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Coelenterata Test

Phyla Porifera, Cnidaria & Ctenophora Test

How do sponges obtain food? filtering small organisms from the water
What are sponges? organisms with no tissues, simplest of all animals, and contain cells called choanocytes
What are spicules? spicules are hard needles in the wall of a sponge
What is the outer most tissue layer of a cnidarian? ectoderm
What type of symmetry do sponges have? asymmetry
How do sponges reproduce? budding, a break-up of original parent into fragments, and sexually with sperm and egg
Where does digestion in Cnidarians begin? gastrovascular cavity
Sponges and cnidarians remove wastes through: diffusion
Which organism is at the bottom of the phylogenetic tree: Sponges, Cnidarians or Ctenophores? sponges
These cells in cnidarians are responsible for paralyzing prey: cnidocytes
What is a gastrovascular cavity? digestive cavity with one opening
What are hermaphrodites? produce both eggs and sperm
Adult sponges have this characteristic: have body walls with many pores
In sponges, currents are created by these cells: choanocytes
Water leaves a sponge through this opening: osculum
Sponges are harvested because of this middle layer that contains: a protein called spongin which holds water and releases it when squeezed.
What is one characteristic of a sea anemone? polyp
What is the name of the cells that carry nutrients to the entire body of a sponge? amoebocytes
What is the other name for ctenophores? comb jellies
What type of specialized cells is in ctenophores? collarblasts
What does the ectoderm become as the cnidarians develop? skin and nervous system
What is the name of the harpoons that contain venom in cnidarians? nematocytes
What is the tube-shaped body form in some cnidarians? polyp
These cnidarians provide shelter for many kinds of animals: sea anemone
A Portuguese man of war is an example of: hydrozoan colony
These organisms are sessile as an adult: sponge, sea anemone, sea whip
What is the jellylike substance between the endoderm and ectoderm of a jellyfish called? mesoglea
Do cnidarians and sponges have true tissues? No
Which phyla display bioluminescence? ctenophora
Which phyla can sting? cnidarians
Are cnidarians, sponges and ctenophores simple animals with none having an organ level of cellular organization? Yes
What is planktonic? Which animals are recognized as planktonic carnivores? floating organisms; jelly fish
Which phyla has a skeleton made of tiny, hard particles of calcium carbonate? Porifera (sponges)
Which phylum defends itself by not tasting and smelling very good to larger predators? ctenophora
What phyla does order physalia belong to? cnidarians
Which phyla has bottom dwelling organisms that have branched tentacles and look more like sea slugs? ctenophora
Which phyla has tiny pores that allow water to enter: porifera
Which phyla has both a medusa and polyp stage: cnidarians
Which phyla has a skeleton made of silica? porifera
Be able to describe 3 differences and 3 similarities between Phyla Porifera, Cnidaria and Ctenophora. (see Venn diagram)
Created by: jlafferty
Popular Biology sets




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