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Part 1

spring 2015

What are Free Radicals? Short lived forms of elements, molecules, or compounds with unpaired free electrons are chemically unstable, causing damages in cells and organs around it
What effects do free radicals have on the body? Cell damage, disease (cancer), aging, Type I Diabetes, arteriosclerosis
What are oxygen free radicals? Unpaired electrons in outer orbit
When are oxygen free radicals produced? Energy Production of glucose and fatty acids, radiation, smoking, sun light, pollutants
What are antioxidants? Neutralizes free radicals
What kind of antioxidants are there? Endogenous non-enzymatic and exogenous antioxidant molecules
What are food sources of antioxidants? Vitamin A, C, E, Selenium, Carotenoids, Alpha- Lipoic acid, Coenzyme Q10, glutathione, phyotchemicals,
What are phytochemicals? Antioxidants from Natural food
What do phytochemicals do? Antioxidant activity, hormonal activity, stimulations of enzymes, interference with DNA replication, anti-bacterial effect, and physical action like fiber
What does Garlic do? Lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure
What is the active ingredient in Garlic? Allicin
Is there evidence to support hypocholesterolemic effect of garlic? Yes, slightly lower blood cholesterol levels
What was the ideal period of lowering levels during studies? 1- 3 months
What reduces LDL cholesterol? Plant sterol and stanol-esters, soluble fiber, oat bran ,and orange peels
What is in statins? Bile acid like cholestyramine, nicotinic acid, fibric acid
What increases blood levels of homocysteine? Folate, Viamin b12 and Vitamin B6
What is the percentage does lifestyle risk factors play on cancer development? 77%
What is the percentage that genetic and related risk factors play on cancer development? 14%
What is the percentage that Environmental risk factors play on cancer development? 9%
What is not safe to consume during cancer care? Dietary Supplements
What is safe to consume during cancer care? Nutrient rich foods
Why is taking dietary supplements during cancer care not safe? Interact with cancer medications, cause problems with cancer care, and side effects.
What is the best formulation for comprehensive dietary supplements designed to help the body fight cancer? antioxidation, antiangiogenesis, immune stimulation, detoxification
What should you do before using dietary supplements for cancer prevention? Consult with a doctor and health care team
What does antiangiogeneis mean? Inhibition of rapid blood vessel growth associated with cancer
What can flavinols reduce? breast cancer
What can kaempferols reduce? ovarian cancer
Foods high in flavonoids? broccoli, red apples, red cabbage, red grapes, and yellow onions
What foods high in quercetin may slow reproduction of cancer cells? apples, onions, garlic, peppers, grapes, and tomatoes
Prostate cancer and other cancer cells may be reduced by this in food? quercetin
What antioxidant is both water and fat soluble? Alpha lipoic acid
What roles do isothiocyanates play in the body? Detoxify carcinogens, help the body's natural ability to ward of cancer, stimulate protective enzymes.
What foods can isothiocyanates be found? broccoli, kale, and other cruciferous vegetables
What foods can Isoflavones be found? soy foods, and other legumes
What roles do Isoflavones play in the body? protect against heart disease, blocking the action of hormone estrogen to reduce certain forms of cancer
Created by: hsantoro4
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