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Theory DH 2 Test 1

Theory of Dental Hygiene Test 1 (Intro-arthritis)

influences that affect our attitude towards disabled people media, government, parents, teachers, peers
what are the feelings of personal self worth? productivity, attractiveness
what is "people first language"? language that emphasized the fact that disability is a part of the human condition and all people want to be described by their abilities rather than labeled by their disabilities
what is the american's with disabilities act? (ADA act) federal law that prohibits discrimination in access to services and employment against persons who are disabled
who is considered disabled? any person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a record of such impairment
what type of impairments are not covered by the ADA? Impairments that are transitory and minor
what is the DH-4 of healthy people 2020? reduce the proportion of people with disabilities who report delays in receiving primary and periodic preventive care due to specific barriers
what is the DH-5 of healthy people 2020? increase the proportion of youth with special health care needs whose health care provider has discussed transition planning from pediatric to adult health care
what is deinstitutionalization? intended to help "normalize" the client and give them greater independence
what is the fraction of the residential facilities that report inadequate access to dental care is a significant issue for their residents? 2/3
what are the barriers to receiving dental care? financial, architectural, transportation, attitudinal, motivational, educational, legislative
what is the number one reason why disabled do not seek dental care? financial barrier
what are the two federally funded programs administered by the social security administration? SSI or supplemental security insurance program SSDI or social security disability insurance
what are the adult qualifications for social security? disability severe enough to prevent him or her from doing substantial work and is expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death
what are the monthly earnings for social security for adults? 1070 for non blind individuals 1800 for blind individuals
when is social security disability benefits paid? sixth full months after the date you disability began disability began in Jan, paid in July
what are the qualifications for children on social security physical or mental condition that can be medically proven which results in marked and severe functional limitations, limitation in two broad areas of functioning, medical condition lasting 12 months or result in death
what is the supplemental security insurance program or SSI? a federal income assistance program for low income, aged, blind and disabled persons
what are the qualifications for supplemental security insurance program or SSI? 65 years old, blind, or disabled. Individual income is less than 1070 for non blind and 1800 for blind per month, total assets are less than 2,000
what are the qualifications for supplemental security insurance program of SSI for couples? less than 1070 per month and total assets are less than 3,000
how much does supplemental security insurance program pay? individual can receive up to 721.00 couples can receive up to 1082.00
what are the benefits of SSI or supplemental security insurance program? Medicaid, food stamps, Texas Medicaid dental program
what is the Texas Medicaid Dental program? Texas health steps, available to kids up to 21 years of age, eligibility begins at 12 months
what is social security disability insurance? (SSDI) based on work history, available to those who worked approximately 5 full years out of the past 10 years and have become disabled you need to have worked long enough and recently enough to qualify
what are the benefits of social security disability insurance (SSDI) Qualify for Medicare usually covers all hospital serves for people over 65
how does the credit system work in social security disability insurance? earn one credit for each 1200 of wages, total maximum credit that you can earn in one year is 4 or (4,800) number of work credits you need to qualify depends on the age when you became disabled need 40 credits, 20 earned in last 10 year
what is reasonable modification? change of the work environment or change in in the way job duties are performed that enables a qualified person with a disability to perform the essential functions of the position
ADA definition or reasonable workplace accommodations acquiring or modifying equipment physically altering work site modifying work schedule providing readers or interpreters CANNOT CREATE HARDSHIP
what happens to people who become disabled on the job? if there is another job available that they can perform it should be offered if there is not a job available, you are not required to continue to employ that person
what is readily achievable? easily accomplished and able to be done without much difficulty or expense
what is the definition of Normalization? Process that enables challenged individuals to engage in normal patterns of every day
what is the definition of Mainstreaming Incorporating individuals with special needs into conventional activities
what is the definition of Deinstitutionalization Allows challenged persons to live and function independently with little or no assistance from a caregiver
what is the definition of Major Life activities Term “disability” is associated with limited in a major life activity. Those that the average person in the general population can perform with little or no difficulty
what is the definition of Impairment Occur as a result of pathology, accident or disease and includes any loss or abnormality physiologic, anatomic or mental in function which may or may not be permanent
