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terms on protists and some other stuff

protist A eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as an animal, plant, or fungus.
autotroph An organism that makes its own food.
cilia The hairlike projections on the outside of cells that move in a wavelike manner.
contractile vacuole The cell structure that collects extra water from the cytoplasm and then expels it from the cell.
eukaryote An organism whose cells contain nuclei.
flagellum A long, whiplike structure that helps a cell to move.
heterotroph An organism that cannot make its own food.
multicellular Consisting of many cells.
parasite An organism that lives inside or on another organism and takes food from the organism in or on which it lives.
protozoans An animal-like protist.
pseudopod A “false foot” or temporary bulge of the cytoplasm used for feeding and movement in some protozoans.
spore A tiny cell that is able to grow into a new organism.
unicellular Consisting of only one cell.
algae Plantlike protists.
facts about Kingdom Protista ALL are eukaryotes MOST are unicellular; THIRD kindom to evolve EXTREMELY diverse, i.e. "Odds and Ends" or "Junk" Kingdom; 3 main categories; some are heterotrophs, some are autotrophs, some are both
What are the three main categories of Kingdom Protista? Plant-like, animal-like, and fungus-like
What are the three types of protozoans Sarcodines, ciliates, and flagellates.
What are the six types of algae? Diatoms, dinoflagellates, euglenoids, red algae, green algae, and brown algae
mutualism A type of symbiosis in which both partners benefit from living together.
symbiosis A close relationship between two organisms in which at least one of the organisms benefits.
pigments A chemical that produces color.
What are the types of funguslike protists? Slime molds, water molds, and downy mildews.
Where do most water molds and downy mildews live? Water and other moist places.
What type of protozoan feeds on the cells and body fluids of their host? Parisite protozoans.
Do paramecia have more than one nucleus? yes
What do amoeba use for movement? pseudopods
What do paramecium use for movement? cilia
What do flagellate use for movement? flagella
Are euglena unicellular or multicellular? unicellular
What are the two ways euglena get their food? Photosynthesis and absorbing it.
Where would you find a euglena? In quiet ponds or puddles.
What detects light in the euglena? The eyespot.
What the function of the pellicle? To help keep the cells shape.
How does the amoeba reproduce? Usually by binary fission.
What is the eating process of the amoeba? They extend a pseudopod on each side of the food particle. The two pseudopods then join together, trapping the particle inside.
What is the difference between the endoplasm and the ectoplasm? The endoplasm is the darker cytoplasm that is found toward the interior of the protozoan while the ectoplasm is the clear part of the cytoplasm found near the cell membrane.
Where would you find an amoeba? In ponds or puddles, sometimes humans.
Where can you find a paramecium? In fresh and marine water containing bacteria, and decaying matter.
What is the function of the macronucleus? To control most of the metabolic functions of the cell.
What is the function of the micronucleus? It's involved primarily in reproductive and hereditary functions.
What are the names of the two nuclei paramecium have? The macronucleus and the micronucleus.
What would happen if paramecium didn't have contractile vacuoles? They would lyse (burst).
How does undigested food leave the paramecium? It leaves through the anal pore.
facts about plant-like protists some are unicellular, some are multicellular; autotrophs, though some can be heterotrophs under certain conditions and some are completely heterotrophic; BIG producers of oxygen; FYI green algae is closely related to plants (bothe have chloroplasts).
facts about animal-like protists ALL one celled; ALL heterotrophs; MOST move; grouped by MOVEMENT/LIFE STYLE (i.e. pseudopods, cilia, flagella, parasites)
facts about fungus-like protists Heterotrophs, like to decompose; cell walls; some unicellular, some multicellular, some giant cell with many nuclei; spores for reproduction; often BRIGHT COLORED
Trypanosoma causes African sleeping sickness
Plasmonia causes malaria
Gonyaulax causes red tide
Popular Biology sets




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