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KS3 reproduction

When a sperm cell joins the egg cell is called .... Fertilisation
Where does fertilisation happen in mammals? Inside the females’ body (usually in the fallopian tubes)
Egg cells are made in the... ovaries
Sperm cells are made in the …… testicles
Testes are found outside the male body because ... Sperm are heat sensitive and body temperature is too high for them
Explain why millions of sperm are ejaculated at once. Even if millions are released, many will get lost, or die on the way. That way there is more chances that a few will reach the egg.
The egg cell passes down the oviduct (egg tube) to the ….. lining of the uterus
After fertilisation the cell divides by a process called ……. Mitosis, to produce a ball of identical cells.
The ball of cells is called a …… blastocyte
The placenta is rich in blood vessels which have thin walls that allow .... Oxygen and chemicals to pass from the mothers blood to the baby
When you can make out the head, body, arms and legs it is called a …. embryo
What does the placenta prevent passing through? Some bacteria. (but alcohol, drugs, carbon monoxide [from tobacco smoke] and some bacteria can still pass into the baby)
The blastocyte implants into the ….. uterus
Milk is mammals is produced by the …. mammary glands
The umbilical cord joins the baby to an organ called the … placenta
Identical twins are produced when …. One egg cell is fertilised by one sperm and the cell divides into two separate cells.
Non-identical twins are formed when ….. Two egg cells are produced at once each fertilised by a different sperm.
The nucleus of sperm cells carry Genetic information from the father
The nucleus of egg cells carry … Genetic information from the mother.
Sperm cells had tails to help them … swim
How long does the menstrual cycle last for ? 28 days
When labour starts, contraction are felt, these are caused by …. The muscle of the uterus contracting to cause the cervix to open.
The egg is released on which day of the menstrual cycle? day 14
The developing embryo is protected from shocks by a liquid called ….. amniotic fluid
How long can sperm cells live inside the female ? 3 days
The blood released in menstruation is from …. the lining of the uterus
Describe how sperm cells are adapted to do their job Tail to swim (1); many mitochondria that will provide a lot of energy (1); pointy head contains chemical to help penetrate the egg cell (1)
Describe two changes that happens to girls during puberty Periods start, hairs under armpit and pubic regions; hips widen
Describe two changes that happens to boys during puberty Voice break; wet dreams (production of sperm); shoulder broaden
Describe how the egg cell moves along the fallopian tube (aka egg tube) Cilia (little hairs) push the egg cell along
Explain why fish release thousands of eggs but human only release one at a time Human egg cell is more likely to get fertilised; fish egg cells more likely to get washed away/eaten
Describe what happens straight away after fertilisation. The cell starts to divide
Describe the three stages of birth Loss of amniotic fluid (waters break); contraction; loss of mucus plug from cervix (show)
How does the food/nutrients go from the mother to the baby? From the mother's blood, through the placenta, to the baby's blood
What are the wastes produced by the baby that go back to the mother's blood? Carbon Dioxide
What causes the changes in puberty? Hormones (chemical messenger)
What is the name given to the process of "releasing" the egg on day 14 of the cycle? Ovulation
Qu`est-ce qu`un fœtus? Un fœtus est le stade ou le bebe ressemble a un humain ; la plupart des organes sont formes
Ou se trouve les ovules ? Les ovules se trouvent dans les ovaires.
Que ce qui relie l`ovaire de l`utérus ? La trompe utérine est l`organe relient l`ovaire a l`utérus.
Comment l’ovule fait-il pour voyager dans la trompe ? il y a des milliers de petits poils qui font avancer l’ovule
Quel est le délai moyen d`un cycle des règles ? Le délai moyen du cycle des règles est de 28 jours.
Pourquoi les règles font-elles mal? Car toutes les veines qui se trouvent dans l`utérus se cassent.
Que sont les règles ? Les veines passent par le col de l`utérus au vagin et sortent sous forme de sang: ce sont les règles.
Comment appelle t`on la poche ou se trouve le bébé ? La poche contenant le bébé est appelée la poche amniotique ou amnios
A quoi sert cette poche ? Cette poche serre à protéger le bébé d`un choque.
Quand apparait-il les premiers signes de puberté ? La puberté peut apparaitre des 9 ans chez les filles et des 12 ans chez les garçons.
Qu’est ce qui cause la puberte ? des messages chimiques appelles « hormones »
Created by: ursulinebio
Popular Biology sets




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