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Pharm final exam

All drugs needed for the final

metronidazole Flagyl Anti-parasitic Protozoal Infections Toxoplasmosis gondii
brimonidine Aphagan P alpha-2 selective Glaucoma
phenylephrine Neo-Synephrine Alpha-adrenergics nasal/ocular congestion Nasal
pseudoephedrine Sudafed Alpsh-adrendergics nasal/ocular congestion Nasal
epinephrine EpiPen Beta-adrenergics alpha, beta1, beta2 acute allergy
doxazosin Cardura Alpha1 blockers HTN BPH
Prazosin Minipress alpha1 blocker HTN
silodosin Rapaflo alpha blocker BPH
tamsulosin Flomax alpha blocker BPH
terazosin Hytrin alpha1 blocker HTN, BPH
albuterol Proventil beta-adrenergics(selective) beta-2 bronchodilator
levalbuterol Xopenex beta-adrenergics(selective) b-2 bronchodilator
salmeterol Serevent bbeta-adrenergics(selective) b-2 bronchodilator
carvedilol Coreg beta-blocker(non-selective) HTN, CHF, arrhythmias, angina, post MI, migraine
propranolol Inderal b-blocker(non-selective) HTN, CHF, arrhythmias, angina, post MI, migraine prevention
metoprolol Lopressor b-blockers(selective) HTN, CHF, arrhythmias, angina, post MI, migraine prevention Angina
atenolol Tenormin b-blockers(selective) HTN, CHF, arrhythmias, angina, post MI, migraine prevention Angina
bisoprolol Zebeta b-blockers(selective) HTN, CHF, arrhythmias, angina, post MI, migraine prevention
bethanechol Urecholine Cholinergics(direct acting) Urinary retention, postop ileus, intestinal stasis
neostigmine Prostigmin Cholinergics(indirect acting aka antichoinesterases) myasthenia gravis
physostigmine generic Cholinergics(indirect acting aka antichoinesterases) antidote to atropine(skeletal blocker overdose)
donepezil Aricept Cholinergics(indirect acting aka antichoinesterases) Alzheimer's
galantamine Reminyl Cholinergics(indirect acting aka antichoinesterases) Alzheimer's
rivastigmine Exelon Cholinergics(indirect acting aka antichoinesterases) Alzheimer's
glycopyrrolate Robinul Anticholinergics(poisoning, GI disorders, asthma/COPD) IBS, diarrhea
hyoscyamine Anaspaz Anticholinergics(poisoning, GI disorders, asthma/COPD) IBS, diarrhea
ipratropium Atrovent Anticholinergics(poisoning, GI disorders, asthma/COPD) asthma/COPD
oxybutynin Ditropan Anticholinergics(poisoning, GI disorders, asthma/COPD) Unrinary spasms
solifenacin Vesicare Anticholinergics(poisoning, GI disorders, asthma/COPD) Unrinary spasms
tiotropium Spiriva Anticholinergics(poisoning, GI disorders, asthma/COPD)
tolteridine Detrol Anticholinergics(poisoning, GI disorders, asthma/COPD) Unrinary spasms
bimatoprost Lumigan Protaglandin analogues glaucoma(increased outflow)
latanoprost Xalatan Protaglandin analogues glaucoma(increased outflow)
varenicline Chantix Smoking cessation blocks nicotine receptors in brain
cisatracurium Nimbex Peripheral skeletal muscle relaxants(nondepolarizing)
pancuronium bromide Pavulon Peripheral skeletal muscle relaxants(nondepolarizing)
rocuronium bromide Zemuron Peripheral skeletal muscle relaxants(nondepolarizing)
vecuronium bromide Norcuron Peripheral skeletal muscle relaxants(nondepolarizing)
baclofen Lioresal ITB Centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants
cyclobenzaprine Flexeril Centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants
diazepam Valium Centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants antianxiety long acting
methocarbamol Robaxin,injection Centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants
tizanidine Zanaflex Centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxants
