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Elements/ pricipals
Question | Answer |
What are the elements of design? | shape/form, lines, texture, color/ shape |
What are the principles of design? | Balance, rhythm, emphasis, proportion/ shape, harmony |
What is the principle repetition? | constantly repeats |
How does texture affect color? | rougher texture appear darker, smoother textures appear lighter |
What do curved lines suggest? | coziness, comfort, soft, delicate, natural |
What is the difference between horizontal, vertical, and radial balance? | top and bottom parts are equal: vertical, left and right parts are equal: Horizontal, Radial elements radiate outward from the center |
What do diagonal lines suggest? | excitement, movement, speed |
What is space? | area provided with no particular purpose. |
What are the four types of rhythm? | Gradation, Radiation, Repetition, Continuous line |
What is asymmetrical balance? Example? | when parts of the design are not exactly identical but appear equal in visual weight. ex- a big square balance by 4 small squares |
What is the difference between horizontal and vertical lines? | horizontal is making the room feel wider and vertical is making the room feel taller. |
What is the golden mean? | 3:5 ratio |
What is the difference between shape and form? | Shapes have two dimensions, height and width, and are usually defined by lines. Forms exist in three dimensions, with height, width, and depth. |
What are the five types of balance? | symmetrical, asymmetrical, vertical, horizontal, and radial |
What does unity or harmony mean? | agreement or concord. |
What are the two things texture involves? | what something feels like, or what you think it feels like |
What are the four types of line? | vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curved |
What is proportion? | tells how the design is visually divided |
Which of the five types of balance suggests excitement or interest? | asymmetrical |
What is symmetrical balance? Example? | parts of the design are are equal. ex- plants, insects, humans |
What is emphasis? What is another name for it? | emphasis causes one object or idea to stand out. another name is focal point |
What happens when you use a continuous line? | rhythm eye moves in one line |
What is another name for symmetrical balance? | formal balance |
What is another name for asymmetrical balance? | informal balance |
What is the difference between gradation and radiation? | gradation has to change in constate, radiation design moves from center out |