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Child Language Dev

Study stack for CAS 311 final exam.

pragmatics Language use in context; the conventions that govern the way we use language to communicate
locution The actual words that are said when making a speech act
ilocutionary force Purpose of your words
perlocution the effect of your words on the listener
discourse Continuous stretch of language that's longer than a sentance
Grice's Mazims Rules of conversation--you feel uncomfortable if they are broken
Maxim of Quantity Provide neither too much nor too little information
Maxim of Quality Speak truely, do not say what is false
Maxim of Manner Be clear, brief, and orderly
Maxim of Relation/Relevance To be relevant in comments
sociolinguistics The relation between language and society
registers Varieties of language according to their use in social situations
collective monologues Children practicing speech or helping children guide their behavior the way adults do in their head
scripts Conversations with peers; playing "school" "grocery store" "hospital"
Black English Vernacular A dialect of English that differs in phonology, syntax, verb aspect (not in SE), and plural marking
pidgin A simplified language which develops when two cultures come together with different languages, and they try to communicate with each other
creole A pidgin language that becomes the first language of a group of children: inclusion of syntax, morphemes, etc
oralist hearing aids and teching lip reading
total communcation speak english sentances and syntax and sign along with it
cued speech Lipreading and speaking with signs to help distringuish between phonemes and vowels
ASL American Sign Language
language transfer The role of the native language in language aquisition; the theory that second language learners have trouble where the new language differs from the native one
interlanguage A second language learner's version of the target language which has it's own set of rules different from both languages
echolalia The immediate and involuntary repetition of words or phrases just spoken by others, often a symptom of autism
simultaneous acquisition Developing two langauges before the age of three
sucessive acquisition Developing second language after the age of five
language mixing/code-switching Many child (and adult) bilinguals mix their language quite a bit
Karmiloff-Smith 3 stages of discourse Expiriments describing a, story in pictures-> 4-5: 1-1 mapping picture to picture, lots of details, pointing to pictures. 6-7: Sense of story with an understanding of the theme. 8-9: Add more adjectives and details that make it more interesting
Bellinger--mother/child and blocks As the children age, mothers are more indirect in their requests for the children to put away the blocks.
Shatz & Gelman (1973) Children use child-directed speech
Payne (1980) Family with 4 kids moves midwest->Phily. 5 years. 3, 5, 6, 8. 5&6 got Phily accent soonest. Just starting school.
Labov (1970) Proposed 3 stages: 1) up to 5 yrs->children most influenced by parents' accent. 2) 5-12->children start learning the dialect of their peers. 3) 14-15+-children may learn a different dialect from their peers if the dialect of their peers is not presitgious
Bohannon & Stanowicz (1988) Parents and nonparents talking to children: 90% parents immitations after child says something correct, 70% parents correct immitations followed an error
Goldwin-Meadow & Feldman (1977) Home signs: deaf kids w/ hearing parents make up words up to the level of 2 word order
Newport & Supalla Studied deaf children learning SNL ad different ages. Linear decline in performance as age increased.
Johnson & Newport (1989) 46 Chinese and Korean speakers coming to the US at different times. Test: judge 300 sentances for grammaticality. 1) Before 6-7, 100% correct. 2) up to puberty there's a gradual decline but otherwise very well. 3) After puberty random, but worse
Gardners (1965) Washo. Raised w/ child taught SNL. 160 signs. "water bird"?
Terrace (1980) "Nim Chimpsky" learned 125 signs. Discovered that chimps don't learn langauge the way children do. Repetitive sentances. Direct immitations. Iconic signs similar to in wild. Intention was to get food or things. Don't get syntax, don't extrapolate.
Snow & Hoefnagel-Hohle (1978) Very young children don't learn the language as quickly the first 6mos.-year. 12-15 improved the most, 2-3 improved more.
Voterra & Teaschner (1978) Bilinguals form birth: 1) 1 system, a mix 2) they separate out the words 3) they separate out the syntax
Eilers & Oller (2003) Studied Bilinguals in Miami (Cuben ed. elite w/ high SE status) & Spanish respected. Eng. immers/bilingual ed. Found some difs b/w bi&monolings, 2 langs not just as easy as 1 if learning Eng at school. (see notes)
Pearl & Lambert (1962) F-E bilinguals in Canada have fine cognative development.
Lenneberg (1967) Chars of biologically-triggered behavior. 1) immergence not conscious dec. 2) not triggered by external events (internal) *3)seems to be some kind of critical period 4) comes in stages the same for all children 5) direct teaching and practice little help
Brown & Hanlon (1970) parents correct children's content mistakes all the time, and grammatical mistakes less frequently
Created by: sixleaf
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