procaine Novocaine Local anesthetics(esters) Injection
Lidocaine Xylocaine Lidoderm Local anesthetics(amides) Injection Topical
phenobarbital Luminal Barbiturates(longacting 6-12)
flurazepam Dalmane Benzodiazepines(longacting 40-100)
temazepam Restoril Benzodiazepines(intermediate acting 10-40)
triazolam Halcion Benzodiazepines(short acting 1.5-3)
eszopiclone Lunesta Misc hypnotics bzd receptor on GABA
ramelteon Rozerem Misc hypnotics melatonin agonist
zaleplon Sonata Misc hypnotics bzd receptor on GABA
zolpiderm Ambien Misc hypnotics bzd receptor on GABA
haloperidol Haldol Antipsychotic(butyrophenones) block D2 more thatn 5HT2A
aripiprazole Abilify Atypical antipsychotics block D2 more thatn 5HT2A
olanzapine Zyprexa Atypical antipsychotics block D2 more thatn 5HT2A
quetiapine Seroquel Atypical antipsychotics block D2 more thatn 5HT2A
resperidone Risperdal Atypical antipsychotics block D2 more thatn 5HT2A
ziprasidone Geodon Atypical antipsychotics block D2 more thatn 5HT2A
paliperidone Invega Atypical antipsychotics block D2 more thatn 5HT2A active metabolite of resperidone
clonazepam Klonipin Benzodiazepines(antianxiety Long)
lorazepam Ativan Benzodiazepines(antianxiety Short)
alprazolam Xanax Benzodiazepines(antianxiety Short)
chlordiazepoxide Librium Benzodiazepine(alcohol withdrawal)
midazolam Versed Benzodiazepine(anesthesia induction) General anesthetic (injectible)
citalopram Celexa Selective serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors(SSRIs) Low CNS activation
escitalopram Lexapro Selective serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors(SSRIs) Low CNS activation
fluoxetine Prozac Selective serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors(SSRIs) high CNS activation
fluvoxamine Luvox Selective serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors(SSRIs) sedating CNS activation
paroxetine Paxil Selective serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors(SSRIs) low CNS activation
sertraline Zoloft Selective serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors(SSRIs) low CNS activation
bupropion Welbutrin Atypical SSRIs High CNS activation
duloxetine Cymbalta atypical SSRIs low CNS activation
mirtazapine Remeron atypical SSRIs sedating CNS activation
venlafaxine Effexor atypical SSRIs moderate CNS activation
trazodone Desyrel atypical SSRIs sedating CNS activation
nortriptyline Pamelor TCAs(secondary amines)
amitriptyline Elavil TCAs(tertiary amines)
imipramine Tofranil TCAs(tertiary amines)
dexmethylphedidate Focalin Psychomotor stimulant drugs
methylphenidate Ritalin Psychomotor stimulant drugs
lithium Eskalith Mania and Bipolar Drugs
levodopa/carbidopa Sinemet Anti-parkinson(Form dopamine)
pramipexole Mirapex Anti-parkinson(dopamine receptor agonist)
ropinriole Requip Anti-parkinson(dopamine receptor agonist)
sevoflurane Ultane General anesthetics(inhalation-volatile liquids)
nitrous oxide --- General anesthetics(inhalation gas)
fentanyl citrate --- general anesthetics(injectable anesthetics)
ketamine Ketalar general anesthetics(injectable anesthetics)
propofol Diprivan general anesthetics(injectable anesthetics)
oxycodone Roxicodone Opiates
fentanyl transdermal Duragesic Opioids
tramadol Ultram Central Analgesics (nonopioidreceptor active)
butalbital/acetaminophen Fiorcet Opioid Combinations
hydrocodone/acetaminophen Lortab Vicodin Opioid Combinations
oxycodone/acetaminophen Percocet Opioid Combinations
acetaminophen Tylenol Nonopioid analgesics(N-acetyl p...)
