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Motor Speech-Koz 2

Why has UUMN received less attention than other single dysarthria types? Perhaps its because most cases resolve on their own
Differentiate central facial weakness from facial weakness as a result of cranial nerve VII lesions: Central facial weakness is lingual weakness and refers to the CNS. It’s not referring to the place on the face or tongue (facial weakness) which is PNS.
What is the most common cause of UUMN? Stroke
Why is UUMN seldom the result of TBI? TBI's have the nature to diffuse
Would you expect hemiplegia or hemiparesis to be common or rare in patients with UUMN dysarthria? Hemiparesis is common because the symptoms resolve in a days or weeks for most cases. Hemiparesis would occur in a more severe case.
How severe is articulatory imprecision in most cases of UUMN dysarthria? Articulation is the component that is most affected by UUMN. Weakness, reduced range of motion and decreased fine motor control of the tongue/lips. Phonation-may have harsh vocal quality,resonance-hypernasality and prosody/respiration are rarely affected.
Hyperkinetic dysarthrias are most often associated with what underlying neuropathology? Weakness and uncontrollable movements possibly caused by basal ganglia dysfunction
Does ‘hyperkinesia’ signify faster speed of movements? Hyperkinesia means increases movement but it’s necessarily faster movement. For instance, Athetosis has a slow hyperkinesia characteristic.
Types of movement Myoclonus-quick and simple jerk Chorea-slower movements, continuous, flowing. Dance like quality. Can’t be suppressed consciously.
Types of movement Tics-motor or vocal behaviors that can be controlled voluntarily , the desire to move becomes difficult to suppress. Dystonia-sustained, involuntary contractions of muscles in one or more body parts.
Name a condition that is a common side effect of prolonged use of antipsychotic drugs. Tardive Dyskinesia
What type of dysarthria is palatopharyngolaryngeal myoclonus? Hyperkinetic, rare abrupt rhythmic/semi rhythmic unilateral/ bilateral movement of the soft palate, pharyngeal/laryngeal muscles. Causes: brainstem stroke, cerebellar lesions or tumors. Normal phonation/resonance and brief interruptions of articulation.
What are the most prominent speech characteristics of ataxic dysarthria? Primary Artic: drunken quality irregular breakdown. Imprecise consonant and distorted vowels (slurred), irregular artic breakdown, imprecise consonant and vowel productions that can vary. Prosody: equal stress, monopitch, monoloudness and slow rate
What are the most prominent speech characteristics of ataxic dysarthria? Phonation: harsh voice quality, voice tremor Respiration: uncoordinated movements Poor rhythm of AMRs and SMRs, inconsistent rate
What is the largest etiology category in patients with ataxic dysarthria? Degenerative, 44% according to the book
Which components of the motor speech evaluation are especially useful in identifying ataxic dysarthria? AMR rate slower and unsteady rhythm, speed up and then slow down during production. Reading, conversational speech and repeating sentences containing multisyllabic words reveal inaccurate speech movements, irregular artic breakdown reveal prosodic errors.
Does a diagnosis of AOS have any localizing value?
What speaking tasks are especially helpful in establishing a diagnosis of AOS? AMR and SMR rate. Looking for slow rate of speech, self correct, having them say words with increasing complexity and looking for articulatory breakdown
Identify some aspects of speech that may be useful in differentiating AOS from phonemic paraphasias. Errors in AOS but not PP, sound insertions not common except for schwa, interword intervals, abnormally long vowels and movement durations.
How do AOS and dysarthric speakers differ on SMRs and AMRs?
18. How do AOS and dysarthric speakers differ on SMRs and AMRs? 19. Which dysarthria type(s) is/are related to basal ganglia dysfunction? Hyper and hypokinetic
For hypokinetic dysarthric speakers what would you hear on SMRs and AMRs? Since there isn’t enough movement the SMRs and AMRs are going to sound continuously breathy and very fast.
What is a festinating gait? People can’t stop themselves from walking past their destination.
Define prosodic insufficiency Prosodic insufficiency characteristics are monopitch, monoloudness, reduced stress and short phrases. Characteristics of spastic dysarthria
What is articulatory undershooting? When articulators don’t reach the normal intended target resulting in a distortion of the sound produced
What is frequently the most prominent and debilitating speech feature in people with hypokinetic dysarthria? They talk incredibly fast because there isn’t enough movement of their articulators.
What is palilalia? How does it differ from chronic stuttering? Repeated phonemes,compulsive, increasingly rapid repletion of a word phase.palilalia tend to speak rapidly and without effort,show no attempt to inhibit their repetitions.Bilateral basal ganglia pathology. Not the same for chronic stuttering.
Created by: 1295910038
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