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37 stems and words
list 37
Question | Answer |
thanatos | death |
thanatopsis | view of death |
thanatopsis | view of death |
opia | sight |
vac | empty |
vacuous | stupidly empty of ideas |
ize | make |
lionize | treat as a celebrity |
fug | flee |
subterfuge | evasive dodge |
pusill | small |
pussillanimous | small minded |
nepo | nephew |
nepotism | favoritism to relatives |
sthen | strength |
neurasthenia | nervous exhaustion |
less | without |
feckless | without effort |
scen | stage |
proscenium | stage forward of curtain |
spir | breathe |
suspiration | deep sigh |
syn | together |
synergy | work together |
man | hand |
legerclemain | sleight of hands |
vita | life |
viable | able to live |
sub | under |
subterfuge | evasive dodge |
ine | nature of of |
saturnine | gloomy and remote |
bon | good |
bonhomie | good naturedness |
chron | time |
anachronistic | misplaced in time |
fil | thread |
filigree | lacy design |
pot | drink |
potable | fit to drink |