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AP Psych Chapter 4


Developmental Psychology A branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span.
Zygote The fertilized egg - it enters a 2-week period of rapid cell division and then develops into an embryo.
Embryo The developing human organism from about 2 weeks after fertilization through the second month.
Fetus The developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by a pregnant woman's heavy drinking - in severe cases, symptoms include noticable facial mis-proportions.
Teratogens Agents, such as chemicals and viruses, that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and cause harm.
Rooting Reflex A baby's tendency, when touched on the cheek, to open the mouth and search for the nipple.
Maturation Biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior, relatively unifluenced by experience.
Schema A concept or framework that organizes and interprets information.
Assimilation Interpreting one's new experience in terms of one's existing schemas.
Accommodation Adapting one's current understanding to incorporate new information.
Cognition All the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating.
Sensorimotor Stage In Piaget's theory, the stage during which infants know the world mostly in terms of their sensory impressions and motor activities.
Object Permanence The awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived.
Pre-operational Stage In Piaget's theory, the stage during which a child learns to use language but does not yet comprehend the mental operations of concrete logic.
Conservation The principle that properties such as mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects.
Egocentrism In Piaget's theory, the inability of the preoperational child to take another's point of view.
Theory of Mind People's ideas about their own and other's mental states - feelings, perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors.
Concrete Operational Stage In Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development during which children gain the mental operations that enable them to think logically about concrete events.
Habituation Decreasing responsiveness with repeated stimulation.
Formal Operational Stage In Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development during which people begin to think logically about abstract concepts.
Stranger Anxiety The fear of strangers that infants begin to display at about 8 months of age.
Attachment An emotional tie with another person, shown in young children by their seeking closeness to a caregiver and showing distress on separation.
Critical Period An optimal period shortly after birth when an organism's exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produces proper development.
Imprinting The process by which certain animals from attachments during a critical period very early in life.
Basic Trust According to Erik Erikson, a sense that the world is predictable and trustworthy.
Self-Concept A sense of one's identity and personal worth.
Adolescence The transition period from childhood to adulthood, extending fro puberty to independence.
Puberty The period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of reproducing.
Primary Sex Characteristics The body structures that make sexual reproduction possible.
Secondary Sex Characteristics Nonreproductive sexual characteristics, such as female breasts and hips, and male voice quality, and body hair.
Menarche The first menstrual period.
Identity One's sense of self; according to Erikson, the adolescent's task is to solidify a sense of self by testing and integrating various roles.
Intimacy In Erikson's theory, the ability to form close, loving relationships.
Menopause The time of natural cessation of menstruation.
Alzheimers Disease A progressive and irreversible brain disorder characterized by gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and physical functioning.
Cross-Sectional Study A study in which people of different ages are compared with one another.
Longitudinal Study Research in which the same people are restudied and retested over a long period.
Crystallized Intelligence One's accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends ti increase with age.
Fluid Intelligence One's ability to reason speedily and abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood.
Social Clock The culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood,and retirement.
Hospice A special place where dying people live and are looked after.
Autism A disorder that appears in childhood and is marked by deficient communication, social interaction, and understanding of others' states of mind.
Contact Comfort/Contact Touch Comfort derived from an infant's physical contact with the mother or caregiver. Harry Harlow is credited with the creation of this idea.
Authoritarian Parent The parent is demanding but not responsive, strict parenting.
Authoritative Parent The parent is demanding and responsive, balanced parenting. Reasoning is presented to the child for a decision when it is made. Also considered to be Democratic Parenting.
Permissive Parent The parent is responsive but not demanding, indulgent parenting.
Created by: Kingsclass
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