what is the definition of Activity limitation Difficulty to take part in conventional lifestyle situations for reasons that may be beyond the client’s control
what is the definition of Participation restriction Inability to take part in conventional lifestyle situations for reasons that may be beyond the client’s control
what is the definition of Developmental Disability Occurs congenitally or during the developmental period of a child, period that lasts from birth to 22 years. Generally chronic in nature, continue throughout the person’s life and appear as mental, physical or combined impairments
what is the definition of Acquired Disability Occur after the age of 22 year or are caused by disease, trauma or injury to the body
what is the definition of Age associated disability Occurs later in life typically over the age of 65, have higher risk of developing chronic diseases
what is the definition of Basic activities of daily living Activities required for personal care such as feeding, dressing, grooming, bathing and toileting
what is the definition of Instrumental activities of daily living Encompasses more complex tasks required for independent living
what is the definition of Auxiliary Aids Qualified interpreters, assistive listening devices, notetakers, telephone handset amplifiers, written written materials for persons with hearing impairments, qualified readers and telephones
what is the definition of Undue Burden Defined in the law as a significant difficulty of expense. There is no formula in the law or regulations for determining what constitutes significant difficulty or expense, but several factors should be considered
what factors should be considered in undue burden? Overall size and financial resources of the business Nature of the business and the nature and cost of the accommodations needed
what is the definition of TDD? Telecommunication device for the deaf
what is the definition of Qualified person with a disability A qualified person with a disability is one who satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education and other job related requirements of the position and can perform the essential functions of the job, with or without reasonable accommodation
what is the definition of Essential Functions of the Job Primary job duties that are intrinsic to the employment position, the reason why the position exists
what is the definition of Reasonable Accommodation Reasonable modification of the work environment, or a change in the way job duties are performed, that enables a qualified person with a disability to perform the essential functions of the position
what is a Transfer Belt? Straps secured around the client’s wait to provide a place to hold the client in the event that the person begins to fall during the transfer process. These are especially useful with clients who have little to no upper body strength such as tetraplegics
what is a sliding board? Used to assist the client with fair to good upper body strength by helping the client slide out of the wheelchair, across the board, and into the dental chair
how do you use a sliding board? The wheel chair must be positioned beside the dental chair, and the arms to both chairs must be removed to accommodate the board One end of the board is placed underneath the client, the other end is laid across the dental chair
when should a sliding transfer be used? patients who have sound upper body strength
when should a one person transfer be used? patients who have a good sense of balance, high level of motivation and strength and mobility necessary to support themselves while standing
when should a two person transfer be used? patients who are unable to support themselves by their upper or lower body or whose ability to transfer is difficult to evaluate
what is an intellectual disability? characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, originates before the age of 18
what is intellectual functioning? reasoning, learning, problem solving
what is adaptive behavior? conceptual, social and adaptive skills
is intellectual disability just determined by an IQ test? no but it is a major tool measuring intellectual functioning or a capacity for learning test score below 70 indicates a limitation in intellectual functioning
what is the most common genetic causes of mental impairment? mutations in the X-linked genes
what are the steps of classification of mental deficiency first step: administer a standardized IQ and adaptive skills test second step: describe person's strengths and weaknesses Third step: interdisciplinary team determines needed support
what is the IQ score of mild intellectual disability 50-70 adult mental age from 9-12 years academic skill level: 6th grade
what is the IQ score of moderate intellectual disability IQ score of 35-55 adult mental age from 6-9 years academic skill level: 2nd-3rd grade
what is the IQ score of severe intellectual disability IQ score 20-40 adult mental age from 3-6 years academic skill: may learn alphabet and simple counting
what is the IQ score of profound intellectual disability IQ score of less than 20
when should you schedule a person with an intellectual disability? in the morning
what is the recall interval of a person with an intellectual disability? 3 months
how is down syndrome caused? extra copy of chromosome 21 47 chromosomes instead of 46
what is the most common cardiovascular disease for a down syndrome kid? ventricular septal defect
what is the prevalence of caries in down syndrome individuals? low prevalence of dental caries, higher concentration of specific IgA antibodies S. mutans in saliva
what is the oral findings in down syndrome? high incidence of periodontal disease, pattern of bone loss resembles juvenile periodontitis
rumination chewing and regurgitating food
what is high level functioning in self care? capable of providing self care
