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Plants are eukaryotic, multicellular (usually) organisms that have cell walls made up of ______________. cellulose
Most plants are ______________, meaning they can make their own food/energy. autotrophs
Plants are able to survive on land because they have _____________ to absorb water and nutrients from the ground. roots
Plants are able to survive on land because they have a _____________ cuticle to prevent water loss. waxy (wax is a lipid, they don't mix with water)
Plants are able to survive on land because they have ways to disperse their _____________ by wind, water, and other organisms. seeds or spores
The plant life cycle is called the - Alternation of Generations
A gametophyte produces gametes (sex cells)
A sporophyte produces spores
Mosses are seedless plants that lack ____________ tissue, thus they are very small. vascular
_____________ and their relatives are seedless plants that can have vascular tissue. Ferns
Type of seed-producing plant that does NOT produce a fruit. Gymnosperms (naked seed)
Type of seed-producing plant that produces fruit. Angiosperms (covered seed)
The transfer of pollen grains from the stamen to the pistil. Pollination
The fusion of a plant's sperm with another plant's egg. Fertilization
Type of angiosperm that produces 1 seed leaf, and has petals in multiples of 3. Monocot
Type of angiosperm that produces 2 seed leaves, and has petals in multiples of 4 or 5. Dicot
The reproductive structure of an angiosperm. Flower
Male part of the flower. Stamen (staMEN)
Female part of the flower. Pistil
Part of the stamen that produces the pollen; it's supported by the filament. Anther
Part of the pistil that is sticky so it can "catch" pollen; it's supported by the style. Stigma
Small leaves located directly below the flower. Sepals
When a plant pollinates itself. Self-fertilization
When a plant pollinates another plant. Cross-fertilization
The primary function of a fruit is to disperse _____________. seeds
Outer, protective layer of the plant. Dermal Tissue
Tubelike structures inside a plant to transport water and nutrients. Vascular Tissue
Part of a plant that surrounds and supports the vascular tissue. Ground Tissue
___________ are pores in the leaves of plants that allow gases in or out. Stomata
Type of cell that can open or close a stomata. Guard cell
Part of a plant that anchors it to the ground, absorbs nutrients and water from the ground, and sometimes stores nutrients underground. Roots
Part of a plant that supports branches and leaves, and houses the vascular tissue. Stems
Photosynthetic organs of a plant. Leaves
Site of plant growth and new cell formation. Meristems
Process by which a plant embryo begins to grow. Germination
Vertical plant growth. Primary growth
Horizontal plant growth. Secondary growth
Created by: ballb
Popular Biology sets




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