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ch 18 19 20

pathophys II

Aveolar process the part of the mandible or maxilla that forms the dental arch, which contains the socket for the teeth
arthroscopy surgical procedure in which a special type of endoscope is used to view a joint internally for diagnostic purposes
calvarial pertaining to the superior portion of the cranium where the fontanels of the infant are situated
condyle rounded projection/process at the epiphysis of a bone that articulates with another bone, and serves as the point of attachment for ligaments
coronal flap an incisional technique that begins with the development of skin flap; the incision extends from one termporal region to another and horizontally across the fontal bone
craniosynostosis premature closure of the cranial sutures of an infant
dentitions the development of teeth, including their arrangement, type, and number
glenoid fossa the socket in which the head of the humerus articulates to form the shoulder joint; a ball-and-socket joint
gnath- combining form meaning jaw
labia lips
malar bone cheek bone
malocclusion abnormal alignment of the teeth of the upper jaw with those of the lower jaw
maxillo facial pertaining to the face and maxilla
meniscus a type of tissue made of cartilage that is fibrous; located in joints, spinal column, and bony pelvis, it serves to cushion and protect bone
mouth prop a self retaining retracor used to keep the mouth open during oral or dental procedures
orbicular refers to something round
osteotomy incision into the bone
pan- combining form meaning all
ramus smaller branch of a structure that extends from a larger branch that divides into two parts, such as the rami of the pubis
reduction correction or placement of a body structure back into normal anatomical position
sagittal directional term that indicates a plane parallel to the midline that divides the body into right/left segments
symphysis a joint in which the two bony surfaces are joined by fibrocartilage (meniscus)
TMJ (temporomandibular joint) the joint formed by the mandible that articulates with the glenoid fossa in each temporal bone
elliptical curved or cresent shaped
gynecomastia abnormal and excessive development of the breast tissue in a male
carpal bones a canal in the wrist trough which the flexor tendons and the median nerve pass
paly- a prefix meaning many or much
cheiloschisis cleft lip; failur of the maxillae to fuse together
replantation replacement of an organ to where it was previously lost or removed
palatoschisis the bones of the finger; each hand has fourteen
synthesis the formation of a new entity out of previously existing entities
-schisis word root meaning to split of cleft
integumentary pertaining to or composed of skin
metaccarpophalangeal joint (MPJ) synovial hinge-type joint made of a metacarpal that articulates with a phalange
sebum oily substance produced by the subaceous glands
radial hypoplasia typically associated with deformities of the thumb; also called radio dysplasia
tendon sheath protective coverings for the tendons of the fingers and thumbs
ganglion cyst benign lesion of synovial fluid arising for any tendon sheath or joint in the hand or wrist
rhinoplasty surgical reshaping of the nose
cleft cleave; crack, or fissure
augmentation process of increasing; refers to size, quantity, degree, or severity
aesthetic visually pleasing
xenograft graft obtained from from dissimilar species
dermatome surgical instrument used to cut thin slices of skin for grafting purposes
arthrodesis surgical fixation of a joint to relieve pain and provide support
polydactyly duplication of digits usually involving phalangeal bones; extra fingers
metacarpals five bones in each hand, which are long and cylindrical in shape
cheilo- combing form meaning lip
syndactyly webbing of the fingers or toes
split-thickness skin graft a graft that invoves the epidermis and approximately half the dermis
pedicle extention of the vertebrae thats connects the spinous process to the lamina
valgus bent or twisted away from the midline
diarthrosis freely movable joint
epiphysis the proximal portion of the long bone
cancellous bone composed of comlumns of trabeculae with large spaces in between
amphiarthrosis slightly movable joint
