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Anatomy & Physiology - Urinary and Fluids

ptosis Dropping of the kidney(s) to a more inferior position in the abdominal cavity.
micturition Voiding or emptying the bladder is called _.
external urethral Voiding has both voluntary and involuntary components. The voluntary spincter is the _ sphincter.
nitrogenous The kidney is referred to as an excretory organ because it excretes _ wastes.
cortex Portion of the kidney containing the bulk of the nephron structures.
medulla Portion of the kidney containing the most collecting ducts.
minor calyx A cup-shaped extension of the pelvis that encircles the apex of a pyramid.
renal capsule Smooth membrane, tightly adherent to the kidney structure.
renal column Area of cortical tissue running between the medullary pyramids.
renal pelvis Basinlike area of the kidneys, continous with the ureter.
glomerulus Site of filtrate formation.
proximal convoluted tubule Primary site of tubular reabsorption.
distal convoluted tubule Secondarily important site of tubular reabsorption.
collecting duct Structure that conveys the process filtrate (urine) to the renal pelvis.
peritbular capillaries Blood supply that directly receives substances from the tubular cells.
glomerular capsule Its inner (visceral) membrane forms part of the filtration membrane.
1.0-1.8 liters Normal volume excreted in a 24hour period.
urochrome Substance responsible for the normal yellow color of urine.
hematuria Presence of erythrocytes in the urine.
hemoglobinuria Presence of hemoglobin in the urine.
glycosuria Presence of glucose in the urine.
albuminiuria Presence of albumin in the urine.
ketonuria Presence of ketone bodies (acetone and others) in the urine.
pyuria Presence of pus (white blood cells) in the urine.
Urea, uric acid, and creatinine Three major nitrogenous wastes found in the urine.
decreased ADH - causes what to happen Causes production of dilute urine.
increased aldosterone - causes what to happen Will cause water retention due to sodium movement.
increased ADH - causes what to happen Causes water reabsorption due to increased membrane permeability.
decreased aldosterone - causes what to happen Results in increased sodium loss. Causes the body to retain more potassium.
1.001 - 1.030 Specific gravity of urine.
anuria Inadequate urine production (renal suppression).
reabsorb Na+ - where? Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
another word for hemodialysis Dialysis
nephron Funtional unite of the kidney.
75-80% reabsorbed - where? PCT
retroperitoneal position Kidneys lie in what position?
renal corpuscle Name of Bowman's capsule plus its enclosed glomerulus?
pyelitis Kidney and ureter infection usually bacterial from the bladder.
poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis Kidney condition which may result from improperly controlled case of strep throat.
Filtration, Reabsorption, Secretion Three steps in urine formation.
bilirubinuria Appearance of bilirubin (bile pigments) in the urine.
acute renal failure Clinical syndrome in which the kidneys abruptly stop working.
4.5ph - 8.0ph Normal range of pH for urine.
erythropoietin (EPI) and calcitriol (active form of Vit. D) The two major hormones influencing water loss through the kidneys are.
kidney stones Calculi are?
Na+ Most abundant extracellular CATION.
chloride Most abundant extracellular ANION.
potassium Most abundant intracellular CATION.
phosphate Most abundant intracellular ANION.
acidosis Excessive acid in the body fluids condition.
alkalosis Excess base (alkali) in the body fluids condition.
hyponatremia Low blood sodium.
hypernatremia High blood sodium.
hypokalemia Low blood potassium.
hyperkalemia High blood potassium.
hypercalcemia High blood levels of calcium.
hypocalcemia Low blood levels of calcium.
0.9% NaCl solution Isotonic saline (normal saline).
dysuria Painful urination.
glomerular filtration rate The amount of filtrate formed in all the renal corpuscles in one minute is called?
Created by: kms
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