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Mod 1B A&P Ch. 1

An introduction to the Structure and Function of the Body (DL)

Anatomy Bodily structure of an organism and the relationship of its parts.
Physiology The study of living organisms and their parts.
Dissection The principle technique used to isolate and study the structural components or parts of the human body.
Pathology The scientific study of disease. Uses principles of anatomy and physiology to determine the nature of particular disease.
Organization It is how the parts of a body are organized and how they might logically fit together into a functioning whole.
Chemical Level Atoms and molecules. The level of the body's organization that includes atoms and molecules; the chemical substances that make up the body's structure.
Organism An individual living thing.
Cells The smallest "living" units of structure and function in the body.
Tissues An organization of many cells that act together to perform a common function. (More complex than cells)
Organs A group of several different kinds of tissues arranged so that they can act together as a unit to perform a special function. (Larger and even more complex than tissues).
Systems An organization of varying numbers and kinds of organs arranged so that they can together perform complex functions for the body. (Most complex units that make up the body).
Anatomical Position (Definition) Term used to help give meaning to the use of directional terms used to describe the regions and parts of the body.
Anatomical Position Body Erect or standing posture,arms at side with palms turned forward, head faces forward, feet forward, slightly apart.
Directional Terms Used to describe relative positions of body parts
Supine The body is lying face upward; (position of the body when it is not in the anatomical position)
Prone The body is lying face downward; (position of the body when it is not in the anatomical position)
Superior Toward the head; or upper/above
Inferior Toward the feet; or lower/below
Anterior Front or in front of
Posterior Back or in back of
Ventral Front or anterior; toward the belly
Dorsal Back or posterior; toward the back
Medial Toward the midline of the body
Lateral Toward the side of the body or away from its midline.
Proximal Toward or nearest the trunk of the body or nearest the point of origin of one of its parts.
Distal Away from or farthest from the trunk or the point of origin of a body part.
Superficial Nearer the surface.
Deep Farther away from the body surface.
Planes Sections of the body.
Sagittal A lengthwise plane running from front to back that divides the body or any of its parts into right and left sides.
Frontal A lengthwise plane running from side to side that divides the body or any of its parts into anterior and posterior (front and back) portions.
Transverse A horizontal plane that divides the body or any of its parts into upper and lower portions.
Ventral Cavity One of the two major body cavities; includes the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities.
Thoracic Cavity The space that one may think of as the chest cavity.
Mediastinum The mid-portion of the thoracic cavity.
Pleural Cavity The right and left portions of the thoracic cavity.
Abdominopelvic Cavity The abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity together. (These two cavities form one cavity because no physical partition separates them.
Diaphragm The muscular sheet; an actual physical partition that seperates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. (Most important muscle for breathing).
Four Quadrants (Definition) The quandrants that anatomists divided the abdominopelvic cavity into, to make it easier to locate organs in the abdominopelvic cavity. (Right upper/superior, right lower/inferior, left upper/superior and left lower/inferior).
Abdominal Regions Nine topographic subdivisions of the abdomen determined by four imaginary lines configured in a tic-tac-toe pattern.
Hypochondriac Regions The left and right upper regions of the abdominopelvic cavity; lie above an imaginary line across the abdomen at the level of the ninth rib cartilages.
Epigastric Region The upper middle region of the abdominopelevic cavity; lie above an imaginary line across the abdomen at the level of the ninth rib cartilages.
Middle Regions The right and left lumbar regions and the umbilical region; lie below an imaginary line across the abdomen at the level of the ninth rib cartilages and above an imaginary line across the abdomen at the top of the hip bones.
Lumbar Regions The left and right middle regions of the abdominopelvic cavity.
Lower Regions The right and left iliac regions and the hypogastric region; lie below an imaginary line across the abdomen at the level of the top of the hip bones.
Iliac (inguinal) Region The left and right lower regions of the abdominopelvic cavity.
Cranial Cavity The space inside the skull that contains the brain.
Spinal Cavity The space inside the spinal column that contains the spinal cord.
Dorsal Cavity The cranial and spinal cavities.
Axial The portion of the body that consists of the head, neck, and torso or trunk. (one of the two major portions of the body).
Appendicular The upper and lower extremities of the body. (one of the two major portions of the body).
Atrophy The degenerative process of a decrease in size or wasting away of many body organs and tissues that affects the structure and function of many body areas as one advances through older adulthood
Homeostasis Needed for survival, body maintains a relatively consistent internal environment, internal environment must maintain a stable temperature (AKA- "relative constancy" of the internal environment)
Feedback Loop A type of control system in the body; body becomes chilled, temperature sensors feed information to the control center in the brain that compares actual body temperature to normal body temperature.
Sensor Detects the change in temperature.
Control Center Part of the feedback loop that puts together preprogrammed information with actual sensed information which then possibly sends out a signal to an effector to change the variable.
Negative Feedback Opposes, or negates a change in a controlled condition.
Positive Feedback Controls loops that are stimulatory; amplifies or reinforces a change that is occurring.
Created by: ROSSMIBOA
Popular Biology sets




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