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Intro Khmer

Week 1 phrases and vocab

P'own srey younger sister
P'own proh younger brother
Bongh Srey older sister
Bongh Proh older brother
meent aunt
bpoo uncle
Yaay Grandma
ta-ah grandpa
neakh kruw teacher (f)
lo kruw teacher (m)
go-ath he/she
nyom me/I/my
Ja-ah yes (f)
bat yes (m)
ma'dong'tiet again/repeat
la'aw good
ayee what
nah where
man how many
chemoiah name
(P'own srey) chemoiah ayee? (Little sister) what is your name?
Go'at chemoa (LeRoy) His name is LeRoy
Suesday Hello (informal)
Chom reap sua (P'own srey). Good morning (younger sister). (Formal)
(P'own proh) sok sa'bye eh? (Younger brother) how are you?
Nyom sok sa'bye. I'm fine.
Nyom sok sa'bye dye I'm fine, too.
Jewp k'nea s'idt See you tomorrow.
Jewp k'nea pell krowi. See you next time.
Le'ah sun howie. Goodbye (informal)
Chom reap le'ah Goodbye (formal)
At ayee No problem/That's all right/You're welcome
Arkun chran Thank you very much
Som toe Sorry/excuse me
(Meent) john giet ayee? (Auntie) what is your nationality?
Nyom john giet (Americ). My nationality is (American).
(Bpoo), mao'pee kait nah? (Uncle), what province do you come from?
(Bong proh) mao'pee roat nah? (Big brother), what state do you come from?
(P'own srey), mao'pee prote nah? (Little sister), which country do you come from?
(Ta'ah), twu'ah gka ayee? (Grandpa), what do you do?
Nyom geea (suah) I am a (student)
kruw parien teacher
Go'at mao'pee kait Siem Riep. He/she is from the province of Siem Riep.
David mao'pee roat Texas. David comes from the state of Texas.
P'teya (bong proh) NO nah? Where do you live older brother?
P'teya nyom no Tuol Tom Poung. My house is in Tuol Tom Poung
(P'own srey) riep gka howie NO? (Little sister) are you married yet?
Nyom riep gka howie howie. I am already married
p'day husband
Nyom at'twan riep gka eh I am not yet married.
at'twan not yet
howie howie already
(p'own srey) som sua muy bane? (Little sister), can I ask you a question?
Cha bane Yes. (Yes you can)
riep ga marriage
at eh no (negative)
(P’own sreyee) ayuk man? Little sister, how old are you?
Nyom ayuk (ma’pAy pum’boo’wn) chen’am I am 29 years old.
Created by: lbbass
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