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Rom. Adjectives 01
Romanian Adjectives 01 - Positive Feelings
Romanian | English |
calm | calm, serene |
pașnic | peaceful |
încântat | delighted |
dornic | eager |
fericit | happy |
vesel | jolly |
plin de viață | lively, full of life |
ușurat | relieved |
confortabil | comfortable |
recunoscător | thankful |
amuzat | amused |
jucăuș | playful |
jovial | jovial, cheerful |
satisfăcut | satisfied |
extatic | ecstatic |
simpatic | sympathetic |
empatic | empathetic |
compătimitor/milos | compassionate |
uluit/mirat | amazed |
interesat | interested |
receptiv | receptive |
norocos | lucky |
încântat la culme | overjoyed |
festiv | festive |
bucuros | glad |
stârnit | aroused |
voios | merry, joyous, cheerful |
euforic | euphoric, elated |
jubilând | jubilant |
eliberat | liberated |
liber | free |
zburdalnic | frisky |
animat | animated |
însufleţit | spirited, lively |
mulțumit | pleased, content |
încurajat | encouraged |
uimit | surprised |
cert | certain |
sigur | sure, confident, safe, secure |
relaxat | relaxed |
reasigurat | reassured, soothed |
iubit | loved |
afectuos | affectionate |
tandru | tender |
atras | attracted |
apropiat de | close to |
fascinat | fascinated |
intrigat | intrigued |
absorbit | absorbed |
curios | curious |
intens | intense |
inspirat | inspired |
hotărât | determined, resolved, resolute |
emoționat | excited |
plin de speranță | hopeful |
revigorat | invigorated, refreshed |
amabil | kind, amiable |
șăgalnic | jocular |
pasionat | passionate, love |
entuziast | enthusiastic |
odihnit | refreshed, composed, tranquil |
cordial | cordial, heart-felt, hearty |