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BAMS 1st QTR Bi Di Du
Word | Definition |
bicentennial | having to do with a period of 200 years or a |
biceps | the large muscle in the front part of the upper arm which bends the forearm |
bicuspid | a double-pointed premolar tooth that tears and |
bicycle | a lightweight vehicle consisting of a metal frame with two wheels, one behind the other, a handlebar for steering, a seat for the rider, and pedals propelled by pressure of the feet |
bifocal | having two focuses; lenses having two sections of different focal lengths, the upper for distant vision, the lower for near vision |
bigamy | the practice or condition of having two wives or two husbands at the same time |
bilingual | able to speak another language as well or almost as well as one’s own; containing or written in two languages |
binoculars | for both eyes at once; a double telescope joined as a unit for use with both eyes simultaneously such as field glasses and opera glasses |
biped | animal having two feet |
dialogue | conversation between two or more persons; conversation in a play, novel, or story; airing of views; discussion |
dissect | cut apart in order to examine or study the structure; criticize in detail, analyze |
duel | a formal fight between two persons armed with pistols or swords; any fight or contest between two opponents |
duet | a piece of music for two voices or instruments |
duplex | a house built to accommodate two families or an apartment on two floors; having two parts; double, twofold |
duplicate | one of two things exactly the same or alike; to make an exact copy or to repeat exactly |
duplicity | secretly acting in one way and openly acting in |
bi | two |
di | two |
du | two |
cycle | circle or wheel |
ocular | of the eyes |
ist | one that produces or is connected with a specified thing |