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Unit 8 (invertebrates)

Radial symmetry The arrangement of body parts in a circle around a central axis
Bilateral symmetry The body of some organisms in where the body can be divided equally along only one plane
Spinnerets The silk spinning organs of arachnids
Cephalothorax The head and trunk region contains eyes anntennae gills and mouth. Found in crustaceans
Sessile Unable to move from a fixed point
Gizzard Used to grind food similar to a second stomach
Filter feeders Animals that eat by straining particles in the water
Gastrovascular pouch A sac-like digestive system
Nematocysts A capsule containing a thin, coiled tubule with a poisones barb at one end
Cnidocytes explosive cell containing one giant secretory organelle or cnida, generally used to capture prey or defend from predators. This defines the Cnidaria phylim
Polyp A tube-shaped body form of a Cnidarian in which the mouth and tentacles face upward
Medusa Umbrella-shaped body form of a Cnidarian in which the mouth and tenticals are on the underside
Pharynx the canal part immediately behind the mouth in invertebrates.
Closed Circulatory system the blood closed at all times within vessels of different size and wall thickness, and does not normally fill body cavities
Setae a stiff hairlike or bristlelike structure, especially in an invertebrate.
Clitellum a raised band encircling the body of oligochaete worms and some leeches, made up of reproductive segments.
Chitin Tough, protective polysaccharide that makes up an Arthropod'a exoskeleton
Molting To shed old exoskeleton to ale way for new growth
Open Circulatory system No true blood vessels, the blood is pumped through and around the tissues
Spiracles A hole in the body of an insects exoskeleton through which air can be taken or released
Tracheal tubes Similar to a throat
Compound eyes an eye consisting of an array of numerous small visual units, as found in insects and crustaceans used to get a bigger and better image
Mandible Appendage that is used to crush and bite food
Complete Metamorphosis Process by which immature organisms change their body for before becoming an adult
Crop used to store undigested food
Incomplete metamorphosis Process by which immature arthropod'a look similar to the adults
Mimicry A technique used to evade predators by copying the look of another, but more dangerous animal of that size
Chelicerate Arthropod that has four antennae and has four pairs of walking legs and a pair of fang-like mouth parts
Camouflage A technique used to blend into ones surroundings
Asymmetry Having no symmetry
Created by: 18verheb
Popular Biology sets




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