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Biology chapter 8&9

Test help! This is All of Mr. Gallagher's note's! Good luck! :)

Perspective used to interpret and understand the world. Worldveiw
Based on acceptance of the Bible as truth Christian worldveiw
Ex-nihilo Out of nothing!
Free from religions ideas Secular worldview
Belief that science is the only path to trtuh Scientism
Explanation of creation without a creator Theory of evolution
The Big Bang Theory Theory that everything came from an explosian
The universe consists of only matter and energy no spiritual or supernatural Materialism
Natural is that exists (materialism) Naturalism
change within a particular kind of organism Speciation
Process by which new kinds of creatures emerge of already existing ones over time Macroevlution
God doesn't exist, man isn't responsible to God Man don't need a saviour, mans religeon is scientism Results of believeing evolution
Matter of viewpoint? A person either accepts the bible or not! Both views are based on Faith!
Remains or impressions of an organism preserved in rock. Fossils
The study of fossils Paleontology
How old is the earth? About 6,000
Created theory of need and theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics. Jean Lamarck
British Naturalist who is largely responsible for the acceptance of evolution Charles Darwin
HMS Beagle Boat Charles Darwin took a voyage on for 5 years
Book Charles Darwin wrote? Origin of Species
newer forms of organisms are descendants of older similiar organisms Theory of descent with modification
the single life form that all living things descend from Common Ancestor
controlled breeding to obtain desired traits Artificial Selection
Natural Selection (Survival of the fittest) The fittest and the strongest of each species survive and are more likely to reproduce than the other weaker species
The ability to produce offspring that survive Fitness
All members of species die Extinct
Charles Darwin'second book Descent of man
Exscuse to remove god from life Justified the ideas of Marx and Hitler Place cause of sin on nature not people Effects of Darwinism
Revealed to be a hoax in 1953 Piltdown man
Entire Body came from pigs tooth Nebraska Man
Very similiar to modern Apes Ramapithecus
First link in change toward humans Lucy
Either fully human or fully Ape Java Man and Peking Man
Human fossils with heavy brows and sloping forheads; found in Germany Neanderthal man
Evolutionists now admit he is identical to modern man Cro-Magnon Man
Life coming from non-living substances Abiogenisis
Where did first life come from? Evolution tjrough natural selection assumes life to already exists
A hypothetical vertical slice of the earth crusts that shows a simple to complex sequence of fossils; Has never been found Uses curcilur reasoning Geologic collumn
Remains of an exinct organism that supposedly lived during a certain time of evolution. Index fossill
Based on the fact that atoms of certain elements break down into atoms of other elements at fast rates. Radiometric dating
Blending of Darwin's theory of natural selection & De Vrie's theory of mutations Mutation Selection theory (Neo-Darwinism)
Problems with the mutation theory! Mutations are rare and random! mutations must occur in the reproductive cells to be passed on. Mutations are harmful or neutral not good!This idea is impossible
A fossil that connects one kind of organism with another kind by a series of tiny steps Transitional forms
There are none of these? Transitional forms
Evolution occurs in sudden spurts followed by long periods without noticeable change. Puncuated equilibrium
Organs of similiar structure that are found in different organisms Homologous structures
An organ which no longer has a function. Vestigual stucture
A literal interpretation of The Bible ( Each Day morning and Evening was a 24 hour period of time)Often called young earth creationists Short-Day theory
A mixture of the Bible and evolution. Tries to interpret biblical statements to support evolution as God's method of creation Theistic Evolution
Holds that each of the seven days in Genesis were long periods of time or ages Day age theory
The earth is millions of years old and that at particular moments in time, God created new creatures Progressive creation
Trying to interpret Genesis in literary light. The amount of time and order of events doesn't matter Framework Hypothesis
Holds that there was a long period of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 Gap theory
Earth before the flood Antideluvian
Earth after the flood Postdeluvian
Many types of fossils require the organism to be buried very quickly and be placed under pressure Fossil Formation
Classifying organisms into groups based on similarities Taxonomy
Artificial classification system based on observable characteristics was made by who? Aristotle
Swedish naturalists who made a new classification system in the mid-1700's Carolus Linnaues
Kingdom phylum class order family genus species Today's system of classification
Each group can be divided into several groups on the next lower level Rules for hierarchy
6 Kingdoms Kingdom Eabacteria Kingdom Archaebacteria Kingdom protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Planteor Kingdom Animalia
1st name 2nd name Binomial Normenclature Naming system proposed by Lanneus
Each organism is given a ?? Genus and a species name
Genus needs to be? Caps and underlined
Each Species needs to be? Caps and underlined
A population of organisms that is similiar but has variations. Species.
The natural groups of organisms established by God. Biblical Kind
The formation of new Species. Speciation
The adjustment of an organism to an environment which it is not accustomed Adaptaion
De'Vrie Created Mutation selection
Belief that you can tell the future by looking back into the pasts Uniformatarianism by Charles lyell
Created by: Kyle Witt
Popular Biology sets




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