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Anatomy 2

AG 502 Anatomy 2

occipital lobe vision; integrating primary vision with other senses
insular lobe visceral functions, integrates autonomic info, motormemory
limbic system motivation, sex drive, emotional behaviour, memory, affect
hypothalamus homeostasis
hippocampal formation memory (Alzheimer's)
amygdala emotions and drives
basal ganglia motor learning, control of motor skills
commissural fibres between hemispheres ex: corpus callosum
association fibres within a hemisphere ex: arcuate fasiculus
projection fibres between cerebrum and neuroaxis ex: uncuate fasiculus
internal capsule very important projection fibres
thalamus major sensory relay center, adds emotion to sensations; arousal, attention, sleep/wake cycles;all senses except smell stop here on the way to conscious awareness
mamillary bodies important for memory, easily damaged by alcohol
pineal body gonad development, produces melatonin
hypothalamus control center for autonomic NS, links NS to endocrine system
subthalamus relay station in sensory motor control of voluntary movements
reticular formation alertness, focus attention, monitors input to thalamus
superior colliculi vision; visual reflexes
inferior colliculi auditory; auditory reflexes
substantia nigra produces dopamine; damage here = Parkinson's
oculomotor nerve (m) lift the eyelid/control position of eyeball; pupil constriction
basilar pons relay between cortex and cerebellum; forms peduncles
posterior pons CN nuclei for trochlear(m), trigeminal(s/m), abducens(m)
trochlear nerve (m)moves eyeball down and out
trigeminal nerve (s)face, scalp, teeth, front 2/3 of tongue, soft palate (m)mandibular area
abducens nerve (m)moves eyeball inward
facial nerve (m)to striated muscles of facial expression(s)glands, taste buds, external ear & tympanic membrane
vestibulocochlear nerve (s)hearing and balance
cerebellum monitors skilled motor behaviour; corrects mismatches in muscle coordination
archicerebellum sense body position; balance
paleocerebellum posture; gross movement of limbs
neocerebellum precision of force, direction and extent of voluntary movements
peduncles carry fibres from one place to another
olives (gray matter) info about where body parts are in relation to themselves
pyramidal decussation 80 - 85% of fibres cross over here
glossopharyngeal nerve (s)back 1/3 of tongue, tonsils, middle ear
vagus nerve (m)laryngeal muscles, smooth muscles(s)throat & ear, soft palate
accessory nerve (m)trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
hypglossal nerve (m)muscles of the tongue
phrenic nerve innervates the diaphragm (m) and (s)
brachial plexus C5 - T1 muscles and skin of chest and upper limbs
lumbarsacral plexus trunk and lower limbs
receptors detect and respond to changes in internal and external environment
exteroreceptors mediate sight/sound/smell/balance/touch
proprioreceptors deep body sensation; our body parts in relation to space and each other
2-point discrimination "tell me when you feel two pricks"
stereognosis ability to recognize object through touch alone
reflex behaviour that is not cortically mediated
cortical override consciously controlling reflexes
corticobulbar tracts from the cortex to the brain stem & vice-versa
cervical plexus C1, C2, C3, C4
Created by: Aureole
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