ibuprofen Advil Motrin Nonopioid analgesics (synthetic NSAIDs)
indomethacin Indocin Nonopioid analgesics (synthetic NSAIDs) Anti-gout(anti-inflamitory)
ketorlac Toradol Nonopioid analgesics (synthetic NSAIDs)
meloxicam Mobic Nonopioid analgesics (synthetic NSAIDs)
naproxen Aleve Anaprox Naprosyn Nonopioid analgesics (synthetic NSAIDs)
celecoxib Celebrex Nonopioid analgesics(selective cox2 inhibitors)
allopurinol Zyloprim Antigout(hypouricemic)
probenecid --- Anti-gout(uricosuric-enhanced renal excretion)
nitroglycerin nitrostat nitrolingual ... anginal pectorics and CAD(nitrates)
amlodipine Norvasc anginapectorics and CAD(calcium channel blockers-dihydropyridine) HTN
nifedipine Procardia anginapectorics and CAD(calcium channel blockers-dihydropyridine)
hydrochlorothiazide Hydrodiuril Diuretics(thiazides) Hypertension
furosemide Lasix Diuretics(loop)
spironolactone Aldactone Diuretics(Potassium sparing)
triamterene Dyrenium Diuretics(potassium sparing)
triamterene/hctz Dyazide Maxzide Diuretic combination
propranolol Inderal HTN Beta blocker
benazepril Lotensin HTN(ACE inhibitors)
captopril Capoten HTN(ACE inhibitors)
enalapril Vasotec HTN(ACE inhibitors)
lisinopril Prinbvil Sestril HTN(ACE inhibitors)
losartan Cozaar HTN(ARBs)
valsartan Diovan HTN(ARBs)
aliskiren Tekturna HTN(Renin inhibitor)
warfarin Coumadin Anticoagulant(oral) DVT/recurrent MI
clopidogrel Plavix Antiplatelet
enoxaparin Lovenox Anticoagulant(parenteral heparins)
heparin sodium --- anticoagulant(parenteral heparins)
urokinase Abbokinase Thrombolytic/Fibrinolytic agents
alteplase Activase Thrombolytic/Fibrinolytic agents
cholestyramine Questran Hypolipodemic Drugs (bile acid sequestrants)
atorvastatin Lipitor Hypolipodemic Drugs (HMG-CoA inhibitors)
fluvastatin Lescol Hypolipodemic Drugs (HMG-CoA inhibitors)
lovastatin Mevacor Hypolipodemic Drugs (HMG-CoA inhibitors)
pravastatin Pracachol Hypolipodemic Drugs (HMG-CoA inhibitors)
rosuvastatin Crestor Hypolipodemic Drugs (HMG-CoA inhibitors)
simvastatin Zocor Hypolipodemic Drugs (HMG-CoA inhibitors)
gemfibrozil Lopid Hypolipodemic Drugs (alteration of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism)
fenofibrate Tricor Trilipix Hypolipodemic Drugs (alteration of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism)
ezetimibe Zeta Hypolipodemic drugs (cholesterol absorption inhibitor)
cetirizine Zyrtec Anti-histamine (H1 antagonist)
chlorpheniramine Chlor-Trimeton Anti-histamine (H1 antagonist)
dimenhydrinate Dramamine Anti-histamine (H1 antagonist)
diphenhydramine Benadryl Anti-histamine (H1 antagonist)
doxylamine Unison sleep aid Anti-histamine (H1 antagonist)
fexofenadine Allegra Anti-histamine (H1 antagonist)
loratadine Claritin Alavert Anti-histamine (H1 antagonist)
promethazine Phenergan Anti-histamine (H1 antagonist) nausea vomit motion sick
levalbuteral Xopenex selective b2 agonist asthma
salmeterol Serevent selectiv b2 agonist asthma COPD
albuterol/ipratopium Combivent bronchodilator combination
beclomethasone QVAR Corticosteroids(oral inhalation Asthma COPD)
triamcinolone Azmacort Corticosteroids(oral inhalation Asthma COPD)
budesonide Rhinocort Aqua corticosteroids(nasal sprays for allergic rhinitis)
