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1st Nine Wks. Review

What are organisms that do not contain a nucleus or organelles? Prokaryotic Cells
What are organisms that do have a nucleus and organelles? Eukaryotic Cells
Name two kingdoms that are prokaryotic? Bacteria and Archea
Name four kingdoms that are eukaryotic? Protists, Fungi, Plant and Animal
Control center for cell Nucleus
Holds the DNA for the cell Nucleus
Provides energy for animal and plant cells Mitochondria
Photosynthesis occurs here Chloroplast
Digests old worn out organelles Lysosomes
Produces proteins in cells Ribosomes
Jelly-like substance that the organelles float in within the cell Cytoplasm
Packages proteins into a useable form for the cell Golgi apparatus (Body)
Who gave cells their name and why? Hooke did because he said they looked like the monks’ bedrooms
Which cell organelle contains chlorophyll? Chloroplasts
The three parts of the cell theory are: All living things are made of cells, cells are the basic units of life and cells can only come from other cells
Prokaryotic cells lack these two things Nucleus and organelles
Eukaryotic cells have these two things Nucleus and organelles
Two examples of eukaryotic cells are Plant and Animal Cells
Where does cellular respiration take place in the cell? Mitochondria
Who is the Father of Taxonomy? Carolus Linnaeus
Naming system developed by Linnaeus to classify living organisms. Binomial nomenclature
What's missing? Kingdom, phylum, class, order, ________, genus, species family
Which two of the three are most closely related? Acer rubrum, Huris rubrum, Acer titum Acer rubrum and Acer titum because they share the same genus name
Scientific name is composed of the ___ and___. Genus and species
List the six kingdoms. Plant, Animal, Fungus, Arachaea, Bacteria and Protist
Seaweed, algae and other forms of microscopic life belong to the kingdom Protists
The kingdom that contains organisms that are multicellular and undergo photosynthesis is Plant
Mushrooms, mold, yeast and mildew belong to this kingdom Fungus
Life that can exist in sewage and deep ocean thermal vents belong to _____ kingdom. Archaea
Illnesses such as strep throat and chronic bronchitic belong to _____ kingdom. Bacteria
A specific organism can have many common names but only one Scientific Name
When body cells divide, this is called mitosis
How does a cell prepare for mitosis? The DNA copies itself during interphase
What does mitosis produce? Two genetically identical daughter cells
Organism grow and develop because their cells Divide during mitosis
After mitosis, the number of chromosomes in a daughter cell is the same as the number in the parent cell
What is the name of the stage in mitosis where the DNA is in a thread-like form? Interphase
What is the ultimate goal of mitosis? To divide the nucleus and produce two new cells
The two structures that send out spindle fibers to attach to the chromatids are Centrioles
A chromosome is made of two Chromatids
What are the four stages of mitosis? Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
At what stage of mitosis do the chromosomes first appear? Prophase
At what stage of mitosis do the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell? Metaphase
At what stage of mitisos do the chromatids pull away from each other? Anaphase
At what stage of mitosis, do new nuclear membranes form around the newly split chromosomes? Telophase
What is it called when the cytoplasm divides and the cell completely splits in two? Cytokinesis
If a cell has 8 chromosomes and undergoes mitosis, how many chromosomes are in the two daughter cells? 8 chromosomes - the daughter cells are exact copies of the parent cell
When water crosses the cell membrane, this is called? Osmosis
Molecules move from areas of ____ concentration to areas of _____ concentration Moves from areas of high to areas of low concentration
When perfume is sprayed in a room and the scent fills the area, this is called Diffusion
Latin prefix "Chloro" means green
Latin prefix "Bio" means life
Latin prefix "Bi" means Two
Latin prefix "Chromo" means Color
Latin prefix "Stasis" means Condition of, state of
Latin prefix "Inter" means Among
Latin prefix "Cyte" means Cell
Latin prefix "Homo" means Equal, the same
Latin prefix "Soma" means Body
Latin prefix "Pro" means Before, ahead of
Created by: connie.hambey
Popular Biology sets




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