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Physio. Chpt 4 Revie

Sapulpa Anatomy, Chapt. 4 Review

The cutaneous membrane skin
two major categories of body membranes are epithelial and connective.
a membrane that lines the capsule surrounding a joint. synovial
a membrane that is filled with fluid to decrease friction. serous
always a paired membrane serous
a serous membrane that surrounds the heart Pericardium
a serous membrane that surrounds the lungs. Pleura
a serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and surround the abdominal organs. Peritoneum
membrane that has epithelia modified for absorption and/or secretion, occasional secretion of mucus and provides moistness. mucous
The outermost layer of the skin is composed of which type of tissues Stratified squamous epithelium
protein that provides a water repellent and toughening quality to the skin is/are keratin
major layers of the skin are dermis and epidermis
Hair, nails, and the outer layer of the skin are made mostly of a tough waterproof protein called keratin
In the skin, arrector pili muscles are found mainly in the dermis
Sebaceous glands secrete oil
The papillary layer anchors the epidermis to the dermis
The structure that contracts to cause "goose bumps" is the arrector pili muscle
The toughened outer portion of the hair is termed the cuticle
The type of tissue making up the bulk of the dermis is dense connective tissue
When assessing the extent of burns on the body using the rule of nines, the anterior and posterior trunk represents about what percentage of the body 36%
What vitamin is synthesized in the skin vitamin D
When you scratch your skin, what comes off as white flakes stratum corneum
What condition is a staphylococcus infection characterized by pink, fluid-filled, raised lesions, usually around the mouth and nose, which develop a yellow crust and eventually rupture Impetigo
Sebaceous glands are usually associated with hair follicles
The deepest layer of the epidermis is called the stratum basale
The epidermis and dermis are normally firmly connected together. However, a burn or friction may cause these layers to separate, which results in a(n): blisters
The thick proximal nail fold is commonly called the cuticle
What are the two types of sweat glands eccrine and apocrine
What chronic condition is characterized by reddened epidermal lesions covered with dry, silvery scales? Psoriasis
What kind of membrane is composed of connective tissue but no epithelial cells? Synovial
one layer of a serous membrane that cover the outside an organ in the ventral body cavity. visceral layer
one layer of a serous that lines a specific portion of the of the ventral body cavity. parietal layer
baldness alopecia
most severe type of burn third degree
a burn that may produce blisters second degree
a sunburn first degree
most severe type of skin cancer. malignant melanoma
least malignant and most common skin cancer basal cell carcinoma
Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color and Diameter ABCD rule
cutaneous gland that empty into hair follicles. apocrine
infection of the sebaceous glands acne
blood vessel that generally appear to be red artery
blood vessel that generally appear to be blue vein
a bluish coloration of the skin caused by deficient oxygenation of blood cyanosis
Inflammation of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands boil
what type of tissue does the hypodermis consist of? adipose
location of melanocytes stratum basale
serous membrane that covers the outer surface of the small intestines visceral peritoneum
serous membrane that lines the wall of the abdominal cavity. parietal peritoneum
Chevy Lumina Goes Slow Backwards corneum, lucidum, granulosum, spinosum and basala
allergic reaction caused by skin exposure to chemicals contact dermatitis
layer of skin that no blood supply of it own. epidermis
epidermal cell that are actively mitotic and replace superficial cells that are continually rubbed off. stratum basale cells
sebaceous glands are important for: keeping skin soft and flexible
triggers male pattern baldness age
water-proof protein in skin keratin
part of hair that projects from the surface of the scalp or skin shaft
avascular region epidermis
accounts for most of the epidermis stratum corneum
structure that houses a hair hair follicle
sweat gland (aka) sudoriferous glands
stratum basale (aka) stratum germinativum
Pacinian corpuscles deep pressure receptors.
Meissners corpuscle superficial touch receptors
free nerve endings pain receptors
sudoriferous glands secrete sweat
major skin area where derivatives (nails and hair) reside dermis
A protein that makes the dermis tough and leather-like. collagen
superficial layer of the dermis papillary
layer of the skin that has elastic and collagenic fibers. dermis
how a physician estimates the volume of fluid lost in severely burned patient. rule of nine
where does mitosis of hair occur matrix
What is the first threat of life of a 3rd degree burn patient. lost fluids
membrane found in the respiratory tract Mucous
membrane found around the heart, lungs and abdominal organs. serous
membrane of the skin cutaneous
membrane of the joints synovial
layer of epidermis that produce new cells stratum basale
Cells that give your skin pigment from yellow to brown to black. melanocytes
largest organ of the body skin
the system your skin is part of integumentary
Created by: osucowboyup
Popular Science sets




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