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Food Safety
Question | Answer |
How do your wash your hands? | warm water and soap; between fingers, under nails and at wrists, for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food. |
When are times hands should be washed? | after petting animals, changing diapers, blowing your nose, and using the bathroom |
If you use sponges in your kitchen how should they be cleaned? | change them often, wash them in the dishwasher, and have one for the counter and one for the dishes. |
If you use dish clothes how should they be cleaned? | wash them in the hot cycle of your washing machine, often |
What would be a good safe alternative to using a cloth towel for drying your hands or wiping up spills? | paper towels |
What is the recipe for a good homemade sanitizing solution that can be made at home to sanitize counter tops and should be placed in a labeled spray bottle? | 1 gallon water and 1 tablespoon bleach |
What should you do to fruits and vegetables before you eat them raw? | wash them in cold running water |
Why is it recommended that you not wash "ready to eat", "washed" or "tripled washed" vegetables? | you may cross-contaminate from work surfaces to already clean vegetables |
After moving your raw meat to a grill and cooking it what kind of plate do you place it on? | a clean plate, free of raw meat juices. |
How should dishes be washed? | in hot soapy water and rinsed in hot running water |