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Standard 3 Vocabulary

Brainstorming listing all possible ideas without judging or eliminating any
Charity generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering; an institution engaged in relief of the poor
Civic organization a group working toward the betterment of humanity
Commitment an agreement or pledge to do something, the desire to finish a project, task, or goal
Compassion deep awareness of the suffering of another with the desire to relieve it
Corporation an association of employers and employees in a basic industry or of members of a profession organized as an unit for political representation
Dedication personal commitment or setting aside of resources for a specific purpose
Determination the act of making a firm decision
Donation the giving of a gift especially to a charity or public institution, a free contribution
Empathy the ability to understand what someone else is experiencing
Foundation an organization or institution established by endowment
Goals something a person wants to have or to achieve and is willing to work for
Grant a giving of funds for a specific purpose
Humanitarian a person promoting human welfare and social reform
Motivate to provide with an incentive; move to action; impel
Network an extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support
Nonprofit organization not conducted or maintained for the purpose of making a profit
Philanthropy goodwill to fellowmen; active effort to promote human welfare
Planning process a five step method to help FCCLA members and advisers plan individual, group or chapter activities. The five steps are: identify concerns, set a goal, form a plan, act, and follow up
Respect to feel or show regard for others
Service learning a teaching method that combines meaningful service to the community through curriculum-based learning
Volunteer to willingly agree to perform a task or service to others without pay. Someone who agrees to perform such tasks or services
Work ethic a personal commitment to doing your very best as part of the workplace team
Created by: Mrs. Acord
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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