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N&L Pt. 5


In a fan jet sytem, the holes in the polyethylene tube that carries the air should be slanted in a(n)____________ direction to ensure good circulation. Downward, horizontal, upward, side to side. Upward
True or False, bending of stems toward light is due to auxins (growth regulator) being destroyed by light. False
400 watt HID lights used in propagation houses in Ohio are on for at least 18 hours a day and provide _______ foot candles of light. 400, 200, 600, or 1000. 400
True or False, the USDA plant hardiness zone map is a guide to determining plant hardiness. True
True or False, the lower numbers on the hardiness zone map are the warmer zones. False
True or False, a manager of a nursery should know the root and shoot hardiness of containerized plants. The plan't hardiness is not the same when in a container as it is when in the ground. True
Woody plants that can survive freezing temperatures without injury during winter dormancy are said to be _________. cool hardy, frost hardy, winter hardy, or all of the above. All of the above
True or False, cultural practices can influence hardiness. True
True or False, on flowering trees in early spring, damage can occur to flower buds while vegetative buds remain unharmed. True
Freeze damage can be caused by intra or extra celluar ice formation. When intra-celluar is formed, crystals originate within the cells' _______. Protoplasm
Yes or No, You have a rose that is susceptible to black-spot and the pathogen Diplocarpon rosae and dry weather for two months and regular irrigation at soil surface. Will this rose develop black-spot. No
True or False, native birch trees have developed methods themselves to avoid becoming infested by agrilis anxius or to reduce significance if an infestation. True
Host plant, environment and pathogen or insect make up the _________. Disease triangle
The core idea of the IPM is __________. ongoing decision making
True or False, plant treeage is a process of placing diseased or infested plants into one of 3 groups for treatment consideration. True
True or False, pest resurgence is the re-infestation of the targeted pest after use of a pesticide. due to killing both the target and its natural predator. True
Sanitation is considered a ________ tactic in IPM. Chemical, cultural, biological, or petty. Cultural
The fungi trichoderma spp. is ________. A biological control agent
True or False, a weed can be defined as a plant growing where it is not wanted. True
True or False, Postemergence herbicides generally have little effect on weeds that germinate after application. True
Preemergence herbicides are applied to the ________. Soil surface
___________ is an example of a non-selective herbicide. Round-up, Ronstar, deurinol, or pricep Round-up
True or False, translocated herbicides are effective on actively growing plants as well as dormant plants. False
_______ are the most common formulation of weed control of container grown plants. Granular pre-emergence herbicides
In herbicide formulation "ai" stands for ______. Alkalinity increase, active ingredient, acers implied, or None of the above. Active Ingredients
To compute the gallons of liquid formulation neede per acre, you would __________. Divide the desired ai/A by the lb. active ingredient
True or False, your positive attitude is your most priceless possession in personal relations True
________. in evergreens is an indirect type of winter injury and usually not directly related to the effects of low temeperature. Dessication, die back, root death, or intra-celluar freezing. Dessication
True or False, with evergreens winter wind has no effect on moisture loss on them. False
The VPD between plant (evergreen) and ambient air can be reduced by lowering the leaf temperature by _________. Shade, increasing relative humidity with irrigation, reducing air movement through leaf canopy, all of the above. All of the above
True or False, changes in the light is one of the factors that starts plant acclimation to winter hardiness. True
Which part of the hardy tree received the signal to start the acclimation process first? Leaves, stems, shoot, or root. Leaves
True or False, cool temperature initiate the accumulation of sugars in a plant. True
True or False, the water content of woody tissues does not decrease as acclimation to cold temperatures proceeds. False
True or False, growth patterns of plants are genetically set and no matter how long plants are grown out of their native environment, they will not adapt to the new environment. True
Plants in hardiness zones 5&6 can be over-wintered in polyhouses by grouping them together after ___________. Mid-October and cover in November
Plants roots need to obtain three things from the soil. (select non-essential element listed). Air, water, mineral salts, or mineral nutrients. Mineral salts
The percentage of sand, silt, clay make up soil _______. amendments, texture, structure, or fertility. Texture
A soil that is considered coarse is high in ________. silt content, sand content, clay content, or aggregates. Sand content
True or False, soils woth very small pore spaces retain a lot of water. True
Loam soil is made up of 1/3 portioins of three amendments. Which of the answers below is not one of them? Clay, sand, compost, or silt. Compost
__________ is a characteristic of soil that is not readily changed. Soil structure, soil fertility, soil texture, or All of the above. Soil texture
True or False, adding soil amendments to poor soil will help to improve soil structure. True
Soil that has poor structure will have a __________. high bulk density, low W H C, coarse texture, or all of the above. High bulk density
True or False, plant researchers has determined that plant require 3 essential elements. Nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. False
True or False, the three elements Carbon,Hydrogen, and Oxygen are provided by water and carbon dioxide. True
True or False, nutrient elements that are needed in the largest quantities are called micro-nutrients. False
Soil fertility and potential nutrient deficiencies ae determined by a _________. CEC, WHC, Soil test, soil texture. Soil test
_______ is the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. WHC, CEC, pH, or CHI pH
One of the most importatn test parameters is the _______. micro-nutrients, macro-nutrients, soil pH, or soil fertility. Soil pH
Soil with a pH of 7.0 is considered to be ____________. alkaline, acidic, neutral, or none of these. Neutral
The soil _________ is said to be very imporant because it controls the solubility of minerals in the soil solution. pH
True or False, lime is used to lower soil pH. False
Soil tests provide pH levels along with P.K. Ca.& Mg. in soils. The most common unit of measure for these elements are ________. lb./A
CEC stands for __________. compound element capacity, cation exchange capacity, compound elemental control, or none of the above. Cation exchange capacity
If your soil test comes back as lb./A (pounds per acre); to convert this to ppm (parts per million) you would _____________. multiply by 100, divide by 2, square and divide by 4, divide by 100. Divide by 2
The symbol K represents _______. Potassium
The symbol Mg represents _______. Magnesium
True or False, soils low in SOM will appear light gray, bluish, or yellow-brown. True
True or False, a soil test will provide with the level of nitrogen in the soil. False
Created by: BBaldwin
Popular Biology sets




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