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Essencia YTT Asanas
Sanskrit and English Terms for YTT Asanas
Question | Answer |
Utkatasana | Awkward pose or Chair |
Ustrasana | Camel pose |
Urdhva mukha svanasana | Upward facing dog |
Tadasana | Mountain pose |
Supta parivartanasana | Reclined twist pose |
Shishulasana | Dolphin pose |
Setu Bandha sarvangasana/Setu bandhasana | Bridge pose |
Savasana | Corpse pose |
Salabhasana A, B, C | Locust pose |
Pursvottanasana | Upward facing plank/Eastern intense stretch pose |
Prasarita padottanasana | Spread leg forward fold |
Phalakasana | Plank pose |
Paschimottanasana | Seated forward bend/West stretching pose |
Parivrtta trikonasana | Revolved triangle pose |
Parivrtta parsvakonasana | Revolved side angle pose |
Padahasthasana | Hands to feet pose |
Navasana | Boat pose |
Marichyasana C | Mariachi's pose |
Janu sirsasana | Head to knee forward bend pose |
Gomukhasana | Cow face pose |
Garydasana | Eagle pose |
Dhanurasana | Bow pose |
Dandasana | Staff pose |
Chaturanga dandasana | Four-limbed staff pose |
Bhujangasana | Cobra pose |
Balasana | Child's pose |
Bakasana | Crane pose |
Ardha uttanasana | Half forward fold |
Ardha matsyendrasana | Half lord of the fishes pose/half spinal twist |
Ardha chandrasana | Half moon pose |
Ananda balasana | Happy baby pose |
Adho mukha svanasana | Downward facing dog pose |
Agnidtambhasana | Fire log or double pigeon pose |
Anjaneyasana | Low lunge pose/crescent |
Apanasana | Knees to chest/wind removing pose |
Ashta chandrasana | Eight crescent moon pose |
Baddha konasana | Bound angle pose |
Eka pada raj kapotasana | One legged king pigeon pose |
Halasana | Plow pose |
Jathara parivartanasana | Revolving twist pose |
Kapotasana | Pigeon pose |
Krounchasana | Heron pose |
Matsyasana | Fish pose |
Naraviralasana | Sphinx pose |
Padangusthasana | Big toe pose |
Padmasana | Lotus pose |
Parivrtta ardha chandrasana | Revolved half moon |
Supta virasana | Reclining hero pose |
Tolasana | Scales pose |
Tittibhasana | Firefly pose |
Urdhva dhanurasana | Upward bow/wheel pose |
Utthita hasta padangusthasana | Extended hand to big toe pose |
Utthita parsvakonasana | Extended side angle pose |
Utthita trikonasana | Extended triangle pose |
Vasisthasana | Side-plank pose |
Viparita dandasana | Inverted staff pose |
Viparita karani | Active reversal, or legs up the wall |
Virabhadrasana I, II, III | Warrior I, II, III |
Virasana | Hero pose |
Vrksasana | Tree pose |
Siddhasana | Meditation seat |
Kakasana | Crow pose |
Sarvangasana | Shoulder stand |
Sirshasana | Headstand |
Sukhasana | Easy pose |
Simhasana | Lion pose |
Trikonasana | The triangle |
Vrschikasana | Scorpion |
Salamba sirasana II | Tripod headstand |
Parsvottonasana | Pyramid |
Parsva bakasana | Side crow |
Supta balasana | Knees to chest |
Chakravakasana | Cat/cow stretch |
Pincha mayurasana | Forearm stand |
Malasana | Garland pose |
Supta baddha konasana | Goddess pose |
Ardha padmasana | Half lotus pose |
Ashtanga namaskara | Knees, chest, chin |
Utthan pristhasana | Lizard pose |
Hunanumasana | Monkey pose |
Upavistha konasana | Seated wide legged straddle |
Salamba sarvangasana | Shoulder stand |
Urdhva prasarita eka padasana | Standing split |
Supta matsyendrasana | Supine spinal twist |
Ashwa sanchalanasana | Equestrian pose |
Pranamasana | Hands to heart pose |
Hasta uttanasana | Hands to sky pose |
Parvatasana | Mountain pose |