what is moderate level functioning in self care? capable of at least part of oral hygiene but need lots of training and assistance
what is low level functioning in self care? dependent on someone for total care
what is frankl 1 functioning level definitely negative behavior, refuses treatment, cries, combative, may be withdrawn
what is fankl 2 functioning level negative, reluctant to accept treatment, uncooperative, may be withdrawn
what is fankl 3 functioning level positive, accept treatments with caution, willing to comply with treatment
what is fankl 4 functioning level definitely positive, good rapport with dental team, has a great time, interested in dental procedures
what patient could the universal cuff be used for? unable to flex fingers
what patient could the electric tooth brush or hydra brush be used for? no arm movement
what patient could a tennis ball on a tooth brush be used for? weak flexion of fingers
what patient could an extended handle be used for? limited arm movement
what are the disadvantages of electric tooth brush? extra weight of toothbrush is not good for lose with limited arm strength on off mechanism may be difficult to use vibrations may bother some individuals
what is a stabilization device? any device that is used to help maintain head and or body stability or to keep mouth open
what is fragile X syndrome? a defect in the long arm on the X chromosome in females
What are the most common teeth to be missing in children with down syndrome? 3rd molars, second premolars, lower anterior teeth
what is the most common tooth for torodontism? second molar
what do deficiencies in vitamin A produce? poor healing and increased gum bleeding
what is Phenylketonuria Excess levels of amino acids in the blood stream, have to avoid sources of protein in die
what is Hypoxemia Intracranial hemorrhage due to lack of oxygen to a babies' brain
what is Kernicterus Toxic accumulation of bilirubin in the brain
what is Trisomy 21 Syndrome Failure of a pair of number 21 chromosomes to segregate (nondisjunction) during the formation of either an egg or sperm before conception, is not inherited, has no known cause
what is Translocation Hereditary and occurs when a piece of chromosome in pair 21 breaks off and attaches to another chromosome, usually chromosome 14, 21, or 22
what is Mosaicism Occurs in only 1% of children with down syndrome; it is a result of an error in one of the first cell divisions shortly after conception
what is Mental age Age reflected in the level of functioning
what is chronological age True age based on date of birth
what are Epicanthal Folds Folds of skin extending from the root of the nose to the median end of the eyebrow
what are Brushfield Spots Iris of the eye is speckled with marks
what is Scoliosis Curvature of the spine
what is Brachycephaly Broad, short head
what is Hypotelorism Abnormal closeness of the eyes
what is Simian crease Single palmer crease on hands
what is Atlanto-Axial Instability Abnormal mobility of the upper two cervical vertebrae (C1 and C2) caused by congenital ligamentous laxity
what is a Plicated Tongue Characterized by a single midline fissure, a double midline fissure or multiple fissures of various patterns, lengths and depths that appear on the anterior two thirds of the tongue’s dorsal surface
what is a Hypotonic tongue Protruding tongue because the tongue has a weak frenulum and a weak midline junction and its anterior two thirds are excessively concave
Oral motor dysfunction (3 observations that generally indicate dysfunction) Inadequate wiping motion of the tongue along the buccal surfaces of the teeth Inadequate lip closure with drooling Moderate to severe speech articulation problems
Construction of adaptive aids (5 factors) Should be easily changeable when no longer effective and inexpensive Aid must be cleanable Aid must be durable Can withstand exposure to water and saliva Aid should be resistant to the absorption of oral fluids
what is Range of Motion The client’s ability to reach the oral cavity with the arms and hands is determined. Extent of range of motion dictates the length of the device required to accommodate physical limitations in reaching the mouth
what is Grip Strength o Clients with arthritis or neuromuscular disorders experience difficulty holding a device that is too narrow or too small To assess grip strength have the client grasp various sizes of foam cylinders
what is arthritis? inflammation of the joint
what is osteoarthritis caused by breakdown of articular cartilage, over growth of bone and impaired function
what are the main points of osteoarthritis asymmetrical, one or two joints involved, weight bearing joints, pain in joints usually lasts less than 15 minutes, occurs after age 60
what nodes are only associated with osteoarthritis? bouchard's nodes Heberden's nodes
what is bouchard's nodes painless bony enlargement on the proximal interphalangeal joint (middle finger)
what is heberden's nodes painless bony growths of the distal interphalangeal joints (small joint at the end of the finger
what are the main points for rheumatoid arthritis? systemic involvement, occurs between ages 35-50, can feel heat and see swelling from inflammation, stiffness that lasts longer than an hour, bilateral symmetrical
how does rheumatoid arthritis occur? synovial membrane becomes inflamed and erodes cartilage, pannus forms and then is replaced by scar tissue, finally bone is fused
what are the deformities in rheumatoid arthritis? swan neck deformity boutonniere deformity
what are the disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs? gold compounds, pencillamine, antimalarial agents, sulfasalazine, immunosuppressives
what are the common immunosuppresive therapy imuran, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, cyclosporine, leflunomide
Created by: Chobchi
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