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Rom. Adjectives 03

Romanian Adjectives 03 - Positive Qualities

agreabil agreeable
brav brave
curajos courageous
credincios faithful
blând gentle, mild
ascultător/supus obedient
isteţ clever
inteligent intelligent
zelos zealous
spiritual spiritual
binecuvântat blessed
încântător delightful
consolator consoling
mângâietor comforting
glumecţ/umoristi humorous
comic comical
amuzant amusing, funny
satisfăcător satisfying
înţelegător understanding
uimitor/uluitor amazing
interesant interesting
fericit fortunate
important important
eliberator liberating
optimist optimistic
eliberator liberating
plăcut pleasant, nice
încurajator encouraging
surprinzător/uimitor surprising
relaxant relaxing
iubitor loving
mişcător touching, moving
fascinant fascinating
intrigant intriguing
inspiritor inspiring
emoţionant exciting
îndrăzneț bold, daring
unic unique
dinamic dynamic
tenace tenacious
înviorător invigorating, refreshing
râzător laughing
capabil capable
competent competent
peste medie above average
aventuros adventurous
agil agile
treaz alert, awake, watchful
analitic analytical
angelic angelic
fervent fervent, ardent
artistic artistic
asertiv assertive
atent attentive, careful
minunat wonderful
spectaculos spectaculous
magnific magnificent, awesome
splendid splendid
echilibrat balanced, level-headed
binefăcător beneficient
deştept bright, brilliant, smart
sincer sincere, candid, frank
ambițios ambitious
fermecător charming
nevinovat blameless, childlike
inocent innocent
civil civil
coerent coherent
încrezător trustful, confiding
conștiincios conscientious
grijuliu considerate, thoughtful, sensitive to others
cooperatist cooperative
politicos polite, courteous
afabil affable, genial
delicat delicate, dainty, tactful
decisiv/hotărâtor decisive
deferent deferential
abil able, skillful
îndemânatic deft, dexterous
calificat qualified, skilled
sfios meek, demure
devotat devoted
harnic/sârguincios industrious, diligent, hard-working
cu discernământ/pătrunzător discerning, shrewd
discret/prevăzător discreet
cuminte dutiful
sensibil sensible, responsive
serios serious, earnest
eficient efficient
energic energetic
întreprinzător enterprising
excelent excellent
cu experiență experienced
fabulos fabulous
prietenos friendly
generos generous
caritabil charitable
de ajutor/ajutător helpful
imaginativ imaginative
imperturbabil imperturbable
impresionant impressive
incisiv incisive
independent independent
inventiv inventive
ascuţit acute, keen, sharp
bun kind, good
logic logical
matern maternal
matur mature
metodic methodical
meticulos meticulous
modest modest
motivat motivated
muzical musical
îndatoritor obliging, accomodating
bătrânesc/de modă veche old-fashioned
ordonat orderly
făţiş outspoken, outright, overt
sociabil sociable, outgoing
patern paternal
răbdător patient
gânditor pensive, thinking, musing
perseverent persevering
viteaz valiant, plucky
popular popular
pozitiv positive
puternic powerful, strong, mighty
practic practical
expert expert, proficient
prudent prudent
punctual punctual
realist realistic
liniștitor reassuring, soothing
rezervat reserved
descurcăreț resourceful
respectuos respectful
respectat respected
răspunzător/responsabil responsible
potolit sedate, mellow
senzitiv sensitive, sensory, sensorial
sentimental sentimental, soulful
sobru sober, temperate
sofisticat sophisticated
stabil stable, steady
neschimbat unchanged, staid
stoic stoic
subtil subtle
talentat talented
tolerant tolerant
neafectat unaffected
multilateral versatile
vigilent vigilant, watchful
inimos kindhearted
manierat mannered, genteel, well-behaved
cuviincios becoming
demn de încredere dependable, reliable
sofisticat sophisticated
moral moral
cinstit honest, fair
invulnerabil invulnerable
distractiv fun, entertaining, distracting
Created by: matteber
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