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Test Review

Toddler and Preschooler

Toddler 1-3 years
Preschooler 3-5 years
The V and C related to toddler and preschooler nutrition Variety and Choice
Toddler's number of fruit servings per day 2
What does juice lack when compared to whole fruit? Fiber
To count as a serving of fruit, what must be true of juice? 100% fruit juice
The maximum number of ounces of juice preschoolers can consume 4-6
Offer more or less to children? Why? Less, so they are not discouraged, overwhelmed, etc.
3 factors used to determine caloric need Activity level, age and gender (sometimes body size/frame)
Fat should not be limited until what age? 2
Toddlers consume what percentage of what adults do? 25%
Because they tend to result in unhealthy relationships with food, what behaviors should parents avoid? Begging, bargaining, forcing, rewarding, etc.
3 ways to experience success with involving toddlers and preschoolers in mealtime Limit distractions; allow about 10 minutes for eating; have all items ready before calling to table
Benefits of eating together as a family Decreased rates of obesity and eating disorders, increased self-esteem, lower rates of teen pregnancy; decreased rates of substance abuse
Examples include refusal to eat if foods touch, crusts aren't cut off, sandwiches aren't cut in a specific way, etc. Food ritual
What are conditions that lead to greater success when introducing new foods to children? Rested, hungry, little pressure, food presented in a way that is pleasing, etc.
Foods toddlers and/or preschoolers like Carbohydrate-rich, pleasing to the eye, presented in a fun way, ones they have helped to prepare, etc.
Foods toddlers and/or preschoolers would dislike Those served too hot or very cold, strong flavors, overly spiced, dry, when not offered with moist, casseroles, etc.
1/2 to 2/3 of the RDA for foods, such as dairy, must be provided if a child is in daycare greater than how many hours? 8
Reasons our lab items (mac and cheese, pizza pockets, mozzarella sticks) were good choices for preschoolers/toddlers Bite-sized, can be served at room temp., opportunity to incorporate vegetables, varying textures, etc.
Challenge presented by dairy Can be filling; not easy to meet need through yogurt, cheese, etc.
Challenge presented by fruit Tend to overfill this requirement; whole fruits, too, not just juice
Juice/sweetened beverages Lot of sugar, without a lot of benefit; read labels carefully
Created by: mebelhar
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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