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Adv. Bio. Chapter 11

Arteriole Minute artery
Artery A vessel that carries blood AWAY from the heart
Atrium a chamber of the heart receiving blood from the veins
Capillary a minute blood vessel connecting arterioles with venules
Cardiac cycle sequence of events encompassing one complete contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles of the heart
Cardiac output the blood volume (in liters) ejected per minute by left ventricle
Diastolic pressure lowest arterial BP (relaxing)
Myocardium the cardiac muscle layer of the heart wall middle layer
Pericardium the membranous sac enveloping the heart outside layer
Pulmonary Circulation system of blood vessels that carry blood to and from the lungs for gas exchange
Pulse rhythmic expansion and recoil of arteries resulting from heart contraction; can be felt from the outside of the body
Semilunar Valves valves that prevent blood return to the ventricles after contraction
Systolic Pressure the pressure generated by the left ventricle during systole
Vein a vessel carrying blood away from the tissues toward the heart
Ventricles (1) discharging chambers of the heart (2) cavities within the brain lower chambers of the heart
Veinales small veins
endocardium innermost layer of the heart
Which side does the apex point to? the left side of the body
Tachycardia fast heart rate
bradycardia slow heart rate
SA node also known as pacemaker, starts each heart beat
CHF disease occurs when heart is unable to pump blood effectively.fluid can build up as a result of CHF (congestive heart failure). symptoms include congested lungs, shortness of breath, water retention, dizziness, and weakness.
Stroke volume the volume of blood pumped out by a ventricle with each heartbeat
What causes heart sounds? the closing of valves and the collision of blood against them when they do
Tunic Intema endothelium- inner layer of arteries and veins
Tunic Media middle layer
Tunic Externa outer layer
Capillary walls one cell thick
Why are artery walls thicker than veins? artery walls need to withhold the pressure of the blood coming right from the heart. In veins there isn't as much pressure
Peripheral resistance the force against blood flow. Increase in this is usually caused by an increase in vasoconstriction, which would decrease blood flow.
Name 2 sets of exceptions to the rule that arteries usually carry O2 rich blood and veins carry CO2 rich blood pulmonary or umbilical. (portal?)
Circle of Willis the communication between the left and right carotid arteries, which provide arterial blood to the brain
Ductus venosus the vessel that bypasses the liver in fetal circulation
Foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus the 2 vessels that bypass the lungs in fetal circulation
Umbilical vein the vessels that carry oxygen and nutrient rich blood in the umbilical cord
wrist radial arteries
lateral to eyes temporal arteries
below earlobe carotid arteries
groin femoral arteries
back of knee popliteal arteries
carotid arteries supply blood to brain
varicose veins veins with a weakness of valves factors- obesity, pregnancy, standing for long periods of time. results from inactivity/pressure on veins
valves allow blood to move from atria to ventricle
Heart beat sound is produced by? closing of valves
portal circulation type of circulation that has a capillary bed that is both fed and drained by veins
Blood pressure maintains circulation throughout whole body
function of lymph vessels get rid of waste
spleen destroys dead red blood cells produces lymphocytes
septum seperates left and right sides of heart
aorta supplies blood to all body tissues
bycuspid left
tricuspid right
corda tendona cords that anchor valves
valvularstenosis stiff valves
coronary arteries arteries that supply heart with nutrients
mycardial infarction medical name for heart attack
angina chest pain
fibrolation rapid uncordinated shuttering of heart valves
Created by: Sarahpetersen4
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