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USIDMS Fetal Anomalies

What is the term for the bladder located outside of the abdomen? Bladder extrophy
Mortality of renal agenesis Unilateral (more common = good prognosis (generally survivable), bilateral = lethal
What is Potter's syndrome? Bilateral renal agenesis
What is IPKD, and what is another term for it? Infantile polycystic kidney disease or ARPKD (autosomal-recessive polycystic kidney disease) is an autosomal-recessive congenital disorder that affects bilateral kidneys and liver, small cysts throughout
What is dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces referred to as? Hydronephrosis
Severe hydro is associated with Aneuploidies or structural anomalies in 55% of cases
What is UPJ? Ureteropelvic junction obstruction, a blockage between the kidney and ureter
Sonographic appearance of PUV Keyhole sign, dilated bladder, ureters, hydro, oligohydramnios
What are the 2 terms for hypoplasia or atresia of the abdominal wall? Prune-belly syndrome / Eagle-Barrett
Fusion of the lower extremities is known as Sirenomelia
What are the 2 terms for persistent inversion of the foot at the ankle? Clubfoot / Talipes
What is VACTERL association? VACTERL is a group of anomalies that are often associated with one another. It includes Vertebral anomalies, Anal atresia/imperforate anus, Cardiac defects, Tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal atresia, Renal anomalies, and Limb deformities
How many anomalies need to be present in order for VACTERL to be considered? 3
Occlusion of internal carotid arteries resulting in no normal brain tissue being formed Hydranencephaly
Sonographic appearance of ventriculomegaly Lateral ventricular enlargement over 10 mm, enlarged BPD and head circumference
What is thought to cause amniotic band syndrome? Tears in the amniotic sac can cause fibrous strands that can get wrapped around fetal parts. The bands do not grow as the baby grows, so they constrict around the affected part leading to edema, loss of circulation, and/or amputation
What is the "lemon sign" indicative of? Spina bifida
What is the Dandy-Walker malformation? Cystic dilation of the 4th ventricle and hypoplasia of cerebeller vermis
What is the "banana sign"? Elongation of the cerebellum (in a banana shape) indicative of Arnold-Chiari malformation
What is the mortality rate of sirenomelia? It is considered a lethal anomaly because of the associated renal abnormalities
Created by: Stephtier
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