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General Nutrition 1

Chapter 1

Nutrition The science that studies food.
Nutients Chemical substances critical for human growth and function.
Organic Nutrients Contain Carbon and Hydrogen, essential components of all living organisms.
Name the organic nutrients essential for all living organisms. Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Vitamins
Inorganic Nutrients Do NOT contain carbon and hydrogen.
Name the inorganic nutrients. Water Minerals
Maronutrients Required in relatively large amounts.
Carbohydrates -Primary fuel source for the bod, especially for neurological functioning and physical exercise. -Composed of chains of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
In what foods can Carbohydrates be found in? Grains (wheat,rice) Vegetables Fruits Legumes (lentils,beans,peas) Seeds Nuts Milk Products
Lipids -A diverse group of substances that are largely insoluble in water -Composed of C, H, and O -Main energy source during rest or low to moderate- intensity exercise -Provide fat-soluble vitamins
Where are lipids stored? As adipose tissue (body fat)
Proteins -Composed of C, H, and N -Builds new cells/tissues -Maintains bones and repairs damage -Regulates metabolism and fluid balance
In what foods can Protein be found in? Meat Dairy Seeds Nuts Legumes Small amounts in grains and vegtables
Miconutrients Required in relatively small amounts.
Vitamins -Build and maintain healthy bones and tissues -Support immune system -Ensure healthy vision -Do NOT contain or supply energy to our bodies -Help us utilize the energy derived from macronutrients -Can be destroyed by light, heat, air, etc.
What are the two types of vitamins? Fat-soluble and water-soluble
What are some of the names and distinguishing features of fat-soluble vitamins? Vitamin- A,D,E,K -Stored in the human body -Toxicity can occur from consuming excess amounts which accumulate in the body
What are some of the names and distinguishing features of water-soluble vitamins? Vitamin- B and C and thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6,vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and folate. -Not stored in the body -Excess excreted in urine -Toxicity generally only occurs as a result of vitamin supplementation
Minerals -Regulate fluid and energy production -Support bone and blood health -Remove harmful metabolic by-products -Exist in the simplest possible form -Can't be broken down further or destroyed by heat/light
What are two typed of minerals? Trace and major
What are some of the major minerals and its distinguishing features? -Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, and sulfur -Needed in amounts greater than 100 mg/day -Amount present in the human body is greater than 5g
What are some of the trace minerals and its distinguishing features? -Iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluoride, chromium, iodine -Needed in amounts less than 100 mg/day -Amount present in the human body is less than 5g
Water -Fluid balance -Energy production -Regulation of nerve impulses, body temperature, and muscle contractions -Nutrient transport -Excretion of waste products
DRIs Dietary Reference Intakes -Expanded on the previous RDA values -Set standards for nutrients that do not have RDA values -For healthy people only -Aim to prevent deficiency diseases and reduce chronic diseases
EAR Estimated Average Requirement -Used to define the RDA -The average daily intake level of a nutrient to meet the need of HALF of the healthy people.
RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance -Meets the needs of 97% to 98% of healthy people
AI Adequate Intake -Recommended average daily nutrient intake level -Used when RDA is not available
UL Tolerable Upper Intake Level -Highest average daily nutrient at levels above the UL increases the potential for toxic effects and health risks
EER Estimated Energy Requirement -Average dietary energy intake to maintain energy balance in a health adult -Defined by age, gender, weight, height, and level of physical activity
AMDR Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges -Ranges of energy intakes from macronutrients that are associated with reduced risk of chronic disease while providing adequate intakes of essential nutrients
Anthropometric Assessments -Provide objective data -Common measurements include height, weight, head circumference in infants, and limb circumference -Require trained personnel and correct tools -Compare standards for age/gender -Assess trends in nutritional status/growth
Primary deficiency When a person does not consume enough of a nutrient, a direct consequence of inadequate intake.
Secondary deficiency -A person cannot absorb enough of a nutrient in his/her body -Too much of a nutrient is excreted from the body -A nutrient is not utilized efficiently by the body
Subclinical deficiency Occurs in the early stage; few or no symptoms are observed.
Covert Symptoms are hidden and requite laboratory tests or other invasive procedures to detect
Overt Symptoms of nutrition deficiency that become obvious
Created by: Cunningham101
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