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Figures of speech
Figures of speech listed in Martin Cothran's "Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle"
Question | Answer |
What is Asyndeton? | What is omission of a conjunction (usually "and") called? (...of the people, by the people, for the people...) |
What is Polysyndeton? | What is the unnecessary use of the conjunction "and" called? (Lions and tigers and bears!) |
What is Paradiastole? | What is the repetition of the disjunctives "neither" and "nor" or "either" and "or" called? (I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth...) |
What is Hendiadys? | What is the use of a conjunction and two nouns as opposed to a single noun and a modifier called? ("nicely warm" VS. "nice and warm") |
What is Metaplasmus? | What is a purposeful misspelling called? |
What is Prosthesis? | What is the addition of letters at the beginning of a word in a purposeful misspelling? (A thing enskied and sainted.) |
What is Epenthesis? | What is the addition of letters in the middle of a word in a purposeful misspelling called? (before the visitating sun.) |
What is Proparalepsis? | What is the addition of letters to the end of a word in a purposeful misspelling called? (spirits from the vasty deep.) |
What is Aphaeresis? | What is the subtraction of letters from the beginning of a word in an intentional misspelling called? (looking 'round) |
What is Syncope? | What is the subtraction of letters from the middle of a word in an intentional misspelling called? (Home art thou gone, and ta'en thy wages.) |
What is Apocope? | What is the subtraction of letters from the end of a word in an intentional misspelling called? (And when I ope my lips...) |
What is Antisthecon? | What is the substitution of one or more letters in a word in an intentional misspelling called? (ere they meet) |
What is Metatheses? | What is the rearrangement of one or more letters in a word in an intentional misspelling called? (a cestron brimm'd with the blood of men...) |
What is Ellipsis? | What is the general name for the omission of one or more words? |
What is a Zeugma? | What is the yoking of a verb to more than one subject while it grammatically refers to only one called? (Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.) |
What is Syllepsis? (This is also sometimes referred to as Zeugma.) | What is the yoking of a verb to more than one subject which a different meaning implied in reference to each subject called? (Rend your heart, not your garments.) |
What is Absolute Ellipsis? | What is a phrase or sentence in which the omitted material is not betrayed by the words which remain called? (And you, Brutus?) |
What is Scesis Onomaton? | What is the intentional omission of a verb called? (That's Bob McBobson. *A very good man*) |
What is an Enthymeme? | What is the abbreviation of a syllogism by omission of a premise called? |
What is Anapodoton? | What is the omission of one or more whole clauses, which are not implied by logical structure, called? ("I would that the Roman people had but one neck." - Caligula) |
What is Aposiopesis? | What is the intentional omission of the last part of a sentence or thought called? |
What is Aporia? (Perhaps more commonly called "Praeteritio") | What is talking about how you can't talk about something, and thereby talking about it, called? |
What is Praecisio? | What is the rhetorical use of silence called? |
What is Tmesis? | What is breaking a word in two, either to give it emphasis or to put another word in the break, called? (abra-frikin'-cadabra) |
What is Hyperbaton? | What is the deviation from ordinary word order called? |
What is Anastrophe? | What is the reversal of word order called? |
What is Hysteron-proteron? | What is the reversal of temporal order in a sentence called? |
What is Hypallage? | What is a reversal of a known sentence that changes the sense of the sentence called? (once upon a tree I came across a time.) |
What is Parenthesis? | What is parenthetical addition, by way of explanation or exclamation, called? |
What is Enallage? | What is the grammatically improper use of a word called? ("We was robbed!") |
What is Antimerea? | What is the substitution of one part of speech for another called? |
What is Antiptosis? | What is the substitution of a prepositional phrase for an adjective called? ("Way of the righteous" VS. "righteous way") |
What is Metonymy? | What is the substitution of one word for another related word called? ("All my money was taken by Uncle Sam.") |
What is Metalepsis? | What is the double substitution of a word for a related word called? |
What is Catachresis? | What is an apparently inappropriate, but somehow meaningful, substitution of one word for another called? (Blind mouths) |
What is Synecdoche? | What is the substitution of a part for a whole called? |
What is Pleonasm? | What is the addition of superfluous words called? (That was the most greatest thing...) |
What is Asterismos? | What is the addition of a word to emphasize what follows called? |
What is Periphrasis? | What is the substitution of more for fewer words called? |
What is Congeries? | What is repetition using other words called? |
What is Antithesis? | What is the repetition of ideas by negation called? |
What is Epanorthosis? | What is addition by correction called? (We three, indeed all ten of us shall...) |
What is Polyptoton? | What is the repetition of the same word or root in different grammatical forms called? |
What is Antanaclasis? | What is repetition of words such that they mean very different things called? (We must hang together, or we shall surely hang [be hanged] separately.) |
What is Ploce? | What is repetition in a general and restricted sense called? (They are not all Israel which are of Israel.) |
What is Isocolon? | What is the repetition of grammatical forms called? |
What is Repetitio? | What is the irregular repetition of a word of phrase called? |
What is Epizeuxis? | What is immediate repetition called? (My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?) |
What is Diacope? | What is repetition with only a few words between called? (A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!) |
What is Anaphora? | What is repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a phrase or sentence called? |
What is Epistrophe? | What is repetition of a word or phrase at the end of a phrase or sentence called? |
What is Symploce? | What is Repetition of a word or phrase at both the beginning and end of a phrase or sentence called? |
What is Epanalepsis? | What is the repetition of the beginning word at the end called? (Men of few words are the best men.) |
What is Inclusio? | What is repetition of the beginning sentence or phrase at the end called? |
What is Anadiplosis? | What is the repetition of an end at the next beginning called? |
What is Gradatio? | What is the repeated repetition of an end at the next beginning called? |
What is Auxesis? | What is the arrangement of parts in ascending order called? |
What is Epanodos? (Chiasmus on a smaller scale. Usually just called Chiasmus.) | What is repetition in reverse order in a sentence called? |
What is Chiasmus? | What is repetition of parts in reverse order in a passage or paragraph, or even a whole work called? |