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ACT Vocab 1-25


Abata become less in amount or intensity
Abdicate give up,such a power,as of monarchs and emperors ,or duties and obligations
Aberration a state or condition markedly different from the norm
Abstain choose not to consume
Adversity a state of misfortune or affliction
Aesthetic concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
Amicable characterized by friendship and good will
Anachronistic chronologically misplaced
Arid lacking sufficient water or rainfall
Asylum a shelter from danger or hardship
Benevolent showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity
Bias a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
Boisterous full of rough and exuberent animal spirits
Brazen unrestained by convention or propriety
Brusque marked by rude or peremptory shortness
Camaraderie the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability
Canny showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others
Capacious large in capacity
Capitulate surrender under agreed conditions
Clairvoyant someone who has the power of clairvoyance
Collaborate work together on a common enterprise of project
Compassion a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering
Compromise an accommodation which both sides make concessions
Condescending (used of behavior or attitude)characteristics of those who treat others with condescension
Conditional imposing or depending on or containing a condition
Created by: shaemcnair
Popular ACT sets




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