratic | Parenting style in which parents set behavioral limits, but also allows freedom within those rules. Parents also talk with their children about reasons behind the limits or standards. |
Active listening | Hearing the total message, verbal and nonverbal, and making responses to promote mutual understanding. |
Open communication | Sharing of thoughts and feelings between a parent and a child. (or between two people) |
Time-out | Period of two time used by parents who withdraw their misbehaving children from and activity or the presences of others. |
Self-discipline | Judging what is right or wrong and behaving appropriately. |
Self-concept | The mental image a person has of himself or herself. |
Self-esteem | How a person feels about his or her self-concept. |
Behavioral reflections | Nonjudgmental statements regarding some aspect of a child's (or person's) behavior. |