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Biology notes

7.1 and 36.1

Energy The ability to do work.
Autotroph An organism PLANT that makes its own food
Primary Consumers Herbivores, first level of consumers
Omnivores Have a diet of both meat and plants, consumers and producers.
Detritus Waste and remains of a dead organism
Photosynthesis A plant using the suns energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugars.
Consumer Organisms that eat other organisms
Secondary Consumers Organisms that eat the consumers that eat the producers
Decomposers Organisms such as bacteria, mushroom, and fungi
Food Webs Pattern of feeding in an ecosystem consisting of interconnected and branching food chains.
Producers Organism that produce carbohydrate molecules which have energy in chemical bonds to hold them together.
Biomass Total organic mass in the ecosystem
Heterotroph Organisms that eat other organisms
Carnivores secondary consumers, or meat eaters
Trophic Levels Feeding level in an ecosystem
Food Chain Pathway of food transfer from one trophic level to another.
Herbivores Animals that only eat plants
Tertiary Consumers Animals that feed on the secondary animals, may be part of the ecosystem
Cellular Respiration Chemical process that uses oxygen to convert the chemical energy in organic molecules to another form of chemical energy.
Primary Productivity Rate at which producers in an ecosystem build biomass
Energy Pyramid Diagram representing energy loss from one trophic level to the next
Biomass Pyramid Diagram representing the biomass in each trophic level of an ecosystem
Pyramid of numbers Representation of the number of individual organisms in each trophic level of an ecpsystem
Kinetic Energy Energy of motion
Potential Energy Energy stored due to an object's position or arrangement.
Thermal Energy Total amount of energy associated with the random movements of atoms and molecules in a sample of matter.
Chemical Energy Potential to perform work due to the arrangement of atoms within molecules
Calorie Amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1g of water to 1C
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) main energy source that cells use for most of their work.
Chloroplast organelle found in some plant cells and certain unicellular organisms where photosynthesis takes place
Chlorophyll pigment that gives a chloroplast its green color; uses light energy to split water molecules during photosynthesis
Stroma thick fluid contained in the inner membrane of a chloroplast
Thylakoid disk-shaped sac in the stroma of a chloroplast; site of the light reactions of photosynthesis
Light Reactions chemical reactions that convert the sun's energy to chemical energy; take place in the membranes of thylakoids in the chloroplast
Calvin Cycle cycle in plants that makes sugar from carbon dioxide, H+ ions, and high-energy electrons carried by NADPH
Equation for photosynthesis 6CO2+6H2O---->light C6H12O6+6O2
Wavelength distance between adjacent waves
Electromagnetic Spectrum range of types of electromagnetic energy from gamma waves to radio waves
Pigment chemical compound that determines a substance's color
Paper Chromatography laboratory technique used to observe the different pigments in a material
Photosystem cluster of chlorophyll and other molecules in a thylakoid
Fermentation cellular process of making ATP without oxygen
Lactic acid fermentation process by which glucose, fructose, and sucrose are converted into cellular energy
Anaerobic without oxygen
Alcoholic fermentation biological process in which sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose are converted into cellular energy
Mitochondria an organelle in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur.
metabolism all of a cell's chemical processes
ATP Synthase protein structure in cell mitochondria that uses energy from H+ ions to convert ADP to ATP
glycolysis the splitting in half of a glucose molecule; the first stage of cellular respiration and fermentation
Aerobic requiring oxygen
Krebs cycle stage of cellular respiration that finishes the breakdown of pyruvic acid molecules to carbon dioxide, releasing energy
Electron transport chain sequence of electron carrier molecules that transfer electrons and release energy during cellular respiration
equation for cellular respiration C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6 H2O + 36 or 38 ATP
Created by: sheluk1
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