acromioclavicular (AC) joint part of th epectoral girdle located at the top of the shoulder
proximal nearer to the origin of a structure
abduction motion toward the midline or turn inward
flexion bending of a joint
malunion occurs when a broken bone heals but not in correct position
compartmental syndrome inward pressure from swelling; causing vascular impairment
splint rigid device on one side of an extremity to immobilize and support it
shoulder joint ball-and-joint socket joint with the head of the humerus on the glenoid fossa
comminuted fracture a type of bone fracture consisting of three or more fragments
nonunion occurs when fracured bone ends fail to write
osteogenesis debelopement of bone tissue
cortical bone hard and dense bone tissue surrounding the marrow cavity
cartilage nonvascular fibrous connective tissue in the joints
ligment a band of fibrous tissue composed of collagen that connects bone to bone
avascular necrosis loss of blood flow causing tissue death
distraction surgical process for reconstruction of skeletal deformities
compound fraction bone fragment punctures the skin and exposes the bone
delayed union union of the bone fragments that takes longer than expected
bone cutting instruments osteotomes,curettes, kerrison ronguer, angled gouge, awl, sing. action ronguer, listen bone cutter, tap and drill
hyster cutting instruments kevorkian curettes, sims curettesm forgensen scissors
neuro instruments brain malleable, spatula, cushing forceps, bayenette forceps, cushing elvator penfield #3 & #4, nerve hook, dandy clamps, raney clip applier, geralds forceps, st. pituitary
ortho retractors hohman, baby hohman, cobra, bennett retractor, laminar bone spreader, hibbs, meyerding
ends of long bones are called ________ with the shaft of long bones called __________ epiphysis, diaphysis
soft spongy bone is called ________ bone with the hard compact bone is called _________ cancellous, carcoid
the center of the bone is called the bone marrow
the outer covering of the bone which supplies blood an nutrients is called periosteum
an example of a sesamoid bone would be the patella
the longest bone in the body is the ______ with the smalles bone being the _______ femur, stapes
the three bones in the arm are humerous, ulna, radius
the book name 5 minerals stores in the bone, name 4 potassium, calcium, sodium, and phosphate
the skeleton performs 5 functions, list 4 protect muscles, muscle structure, sevrves as a source of RBC's, serves as ponts of attachment for muscles
adipo- fat
cauter- iron
dermato- skin
erythemat/o red
kerato cornea
lip/o fat
py/o pus
squam/o scale
cutane- skin
diaphor/o sweat
hidr/o sweat glands, sweat
melan/o black
rhytid/o wrinkles
bx biopsy
albino/o white
chlor/o green
cirrh/o yellow/orange
cyan/o blue
eosin/o red
erythro/o red
jaund/o yellow
leuk/o white
melan/o black
lute/o yellow
kyph bent foward (hump back)
lumb lower back
ortho straight (bone)
scoli twisted
-blast embryonic
malacia abnormal softening of tissue
-tome instrument to cut
articul joint
-desis to bind
fibro fiber, thread like
-trophy nourishment
ad- toward
lord curve (sway back)
myelo spinal cord
osteo bone
spondylo vertabra
-clast break
-porosis condition of pores
cost ribs
arthro joint
chondro cartilage
stenosis tightening (abnormal narrowing)
my- muscle
ab- away
dorsi- back
ACL anterior crciate ligament
IM intra medullary
ORIF open reduction internal fixation
PT physical therapy
OT occupational therapy
ROM range of motion
CRIF closed reduction internal fixation
CR closed reduction
name the 2 divisions of dermis and describe them reticular layer: thick deep layer that provides collagen; papillary layer: finger prints
name and describe the sudoriferous glands sweat glands *merocrine-secreats water and salts *apocrine-secretes water and salts, also proteins and fatty acids
malocclusion is and what surgical and non/surgical procedures can be done to correct this misalignment of the alveolar process - orthodontics -osteotomies
name the common malignant neoplasms of the skin basal, sarcoma, melanoma
the purpose/function of the dermatome is to slice off a thin layer of skin for grafting
with the mesh fraft is to puncture holes in the skin for stretching
Created by: E.Ochoa
Popular Surgery sets




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