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CA Early Infancy

Habituation attention decreases after 1st exposure
dishabituation slight change in original stimulus, increases attention
reflexes automatic responses, usually disappear within a few months while some return as more complex behavior, evolution, absence of reflex could mean brain damage
babinski reflex curl toes, putting feet on ground
moro reflex loud noise or dropped feeling
palmar grasping reflex grip so tight, can lift a kid up by his fingers
rooting reflex turn toward cheek being stroked
stepping reflex start stepping when being controlled walking
imitation can imitate simple expressions on the human face, opening mouth and sticking out tongue,
smiling biological & social
biological smiling during REM sleep, same brain patterns as when awake
social smiling learn from environment, interaction and feedback needed, critical period
biological-maturation natural biological stages, brain matures over time, shift from reflex to coordinated movement
environmental learning classical and operating conditioning
classical conditioning neutral stimulus associated with another stimulus leading to a reflexive response, pavlov with bell
operant conditioning behavior followed by a stimulus that will influence the probability of the behavior occurring again
reinforcement increase behavior
punishment decrease behavior
constructivist biological-maturation, environmental influence and child's effect on the environment
Paiget schemas, assimilation, accommodation
schemas born with schemas, become more complex
assimilation add information to existing schemas
accommodation does not fit so need new categories
Stages sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
cultural context cultural variations, mothers contribution, culutural designs for living, active contribution of others
Popular Psychology sets




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