fluticasone Flonase corticosteroids(nasal sprays for allergic rhinitis)
mometasone Nasonex corticosteroids(nasal sprays for allergic rhinitis)
montelukast Singulair Leukotriene Inhibitors Asthma
guaifenesin Mucinex Expectorants
famotidine Pepcid histamine receptor antagonist Ulcers and GERD
ranitidine Zantac histamine receptor antagonist Ulcers and GERD
esomeprazole Nexium PPI Ulcers and GERD
lansoprazole Prevacid Prevpac(with 2 antibiotics) PPI Ulcers and GERD
omeprazole Prilosec PPI Ulcers and GERD
pantoprazole protonix PPI Ulcers and GERD
rabeprazole Aciphex PPI Ulcers and GERD
metoclopramide Reglan GI stimulants-prokinetic drugs GERD
scopolamine Transderm-Scop anticholinergic
ondansetron Zofran Serotonin antagonist nausea vomiting
lopermide Imodium AD for diarrhea (opioid derivative)
polyethylene glycol GoLytely Laxative (bowel evacuant)
docusate sodium Colace Laxative(stool softener)
Psylium Metamucil Laxative(swelling agent)
prednisone --- glucorticoids anti-inflamitory
triamcinolone Kenalog Glucocorticoid psoriasis anti-inflamitory
levothyroxine sodium Levothroid Levoxyl Synthroid Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy T4
alendronate Fosamax Bisphosphonates(reduce hypercalcemia, paget's disease, post menopausal osteoporosis)
ibandronate Boniva Bisphosphonates(reduce hypercalcemia, paget's disease, post menopausal osteoporosis)
risedronate Actonel Bisphosphonates(reduce hypercalcemia, paget's disease, post menopausal osteoporosis)
regular human insulin Humulin R Parenteral antidiabetics (insulin short acting)
insulin lispro Humalog Parenteral antidiabetics (insulin short acting)
insulin detemir Levemir Parentaral antidiabetics (insulin long acting)
insulin glargine Lantus Parentaral antidiabetics (insulin long acting)
exenatide Byetta Parentaral antidiabetics (incretin mimetics for type 2)
Saxagliptin Onglyza Oral antidiabetic (dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor)
sitagliptin Januvia Oral antidiabetic (dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor)
metformin Glucophage Oral antidiabetic (biguanides)
pioglitazone Actos oral antidiabetic (insulin sensitizers - thiazolidinediones)
penicillin V Pen-Vee K penicillin 1st gen (Gram positive infections)
amoxicillin Amoxil Augmentin(with clavulanic acid) penicillin 2nd generation (g+ common g-)
cefazolin Ancef Kefzol Cephalosporin 1st g+ g-
cephalexin Keflex Cephalosporin 1st g+ g-
cefuroxime Ceftin Cephalosporin 2nd g-
cefdinir Omnicef Cephalosporin 3rd serious g-
ceftriaxone Rocephin Cephalosporin 3rd serious g-
doxycycline Vibramycin Tetracyclines
minocycline Minocin Tetracyclines
tretracycline Sumycin Tetracyclines
ciprofloxacin Cipro Fluoroquinolone Respiratory Urinary infection
levofloxacin Levaquin Fluoroquinolone Respiratory Urinary infection
clindamycin Cleocin Miscellaneous anti-bacterial
metronidazole Flagyl Miscellaneous anti-bacterial
doxycycline Vibramycin Antimalarial drugs
metronidazole Flagyl Drugs for protozoal infections Toxoplasmosis gondii GU tract
doxycycline Vibramycin Anti-parasitic Antimalarial Drugs
Created by: mksore
Popular Biology sets




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